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gabi098 Blog

Ha what do you know there is hope..

So I got my ventrilo serv back and this time took precautions not to ever happen again.

It turnes out the x1950 isn't suplied anymore so in stead I got a ASUS GF 8600 GT which means I stay nVidia something I'm acctually glad.

my teef should be fine as long as I brush regulary

Oh well look like mad_cow was right there is a bright side of life ;)

Also a gamming update I'm back to playing gathers (not running them though) and I almost finished my noblesse quest in L2 and my clan will help me with the final boss.

All that is left is to hope it will last a few days

all good things must be ruined?

What is wrong with this world I couldn't just enjoy the new things... Nooo they had to be ruined GOD WHERE R U?

So I bought a new GFX card (PALIT radeon x1950 GT super) which got really good reviews and an extra 1gig ddr which are suppose to arrive this sunday BUT it was ruined by my dentist it seems I need a filling and that I might even have e Genetic problem that might require quite unpleasent treatment.

I saw Transormers at the cinema which turned out to be a AWSOME movie Definatly a movie to see at the cinema BUT my ventrilo server got taken over and locked and the company wont freaking awnser because its the weekend.

Its just not fair this could have easely beeen a AWSOME time but it just had to be ruined didn't it?

Updates looking good

Other than the fact that I'm EXTREMELY tired all is good just did my final exams on physics which was a total of 3 hours (electricity+ Radtion and Matter) all in all 3 hours all wen well but I'm exhausted (hope I spelled that one right)

Other than that I'm now part of a serious CSS clan my performened went up and my ingame sensitivity down (0.8) Love my pad and I also run gathers now so I'm playing a lot of it now.

Also did a new review it's been ages since my last one be sure to check it out it's a review of Halo 2 which I'm really not impresed with.

Other than that I'm still working on a Feature for the PCGU union its getting a lot bigger and much more work than I initialy thought but it's nice to see hard work pay off so I'll finish that hopefully in the near future.

so like my last blog: Thats all folks

New Mouse Pad

Just got my first online order with my new credit card.

Its a Gaming mouse pad "Steelpad Qck+"
It really feel different than any pad i'v used to date. it's also really thin and just plain HUGE (450 x 400mm (17,7 x 15,7in) - thickness 2mm (0,08in)) I imagined it would be big since i knew the numbers b4 i orderd but WOW.

Still got some game testing to do but really feel good.


Well after 3 says My hangover is finally OVER back to my old self.

Its been a while since my last blog post so heres what been happening:

Well 3 night ago we had our graduation party. In israel not many schools do proms and we decided to have a performence folloewed by a "after-party" at a club.
It really didn't cost much and we had so much fun!!!
The performence was nice but not to my taste but it was mostly a show for our parrents anyway so it was cool. what followed however was totally crazy. Imagine 1 night (11 pm to 5 am) no adults (exept the barmans) in a club just usand with free alchohol.

Now that was fun!!! The party was GREAT danced all night drank like crazy and reallly enjoyed ourselfes. (I'll upload a vid of the party soon ;)) Ofcourse some ppl really don't know their limits 1 boy got so stoned he couldn't even talk much less walk and a girl got taken home by an ambulance (shes allright not to worry) Me? I got a bit drunk but just enough to feel the earth go round not like the others (hey 1 shot of tekila 1 vodka and 3 beers will do that to you)

All in all it was really fun but did give me a 2 day headache.

On the gamming side back to L2 with some of my friends.
FIANLLY level 21 and a new emblem "Brodcast of victory". in 2 weeks i finish school for good so.... thats all folks (4 now :D)

1 day a week :D

thats it just took my math final which leaves physics finals left.
I tripled my grade in math (25 to 76 ;)) since the begining of the year and the exam went pretty well.
all this sums up that from now on I only go to school for 3 hours on friday every week which gives me TONS of free time.

I'd also like to give specaial thx to Mad_cow for telling me about Freelance and Rokin for giving me the link to this great game that I'm now officialy addicted to.

General Life Updates

Ok so lots of new things so here I go:

Well after my last blog post i found Float32 mod which further improves stalker performance I also use Faikes mod which is a really cool mod so now that I started Stalker again I migh as well beat it at least once.

Back 2 playng POP games mainly Worrior within but sometimes also The Tow Thrones.

ok enought with the pc stuff :)

I got a MP4 1gb which is nice cose now i get to listen to music during my short walk to school and whatch some clips (sometime) in between lessons thats if my friend aren't in school that day.

Back going to the gym (time to lose some weight) since my worck load is less and less these days.

Finished all the school material now just exercising and I only have left 3 main clases (math phisics and english) english is easy already did my finals on 3 out of 5 exams aced them all with 92 95 and 100 (grading system in israel) my last 2 exams dont worry me so much one is a literaturew oral exam which i'l probably get 100 as well and the las migh ghet low to a 90 but not 2 much worried about that.

Math i have a tutor now and I'l probly finish with a 85-90 final grade which is decent.
Phisics is pretty easie just have to start exercising a bit and everything wil be fine.

one thing still worries me I aplyed for a collage and my friend got accepted last week but i didn't get an awnser yet but I think I'l be accepted I have better grades than my friend (exept math but I'l improve that this year).

All in all life seems to be picking up went to a few clubs recently and last week I celebrated with my friends a entire night in Haifa at the beach (Isreli Independence day).

All in all finaly i'm not so depresed.

YES stalker full DL

found a graphic fix fo stalker now I play full dynamic lighting and good fps. the game is awsome.
you can chek the fix out here: 

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