@Gelugon_baat Oh, so all of your posts are a result of this personal despising of those people? Yes, those people can be annoying, but endlessly arguing with them won't get them to change their minds. Learn to control yourself.
@Gelugon_baat @fullframework Tell them what? To vent their frustrations? They're already doing it without my involvement, and like I said, it's best to just let them do that without butting in and adding extra annoyance to the mix.
@Gelugon_baat Perhaps not, but arguing with those people endlessly isn't the best way to deal with them. Best to let them just vent their frustrations and let the moderators deal with the ones that get really out of hand.
@Gelugon_baat I see that a lot of your comments have been deleted. Apparently, even your friends at GameSpot are getting tired of you. Quite frankly, I'm not sure why they keep you on their payroll.
@RussianMeatClob Yeah, just look at his review for Two Worlds. That game might just be the most broken game I've ever played (a lot of professional reviewers agreed with me), yet he gave it a 7.
@c905492 Things like DVDs, books and music CDs fall under the same category as video games (things that aren't going to be used again after they're sold), but the producers of those items don't seem too bothered by used sales.
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