@jteagle: I own all three consoles so it doesn't matter to me which is more powerful, I just like sitting back and watching all the amusing hypocrisy and 180's ensue. As a PC guy or gal yourself, do you guys fight about anything like console people do, like AMD over Nvidia? Or is it more of a console vs PC thing? PC Master Race making fun of the console peasants and all that.
@nikon133: I appreciate the effort you put into actually typing that all out. How long do you think it will take for Microsoft and Sony to leave the original consoles behind? I can't imagine they'd want to limit the PS4 Pro and Scorpio to be compatible with the original consoles for their whole life cycles.
So according to this the PS4 Pro will have a 4.2 teraflop GPU whereas the Xbox Scorpio is supposedly going to have a 6 teraflop GPU. I wonder how the PS fanboys who keep bragging about the PS4's slight power advantage over the current XB1 are going to react. Should be amusing.
Just outsource it. I'm sure the other two titles will come to XB1 via back compat but I would totally pay to play remastered versions if they ran at higher FPS.
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