@Barighm: When was 20 hours considered "chunky"? 20 hours is crap. A game with no postgame content or real replay value should be 40 hours at a minimum at full price.
@Barighm: Dragons age and mass effect PRE-EA were ok after were garbage. Amalur was a generic clone of much better games. And dead space I never played. Not really a fan of survival Horror except some of the Resident evil series. But I am sure it was a generic resident evil with EAs history of jumping on the fad bandwagon in games.
And Still does not change the fact EA puts in pay to win stores in full premium games like Dragons age. Which by itself is enough to hate them.
@jenovaschilld: Yeah not going to buy atm would cost me over 3k to replace tv and receiver and that would be at the cheapest. But the real reason is there is not really any decent games that going to be capable of utilizing it for awhile anyway.
Not totally for sure but think these guys trying to sell this TV being misleading. Just like a new 8k tv with hdmi 2.1 can only run at 120hz in 4k. This tv can only run 120hz at 1080p and it does NOT have hdmi 2.1.
And since both the PS5 and Xboxx are 8k ready saying this tv takes full advantage of them is not correct either.
@skippert: Few years? They been putting out garbageware for 2 decades. They take big names and use them to peddle their garbage games. They not only charge you full price but then they put p2w in it. Remember the movie Ready Player One? EA are definitely todays IOI.
@aross2004: @thelostscribe You two need to learn what a good game is. First off Fallen order was the same problem most games have these days no play time. There is no game that is worth 60 bucks you can finish in one sitting.
And battlefront 2? Are you kidding? That was the worst game ever made. We got it for free and I still regretted wasting the hour or so downloading it,
And to further counter you @aross2004 Anthem says hello.
@Spartan_418: To get the full potential out of next generation systems you need to have a new tv that has the hdmi 2.1 connection. They can run 8k at 60 fps or 4k at 120 fps. Right now the TVs that have that connection are pretty pricey. Cheapest I have seen is a 55 inch for 1500 dollars.
I would assume the prices of these are going to go down this holiday season.
Pretty sad list. Not a single decent online game. Single player games all crap and single player games these days too short to warrant the 60 dollar price tag anyway.
Looks like this game is going to be about progression and loot more then actual gameplay which would be fine. After all some of the best games in the genre had little else too. The problem is here we talking about gearbox. And if you have played borderlands 3 you would know they have no idea how to do loot or progression correctly.
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