@toast_burner: Depressing times where 1 random voice is apparently considered representative over the entire female population.
Reflecting the characters personality is the entire point of there being poses, it's non-verbal communication. By your logic they might as well not have poses fullstop.
Here's what one of the developers had to say about this.
It's ironic that people like you feel you have the right to dictate how a developer should make their game while simultaneously spewing nonsense about how developers are bending to the will of developers. If you truly cared about creative vision then you would accept that removing the pose was their decision, not yours.
The record will show that I dictate(d) nothing to the devs, but rather SJWs dictated to them, and they felt pressured to respond. In turn, I respond to the coercive gerrymandering with a critique.
The burden is upon you to establish how an infinitely abstract pose affirms or negates anything about the character, and not upon a generic damage-controlling-dev-response to explain the issue away for you and conveniently neutralize both sides of the issue while still supporting your own. Consider for a moment the pose in question: what does it affirm or negate beyond what the person who made the complaint claims it does? In which case, how can you argue that it ever stood as a contradiction to what devs were truly aiming for if it would have never been changed save for this emotionally charged complaint? Your tune's well has been permanently poisoned since the only details that can be proven are that some saw the character's butt-crack, claimed offense to the devs, and evoked a direct response from them as a result. Every other claim made that attempts to contextualize, rationalize, or outright deny that flow of events is a posteriori.
Their vision has been fucked with by fearmongers. Don't even bother trying to put yourself in their corner.
So the developer says that they wanted to make the change, are happy with the change, and have no plans to revert the change. But they should revert the change simply because you and a few other people complained about it? How do you not see the irony here? If they add the pose back in then that would be giving into fear mongering.
Yes the persons complaint was a bit overboard with sensationalism, but that doesn't mean they were wrong. The pose is clearly out of character and even the devs agree. Why don't you try to prove that the pose is in character? And if it is about people being offended by bums like you're trying to claim, then why aren't the complaining about the other female characters poses?
Why don't you just respect their creative vision and accept that they can change the character however they want?
It doesn't help that their response seemed nothing more than catering to a sensitive random person over there. Oh and the magazine Easter egg gag being covered up before didn't help matters either.
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