Both are great, but if you want replayability, you should get Fallout 3, there are many great things to find, etc. But if i were you, i would get ME and Fallout.rmfd341Yeah, I was thinking about getting Fallout for Christmas and just buys ME on steam, but I don't wanna have 2 at once or wear out the genre. So which one should I play first?
frostedwheats' forum posts
Wow thanks, that build seems to be working better for my play style.Make a new character. Magic really isn't a good thing to specialize in for this game, so you should start again and make a jack-of-all-trades kind of skillset. Here's what I would recommend for your first character:
Race: Dark Elf OR Imperial (Dark Elves are better if you want to use weapons and magic in battle; Imperials can do magic on the side and focus on weapons) Birthsign: The Mage OR The Atronach OR The Warrior (The Mage gives you more magic points so you can cast more spells faster. The Atronach gives you a ton of magic points, but the magic meter doesn't recharge unless an enemy hits you with a spell. The Warrior boosts your Strength and Endurance, which is good if you want to be more focused on weapons.)Specialization: Combat (Use this even if you're going to be using spells, since the Magic spec. will make you effective in all types of magic and you don't need that unless you're going to exclusively use magic.)Attributes: Strength and Willpower OR Strength and Endurance (Same drill: first one is for combined weapons/magic; second one is for mainly weapons.) Skills: Blade, Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Restoration (Those are the ones I recommend for both magic/weapons and mostly weapons, so pick the other 3 skills according to what you want to specialize in. If you're going with magic/weapons, you'd do well with Destruction, Alteration, and Illusion. For mainly weapons, I'd pick Block, Blunt, and Destruction.) Here's a little generator you can mess around with to try different combinations of stuff.Cherokee_Jack
Also What should i be focusing on as a Nord/Mage/Battlemage. I noticed picking a nord was kinda silly later on, but i also heard that what you pick doesnt really matter.
And thanks guys I really wanna get into this game.
there's probably a wikipedia guide or something. check there. this game really isn't for everyone... and fifty dollars?! why?nicknees93
I couldnt find the regular edition, there was only goty. Which has shivering isles and knights of the nine.
Oblivion is very much a sandbox game. If you enjoy highly linear games (and there's nothing wrong with that), then you probably won't like Oblivion. Try going through the thieves or Dark Brotherhood quests (spend jail time or randomly kill an innocent). Killing someone can actually get you access to both. The mage guild is also fun. I found all three of those plot lines much funner than the Fighter's guild. Be sure to level up, explore, and TALK TO NPC's. They'll usually give you access to some interesting stuff.
Leveling by fighting things? Are there trainers? Should I have other spells and why dont they do much damage?
The only rpg ive played is wow, and it seems alot different.
Okay so I bought oblivion for 50 bones, and I don't know if I don't understand the game fully.
Like I fell very lost when I play it and that im just running around and hacking **** up. I'm a battlemage and im fighting like a warrior because my fireball spell does **** damage. So I have blown the first oblivion gate up and now I'm join the fighters guild and doing a few contracts and it dawns on me that its very boring. I really don't feel like I'm playing it correctly, i mean when i watch videos it looks really fun but when i play i just swing my sword and try to use the fire ball that does zero damage.
That was just a random splurge of how I'm feeling, I'm really tired, advice would be much appreciated
The game looks fun and I hope I can get into it.
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