I have a few girl gamers on my list. I only add the ones I want to play with, I dont add them because they are girls. i have about 6 girl gamers on my list, all play all types of games, but 3 of them our real close friends the others are more of associates.I've been a member of XBL since last summer, and I've always really enjoyed jamming online against other gamers. But it occurred to me recently, that it seems to be just males who play Live. I think I may have played with/ against two females since I became a Gold Member. Now, don't get me wrong here, I realize that gaming is mainly a male-orientated sport, but meeting only two girls online in more than six months online makes me think the male to female ratio must be astronomical.
So where are all the girls?
The ratio is crazy but they are out there, just keep up the search. Some dont talk too much for the fear of these guy gamers who act like they never met a woman before.
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