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fusiongogeta1 Blog


man i have been busy and having a rough time as of late its been about 2 months darn i'm losing it havn't been on here for months i feel bad thinking about it well on the bright side i got wi-fi working on my ds with pokemon diamond and i finally got a xbox360 with the 2 games that come with it along with halo i already beat halo but still fun to play well sorry about not being here and all sorry hope you forgive me i'll try to think of something well since i've been on wi-fi on pokemon diamond i might put my friend code thing for that but later i'm still going a bit crazy with all thats been happening lately so laters


well its that time of the year again mine went well....might not be the best word it was funny :lol: funniest christmas i had and mostly it was with one of my nieces kiley well i never talked about my nieces on here before but i just did but i have 2 and i might have 2 more in june the month of my birthday i might be an uncle of 4 that will be harder that normal well merry christmas and talk to you tomorrow fusiongogeta1 over and out

defeated again

well i finally defeated sephorith on the hardest level i forgot what its called but the main idea is i beat him on every lv and i remember all the lvs and weapons i used them on from easy to hard first easy lv 64 weapon ultimate weapon then medium lv 48 weapon oblivion finally hard lv 47 weapon bond of flame and ps i didn't even enter the world that never was yet so when i defeated him on hard that means i got to bring fernir to fight saix and luxord along with that cutscene with Roxas well number nine kh character goes to Demyx i usually have trouble with him sometimes because i get trapped in a corner and the number 9 best bud goes to awesomeboii;5 well thats all also if they ever come out with kh 2 final mix for america don't do this if you do you will die easy fusiongogeta1 over and out

countdown to 2 things

well 2 things to countdown i've decided to do kingdom hearts characters and 10 best buds well its 2 things to do

kingdom hearts character #10 terra not much i can say about him but he seems cool to me and i seen youtube videos of people fighting him heres one of someone losing very bad he must be hard if you ask me if would take me about 2 to 3 months to finally beat him even with ultimate weapon now for best bud # 10;7 code305 wins the start of the best buds 10 which is a good start fusiongogeta1 over and out

sora theme but whats next

well my profile has a sora theme now but whats really next since the video countdown is over we need something new i'm going to allow you to pick a countdown and you pick the number maxium is 20 and don't do bands i listen to alot but i don't know the actually listen to know the bands name well decide the next countdown and think of something good video of out think of something good fusiongogeta1 over and out


well sg1 wins barly just barly ok the videos were both good but won just by a little well thats almost all comillios made me a banner but my computer is stupid and it won't show yet but it should show up soon well thats all fusiongogeta1 over and out

surprise are you ready one of these is the winner but which one it could be either of them i watched their videos when i started out here so which one well this is going to make thanksgiving a whole lot better don't you think who will win its one of these people find out tomorrow on thanksgiving fusiongogeta1 over and out and may the best one win

long story

long story on whats been happining with me lately but my computer caught a virus so we had bad luck plus i've been having alot of bad luck along with that like i said long story also i got smackdown vs raw 2009 for ps2 i've heard its better on xbox360 and ps3 but don't have them well i'm not in a good mood later fusiongogeta1 game over just kidding over and out