I'm just worried about it lasting another 2 years and being able to play games at high settings. Eventually I will give him my PC in about 2 years time so he really just needs something to get by on for a couple of years.
freakisgood's forum posts
Well my brothers 8800gt finally craped out after I gave it too him awhile back. What a great card that was, had it since they first released.
Now onto the question I have a buddy that has a 4890 that he doesn't use any more and is willing to sell it for fifty bucks. The question is, Is the 4890 going to last with games starting to come out in dx11? Would it be better to use that fifty towards a dx 11 card or is dose the 4890 still have a couple of years left in it. He mainly plays shooters MW2, Crysis, Counter Strike.
His specs
Cpu E8500
DDR2 2gb Ram
32 Bit XP
Dead 8800gt
21in Monitor at 1650 x 1080
600w Coshair psu
I recently came into some extra cash and thought I should upgrade my video card. I'm coming from a 9800gt. I want a card that won't break the bank but will keep up with the latest games. I'm currently gaming at 1920x1080. What card with give me the most performance upgrade in relation to price?
Make no mistake, all dualcore taken from the quadcore line have faults on atleast one of the core's this IS why one or two cores were disabled to begin with, if you can live with the faults that AMD did not wan't to sell it with it's your buissines but do never exspect to unlock a crippled CPU to the full glory of the chip it was intended to be, some can be run but with minor faults, your seems like it had a larger fault.
Just feel happy that you got what you payed for, instead of wanting to win the lottery. :)
Not true at all the early Phenom 2 BE were all fully functional cores. I know I have one. There were not enough faulty cores to produce the mass supply they need at the time for their new dual cores. Its a fact that AMD disabled the cores to meet the demand of the market at start, but now its highly unlikely that all four are stable. I have unlocked the cores from day 1 and all four have no faults at all.
I have a bud of mine who saw me playing some Nascar Racing 2003 online and my pc is really overkill for the game. He really wanted to play the game but his dell only has onboard graphics from ancient times. So I was wondering what the cheapest graphics card that could run this game maxed out. Only info I could find are the min specs,
requirements Windows, 450MHz Processor, 64MB RAM, 16MB Direct3D compatible video card, 8X CD-ROM
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