It`s just a matter of doing the maths on how heavy is your media by example:
Your average picture x how many pictures you want to hold
Your average song x how many do you need to keep you entertained
In the movies department i can help you, i got The End Of Evangelion movie, it`s 649 MB and lasts over an hour and half i think, and it`s DVD Quality i`ll check it out after my PSP is done downloading something from the PSN Store, i`ll come back,
So to give you an idea of how much entertainment it holds well, i have over 500 pictures, like 60 Songs, about 20 short videos, 1 Movie, over 10 demos and it had left like 2 Gigs, but i`ll check out in a few moments.
OK after some movements it ended up like this:
Pictures about 500
Music: 60 Tracks ( just my favorite ones)
Movies And Video : 19 Short videos and 1 Movie ( 1:25, 650 MB) about 2 Hours of video total.
Games/Demos: 20 Demos, some are heavy, like 400 MB, some very light, like 40 MB
I still have left like 700 MB, not too bad for my Need, i keep in mind that my PSP is mainly for Gaming.
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