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Gamming season Here again!!!

Just in case you missed some of the news this week with:
Sacred 2:Fallen Angel
Dead Space
Far cry 2
Fallout 3

allready out and Red Alert 3, GTA4 and a few more bigh title on the way this month, it's time to put the books a side and start playing again.

It seems as if just yesterday CoD4 and Crysis were released and now big titles again.

My 2 biggest problems this year are again as last yea; what games can I run and what can't I, Oh weel Far Cry 2 I can't play on my system but that really doesen't matter cause Dead Space is FREACKING AWSOM: My Review and I can acctually max it on my oldie.

All tha's Left is for me to be able to Play Fallout 3 which I somewhat doubt, and RA3 which it seems I might just be able to play it.

So what are you ppl doing during this time of the year?
Also what did you think of my review of dead space.

New Laptop....

So my not so old laptop (about 6 months old) broke down on me. Weird since Gigabyte is know for reliable products.

Since it was still under the waranty I didn't touch it sent it to get fixed, about a week later the store I bought it from calls telling me My laptop has been fixed, This is probably were I should explain the problem:

One Day I opened my Laptop and it had wierd lines on the screen and it just got stuck, no CTRL+ALT+DEL nothing.

Any way I got it back with no Window's which is perfect for me since I use a specialy customized Windows named Drak Edition, Mainly cause it comes with all the drivers.

Format and at 98% blue screen and same thing again. SO now I'm angry I have t back for 1 hour and it's BROKE??? Send it back but since I know the store owner I don't yell or anything I just come and show him the problem and kindly asked that this time he install Windows so I don't get it back broke again.

Some holydays so it took a bit more than a week and he calls me to pick up the laptop saying everything is fine.

I go I take it home I open it and It's not my Laptop exact same model BUT it's brand new, anyway I instlled windows and everything is OK. New laptop :)

Well the world didn't end....

Which I'm not surprised since they only begin smashing protons in October anyway.

But that experiment must have made a black hole above my town.

Now I Finally decided to get CoD 4 since it's worth the buy and I liked the multiplayer, so I get dressed take some cash to buy the game and head to the nearest store... Guess what THEY DON'T SELL THE GAME!!! Not sold out, DON'T SELL, well their loss so I go somewhere else, Nope they don't have it, Toy's R Us they must have it... NO but They can contact me when they get it, yeah right.

No biggie Let's go to the Town Mall surely there must be one store in the MALL that sells one of the best selling games, You guessed it NO WERE IN SIGHT, only found one store that had any video games an it had games from like 7 years ago.

CoD4 you would think with that title and sales you can find it.

Well tomorrow I'm going to Haifa on some business, one can only hope that somewhere in the mall there someone MIGHT just might sell it.

Wish me luck, if I can't find it there then I'm not getting it.

When will this end?!

I just saw a FOX News piece on Mass Effect a game I found simply amazing, and I have to say WHEN WILL THIS BS END.

They stated that because of the famous Mass Effect sex scene the game is unfit for kids and should probably be burned on a stick together with the people that created it.

For those of you who haven't played or heard of Mass Effect it is a action RPG made by Bioware (Famous for very good plot evolved games), and in the game after approximately 20 hours you may or may not unlock a romantic plot that leads to a 2 minute very "soft core" and tasteful sex scene with a alien. In this scene in which they claim "Full Digital Nudity" you can see her ass and just a bit of side boobs.

Out of this comes the controversy and very BAD opinions that are un-based and un-researched They even stated they did NOT play the game but opinions they do have.

In fact the impression I got from that is that in their opinion sex "even revolved around love" is a bad and immoral act.

Do we really live in a world were the act of making love has become shameful?
Parent's try to keep their kids in a air-tight box without any actual real life. Sex and Violence are part of life and shooting ppl in a video game does not turn you in to a monster if your parents care just a bit about your education.

If what they sid was true by now I would have become a mass murderer madman. I have played they most Violent games since about 2000, thats 8 years of violence and even yes sex scenes and yet I haven't bee in a fight in well over a year and haven't started one in triple that time.

I just have to ask when will a Political figure get up and say EDUCATION NOT CENSORSHIP. I see campaign against violent games which inevitably leads to the other big problems Like piracy and disconnection between kids and parents.

Let's face it if you don't allow a kid to do anything that has violence and some sexual content by the time they are 12 or 13 they would have figuered out a way to pirate Violent games an Porn if from curiosity but from spite towards they parrent's.

On a last note IMO Mass Effect is in fact an educational game fit for any boy or girl above 14 or 15, it teaches that there is more to sex than just a physical act and that actions have impact on more then just ones self.

The Piece on Mass Effect can Be Found Here:

MX512 and Mass Effect

Hellah people,

Been a while since my last blog post.

Anyway Last night here at college this year, just some exams left and the summer vacation BABY. Might take a trip to Eilat again just for fun.

Also finnaly got my MX512 back and just like I thought they simply replaced it with a new one, so now it's back to kicking as5 and tacking names in source, in between long mass effect sessions.

