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Apparently asking a girl jokingly over facebook "hey when can I tap that?" is warrant enough for them to harass me and say something to the school. How lol this situation is.

As one friend said to me "He's pretty cool, he trolls girls IRL and doesnt afraid of anything."

Although this does sound unusual, if you had been in my presence monday night and wednesday afternoon, and knew me pretty well, you'd be loling.

Things To Do When Sick

I've been sick for the past 4 days, missing 3 days of school, and it can be a bit boring at times. So to cure such boredom (or at least postpone it) I decided to put all CD's that havent been imported yet into my iTunes.

Those on the right are the CD's already in there, those on the left are those to come, and the solitary one is that which is being put in, in this case The Essential Alice in Chains CD AKA my first AIC CD. This will take a while...

Not in the mood for much.

Not for school, not for any sort of activity, not even for gaming. I'm in a bit of a slump I assume. Hell I'm even getting drowsy at 9. Usually I'm pumped at this time, but I have no energy, and its not like I do anything to drain said energy. The only thing I can be bothered with is reading Dune and thats it, everything else is second.

But I experience these slumps from time to time, as do most if not all other people, so it will pass in a day or weeks time.

I just realised something about this years gaming selection.

It's been a rather slow, dull, monotonous and disappointing year imo. There's been hardly anything to really get excited for on my front. There was inFamous, Prototype, MadWorld and probably some other crap, but thats it. Rather depressing really. At least 2010 is looking good.

Listening to "I manens sken dog en skugga" by Pan.Thy.Monium. 21:50 minutes of death metal but also a bit of saxaphone and other instruments of the such. Rather bizarre.

Exams Be Over, Huzzah.


*someone finish the chorus*

Exams are over. Missed out on like the first 20 minutes of my History exam due to an incompetant supervisor, didnt finish the essay, but the essay was worth the same amount of 4 short answer questions, so no loss. Marks to come in during the week.

Playing Prototype and Fallout 3 now (bought FO3 today). Prototype can be finished sometime during the week or even by the end of the weekend, Fallout 3 will take some time.

I should finish The Witcher though.

Okay maybe Witcher first then Fallout 3.

Yah, Imma do that.

I have to do a deb in a few weeks, 4th of July be the specific date. Hooray for me. I'll be sure to bring back a photo of me in a suit and all that cal. Knowing my partner she's bound to have a few million photos of us, or just her, so getting them wont be a problem. Shame that I gotta cut my hair after it, but the school is getting real annoying about it.

Damn Japanese Games and Texts.

Finally got this game working.

But the program I need to translate the Japanese text is a few years old and the plugin I need doesnt work and I cant find the patch for it. And now a photo of me from my bros 21st.

Not 100% sure, but that stain on my jeans is probably vodka. Photo was taken at 3 in the morning so pardon my odd expression.

And PS, yes Air does have H scenes but is not an H game.

Millions of points for whoever can figure out what band tee I'm wearing.

How To Answer On A Politics Exam

For Example

Q: How does the US Constitution divide power? How does it compare to the Australian way?

A: Barack Obama, or the US President, shares his power with OPTIMUS PRIME! OPTIMUS PRIME, AKA Robotic Jesus, has 80% of the power while Obama has 20% of the power. Funds are used to stop Megatron.

Oh and I'm back from a 2 day suspension and celebrated my bros 21st.