I purchased the physical copy which is 7 disks, hoping to avoid a large day one update or download. No luck, it had a 5gb update and I had no internet at the time.. Not a good start. I finally get the game going a week later. And it runs amazing, plays amazing, and generally is damn amazing. Best GTA yet for looks and feel and funny radio shit. I enjoyed it very much, one of the best games I've played in awhile. Though I do agree this game has but loads of fluff I don't care to do, and is far far too easy of a game and my over all impression was highly tainted by it's shit DRM system that requires for single player play a internet connection and log in after 24hrs, and doesn't even ask to install updates before doing so.
Things I didn't like include; The story is good but not very long. The missions are on child easy. The heists missions offer only an illusion of choice and slight changes in scenes. The side missions forgettable and often felt out of place. The extra shit like golf etc... Holds zero interest with me. The cars drive like they are all tanks and have less damage and physics then GTa 4 with it's use of the havoc engine. And the cops in the game are retarded, super slow to react to my crimes and barely act intelligently except when trying to box me in when I'm driving slow. The horrible DRM system. Oh and no field of view settings for FPS making FPS useless to me as that low of a field of view drives my eyes crazy.
Like I said I enjoyed the game and it's story but beside that and performing and looking amazing on my pc (Ubisoft should take note) I wasn't all that impressed. I'm done it and I feel zero need to go back to it. Like zero. Which is something that has never happened with me and a GTA game up until now. Maybe in a few years but If I have to install some giant update to even play the single player later down the line the inconvenience will most likely stop me from doing so. And the fact mods aren't supported is going to give me even less incentive to do so.
I should state I've never played the online. I don't have internet where I have my rig stationed and haven't had the chance. Though to be 100% honest I don't think I really care to even be bother to come back to try it. It never was a selling point for me this push for online play with what I look at as single player games, and I don't see it ever becoming a thing that sells me on a game. If anything I wish they had said **** online, and just flushed out the game a little more as I felt it really lacking in length and depth besides the main story.
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