@sbargovox3: It doesn't happen in a vacuum But YOU are the one claiming that. Everything is in Obama's favor. Economic crisis that was 4 years after bush was ALL bush's fault. Good economy happening 4 years after Obama is ALL Obama's doing.
Look at what Trump actually said. Yeah by my standards it was kind of stupid questions. It wasn't a suggestion it was theorycrafting possible avenues to research. And he never once even said the word bleach that was added by the media. You need to quit believing what you hear. He was suggesting that if a disinfectant could kill the virus in under a minute why cant we kill it inside the body in a similar way basically. Would imagine everyone in that room was sleep deprived and were just throwing ideas out there.
@teshammutna: Obama's giant stimulus package wasn't lazier are you sure? Cutting taxes sure a lot harder then just writing a check. If anything Trump has had to make up for Obama's spending. And Anything Trump has done was not easy. Democrats have pulled pure obstructionism since day 1. Sure both parties do the same crap but the democrats have gone beyond just simple politics.
Do not know about you but I would sure love them to quit taking my money over just giving me a check. And the covid 19 relief stimulus is not the same thing. And I did not agree with it either.
@sbargovox3: Is why I mentioned unemployment too, And stocks are a snapshot for wealth of EVERYONE involved in the economy. It is YOUR fault if you are not involved in it,
Funny how everything that happened during obamas reign was Bush's fault. And everything after because of Obama. Sorry after 4 years you can not keep claiming that same old crap.
Trump's response to covid has been great. It was democrats calling him racist when he stopped travel from china before they even gave a shit about the virus. It was trump that mobilized federal resources to bail out Andrew Coumo. You people need new arguments that are not total lies and misdirection or just plain ignorant.
It is the states responsibility to handle the virus and protect the people, Why is it the Top 3 states hit the hardest by covid Democrat? Why is there so much blame aimed at trump but the governors of NY,NJ and CA completely blameless? Trump has in good faith helped all of those states when they needed and he got shit on for it.
@Barighm: Lol thought of the exact movie when I seen this article. But have you not got the memo from the left? It states that is in fact impossible to be racist if you are not white.
Only apology they care about is yours. You know for all that white privilege you have.
But it was ok for the Democrat prime minister of Canada to go black face. He even got endorsed by the only black American President in history. Is it just me or does anyone else see these things?
@bbarkoren: Lol it is and has always been the democrats in favor of monopolies. It is the enemy of free trade to allow companies to have that much power. We have monopolies today that dwarf anything teddy Roosevelt broke up. And what party do you think those trillion dollar companies support(own)? Well in reality they own both but that is another discussion.
Dems like to talk about breaking up monopolies but they will never actually do anything about it. Kind of reminds me of how they handle race relations. They will talk your ear off about it but when it comes down to it they will do NOTHING. Fact is Democrats need monopolies and they need racial strife.
And using FDR to show a "party switch" lol. You know FDR invented Welfare. He grew the federal government like no other president. He was the very essence of the democratic party. He ignored the unwritten rule about term limits(was a precedent set by George Washington himself) and forced us to make it an actual law. He put innocent americans in Internment camps. I mean you can not get much more democrat then FDR.
@aross2004: Know a lot more on the subject then you do. Also know there is an executive order already instated but tied up in court to remove this blanket immunity social media sites have. It was a law enacted in 1996 that protects them but it was made before there was really an understanding of the internet and what it would become.
It isn't the Eula that is protecting them it is precedence from a ruling before social media was even a thing yet. It is a slim defense and they going to lose IMO.
@aross2004: No you do not understand. I can put all the "I have the right to refuse service to any customer" signs I want in my business. If I kick someone out and it can be proven I did it out of bias. I would get sued into oblivion. This works no different on these websites.
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