hi all! am a big fan of Survival horror game! like RE and silent hill. av just got a 360 and i only have 1 game burnout paradise great game got it for 11 pound!!!!! anyway i really want a survival horror game bt dont know what to get some help please!! thanks
hi all. got a 360 the other day and and i was playing fifa 08 and my 360 wen off and i had 3 ligths!!! so i was like s**T!!!!!!!!!!!! i knock it off and switch it back on and it works fine! anyone have any idea what happen? bin told there could have bin a power dip or a surge?
you must be out of your little mind! iv played PES2008 on the xbox and it suck its so slow! with the wii you have total control! have to agree with you on the defence part pt hay all games have there bad parts and the online could have bin better bt at least its there! over all i dont think i could play a football game any other way!!!!!!
Most people say you cant use the wheel online if you play to win...it doesnt work as well as the classic controller or NGC controller...just so you know.jfkunrendered
thats not true! i use the wheel online all the time and i win almost every race!
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