Yeah thats what I do. Reading so of the reviews tho same to put it as, you only use the Vita to play your PS4. where I think the idea is to use it if you cant use a big TV to get you fix till you can get back on the TV
frosty_shark's forum posts
Hi All
So finally got myself a PS4 and I already had a Vita.
I have been looking round at the remote play stuff and the fact that almost all reviews of this feature say its rubbish and that you don't get the same experience as you do with the DS4 and a big TV.
Well of course your not going to get the same experience!!! but the fact that I can now play on my PS4 when my wife wants to watch TV is amazing!!
What are your though on this?
Hi All
Just a quicky, can you remote play with 2 PS Vitas at the same time?
So if me and my bro want to have a local game of Fifa but cant use the TV can we use the Vita's?
Oh yeah, as for a real answer.
Just go with the platform with the exclusive franchises you're interested in.
My personal opinion? Get a PS4. Why? Both of these systems will mostly share the same library. Chances are, the PS4 will have the better versions of most multiplats... plus Sony tends to deliver more exclusives. Most of their 1st party offerings may not be that great, but eh, neither are MS's. And hey, Sony does have the occasional 1st party gem.
I hate to recommend either system at the moment, they're both lagging on compelling games. They should both be hitting their stride by this time next year though.
It is a bit of a crappy rule but hay ho.
Think it will be a PS4 not into Halo really although I did enjoy that game. Plus the Vite remote play is a massive thing after thinking about it as my wife and kid like to watch X Factor it mean I can sit and shoot some bad guys! haha
I think both consoles will do well in the next 12 month and if i had enough money I would get both.
Thanks Guys!! :-)
get a PS4, if you have the Vita, its a nice feature. Unless you are into Halo / racers games, PS4 will be great for you.
fixed that for you
haha, seriously though, the PS4 has the same multiplats as the one, he already has a vita so it seems the obvious choice in this case. Games should be the decider though, if he likes FPS, he will probably prefer XB1 controller. PS4 controller is really good, but the triggers still not perfect . thumbsticks are really smooth though
Its the Vita feature that is sort of pushing me to the PS4 as you said most games these days are cross platform. I have played on both system
and the pads although different in feel I feel pretty conformable with both.
Hi All
SO before I start I don't want people slagging either console off!!
I am looking into buying a PS4 or a Xbox 1. I was thinking about the Wii U but for some reason it doesn't appeal to me.
So been doing so research on both console are very impressive. I am thinking a PS4 as I have a Vita and like the idea of Remote play. both have some great game and I am into FPS and games like Tomb Raider something with a challenge and that makes me feel like I am getting my moneys wroth.
What are your thoughts?
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