I'll have everything bought by the time they remove it. maybe even the freakin 2,000,000 cr lightning armor. I'm at 62% armor completion already. 117 million? Seriously that's to many! Cute being 117 and all but serious 50 million should do it just fine.
I agree sweet game! They need to unlock the level system already though. I'm a freakin colonel already. Tons of armor I can't even get to and it's driving me crazy!
the whole game is amazing....haters can get bent. I will say the needing an update for the leveling up is BS. What of the people who only play offline? They just get screwed out of that part of the armor collection I guess? Other than that GOTY contender easy!
I'm maxed out at Lt. Colonel. There's a lot more armor that can't be bought because my ranks not high enough. I really enjoy tweaking my character and want the carter and emile helmets. But have to wait for a freakin update. there r other ways to stop boosters and cheaters without making the clean gamers suffer. It's BS if you ask me!
Seriously?! There is armor items to unlock above the freakin max rank acheiveable. What is with that garbage Bungie? How damn long do we have to wait for items right in our face? It's just stupid!
Move aside BioWare and Bethesda, with your years of experience developing RPG's and countless awards, after one RPG and one trailer for an upcoming RPG, there is your new king!
Nah, The Witcher 1 >>> All Bathesda and Bioware RPGS this gen. And that was their debut game.. so think how awesome The Witcher 2 is going to be. Also, have you even played The Witcher?
So the Witcher is > Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age origin & awakening, Oblivion and Fallout combined? Though I haven't played The Witcher I highly doubt it's that damn good.
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