Comrade_Buff, to put it simply, are u saying that I use a stopwatch to time, what time I start and finish playing a game? And when I finish playing a game, look out for the battery icon and check how many bars it has got left? Do u usually charge your psp battery at 1 bar, and my friend told me when the green light starts blinking fast, I can start to recharge already. Unlike nintendo ds the light goes red when the battery is low.
Also, regarding charging a brand new psp battery, how do we charge it the actual and proper way? Someone actually told me,
a) "pretty straightforward, pop in ur new psp batt, charge it for 10hrs, normally i jus leave it overnite, next day morning wake up switch off, taa daa, done"
or, advised by my friend,
b) "Play a few games, completely drain the battery before charging, and charge it for 2hrs. For a brand new battery.
Option a) or option b) seems to be the actual method? I agree with Rurounisaiyajin that my battery life is abnormal. Do we actually charge the battery for 10hrs and leave it overnight for most electronics products? Especially when we just bought it?
Lastly, after a normal 2hr charge when the orange light goes off, say, if I accidentally forget to turn off the plug and let it be for a while, does this mean the battery is overcharged? And will it cause further damage to the battery, and resulting in such weird battery life?
Sorry if I asked too many questions. Thanks (:
The most accurate thing you can do with testing your friend and your battery sources is running a timer and waiting until your PSP's run out of battery. The battery percentage in the Settings menu isn't much accurate at all. I, myself base my battery sources from the topright battery bars.
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