am sure they'll get it right. it will be intresting to see if they go the same route as fifa in terms of controls. also if the include the mii and change the default view and things like that. and i read somewhere that EA did some reserch on straping the remote to ya foot and they they got it working raely well bt scraped it because people were getting sore knees. hope Konami do their own reserch on this as it sound really cool.
i agree. i love the game on the other consoles. and i dont think it will change much in terms of gameplay bt if they dont got the controls right it will have a big impact on the game.
i dont think its a bad idea. i think tho they wud have to bring out some pedelsto pt over it the board so when you push the pedel it pt presure on the board.
we all need to look at the bigger pic. you could use the board with games like tony hawk and skying games etc. ok i admit wii fit will suck and blow bt if they use it in other games and do it right it could rock.
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