I also finally beat ME after about 24 hour of gameplay. Such an amazing game only downsde is quite annoying and frequent bugs.

other than that almost hit lvl 70 in Wow (I know wow). with lots of free time between exams I might just remember to keet those of you reading this up to date.

So cya around and don't forget to buy a Mass Effect retail game from your local retailers :).

IronMan rock's!!!

Just saw yesterday Ironman the movie (go figure they had the movie may 1st) and I must say it was a great movie. I must say I allways like Robert Downey Jr. ever since i 1st saw him years ago in Ally McBeal years ago. I loved the way he play Tony Stark.

I showld say I'm not a big comics remake fan with the exeption of Transformers which I loved and Batman Returns which was pretty cool I'm not into this type of movies. But Iron Man was simply amazing. And even though I'm sure the game will be as bad as all movie based games I'l get it.

Now w8ing 4 Iron Man 2 :).

Other than that just 6 weeks of studying and 2 weeks of exams and finally I can put my 1st year behind me. Can't w8 to enroll I really have no Idea why but I really can't w8.

Heh good News at last

Well Semester 2 of 3 has begun and next week I'm already on vacation (passover) I might work during the break to get sum $ and mayB upgrade to a Dual Core seeing as socket 939 Duals are becoming extinct.

Me friend who also serves in the IAF says than anyone is eligible for sky-diving lessons as long as they work hard. good new since I always wanted to do it but no opportunities. But I still have at least a year till that so there's much to do till then...

Well I went to Ramat-David airbase to see how everything is and what ppl like me are doing. Also got to see 8 F-16I take off which was really cool.

Other than that the second semester looks really good all the new subjects are interesting and the only Professor I hated doesn't tech us anymore.

Happy Birthday's.... YAY

Well its march birthday month. More than half of my friends (including me) have their birthday this month.

Last weekend was my room-mate we wen to the beach for a hole night (like we will for all our birthdays). Had some fun and of coarse anoher friend Alex got dead drunk. The water was nice though. Too bad I didn't bring my bathing suit, well 3 more occasions :). This wee there are no birthdays however the week after there are 2 and the last week of march the last 2 mine and another friend who was even born on the same day as me. Also crazy Purim party at college on the 25th.

I missed a test today so I'll have to take it next week. still have Math and Micro test this week which I will hopefully ace since its the subjects I'm best at.

Also getting the entire BF 2 collection as soon as I get home so next week I'll start playing.

Other than that all is good just leave some replies ppl, It's like half of GS is dead lately.

A so much to do

Well its been quite q while since my last blog so here is the news.

Most of my misterms are behind me and I did pretty well with 1 exeption but i'm not too worried I'll fix that anyway.

Got my laptop and it's exactly what I wanted not good for gameimg however I do have DOTA on it for when it gets booring.
I started playing my Supreme Commander since I got it for free with my 8600GT I haven't played it. It runs a bit sloppy on my single core but it really is an amazing game speccially online though I can't play more than a 4 player game since I don't have a fast enough connection it still is loads of fun to play, had my first victories too.

Other than that my life is a mess, I'm barelly at home and with my friends either in the army or studying like me I barely see them and now I need to get a new Ventrilo sewrver so we will at least talk a bit more.

Weeks are flying like days but by the time I get to the dorms on Sunday I just want to go back home to my friends and my computer. Every day is pretty much the same now:Study,Eat see a movie,go to sleep, wake up.

Oh well I gues I have Purim to w8 for there is gonna be a huge party on campus (heard last year there were stripers :P)but thats not gonna happen this year but its still suppose to be a wild party.

Anyway I hope I'l write sum updates soon and that everything is fun with you guys...

Life is sweet

Today I just ordered my laptop.

I'm getting a GIGABYTE Santa Rosa It look very elegant. It's net very powerfull but then again I got a laptop so I Can't play computer games but to help with studying, well that and music movies and such ;). Anyway heres the rig:
Core 2 Dual 1.5Ghz
2 gig ddr2 667
160 GB hardrive
Integrated Graphics card up to 256 shared memory

Other that I started listening more and more rock mainly clasic but a bit of punk and alternative 2.

Other than that mid semester exams are almost ove just one exam left and thats in a month leaving me some time with my friends and time to have fun. I was planning to begin Boxing this week but I'm not sure I can afford it so it might hav 2 w8 for next month.
I'n the mean time I'm downlkoading Windows XP Dark Edition v6 it looks swet and works faster than regular XP too.

I deleted all my games from my comp (formted the Games drive) cause I somehow lost 5 gigs but there back now :).
All my friends are either in college like me or drafted. last week 4 of my friend were drafted 3 to artilery but 2 of them were moved to non combat Units because of all sort of phisical problems (made up problems if you get the drift ;)).

Got just 1 day hollyday on Hannucah but hey better than nothing.
Tommorow I'm back to college but till then theres still so much time left (18 Hrs).

Hope everythings Fine with all you ppl out there. and till next time cya.....

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