tru that. i guess it comes down to this..... if the move is amazing then it worth the money. wat we all need to much more proof that its worth the price. n i say the same for kinect
i disagree. what standards have really changed bsides graphics? if a gameis fun than its good to go. if a game is bad its not cuz the standards changed, its because it simply wasnt fun. for example: all halo campaigns.
360 wins hands down. Remember as time goes on games devalue. A PS1 game with the score of 9 is nothing compared to a 360 game with a 9. Times have changed and so have standards. Esoteric_Proxy
dumbest qoute ever. so i gues the movie the godfather sucks by now? i love mario kart64 more then most xbox games. ur thinking graphic changes more then anything man. good games remain that way forever. not to mention most good games on xbox ps3 has also
gotta 2 agree with the guys that xbox is only good for online gaming. ps3 prbly has the best exclusives:gow, lbp, killzone. and the wii comes in last for me simply because nothing they make that is amazing is original, example: mario galaxy 57 (it will happen)
lol i'm fairly certain kinect only has 2 player capabilities but i mite be wrong. either way what u say isnt very well supported. e3 stage demo wasn't all that good. mite just be me.
1. dont give a crap if my gf wants to play
2. if moving around is what you want then go the hell outside. gaming about being comfortable
3. different games? really? i hope u realize that all the kniect games will be about as hardcore as most wii games.
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