User Reviews & Ratings
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![GTA3? loved it. Vice city? not so much...which might have somethin' to do with my utter hatred of the 1980's.](
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
GTA3? loved it. Vice city? not so much...which might have somethin' to do with my utter hatred of the 1980's.
Vice city is not an award winner for a few reasons. Sure, i hate the music, and the pastels, and the neon...because by and large the 80's blew chunks, but that aside, my real disdain for vice city is the total lack of or... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![A Final Fantasy sequel?! 'Never thought I'd see the day. Thank the aeons, it's almost as good as the original too!](
Final Fantasy X-2
A Final Fantasy sequel?! 'Never thought I'd see the day. Thank the aeons, it's almost as good as the original too!
FFX-2 is a triumph, no question. I've been with the series sinc FF7, and I admit i was skeptical when i heard they would final make a sequel to a previous storyline. Of course i was excited, but very nervous at the same ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![Excellent! weird, but excellent. it's a crime that eidos let this series die, considering their prospects now. um..oops!](
Fear Effect
Excellent! weird, but excellent. it's a crime that eidos let this series die, considering their prospects now. um..oops!
Eidos had something special with fear effect. It was gorgeous (for being on ps1), it was innovative with the fear meter, it was a bizarre but truly engaging storyline, and it pushed the envelope with adult themes, that a... Read Full Review
3 of 3 users found the following review helpful![Argh. Unreal controls is more like it. This is a famous FPS, but with me it gets -infamous- status!](
Unreal Tournament
Argh. Unreal controls is more like it. This is a famous FPS, but with me it gets -infamous- status!
Unreal was a decent title, not to pretty or ugly...bout average graphics for the time, although way too many jaggies for my taste. The collision detection was a bit sub-par, but the speed and voracity of attack option... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful![I wish i could still find this. i never finished it and would love to give it another chance.](
Extermination (PlayStation2 the Best)
I wish i could still find this. i never finished it and would love to give it another chance.
Extermination has a great premise, characters, solid game design, and execution. It was a little quirky on the controls, and might be a bit tough for some gamers, but it's definitely worth the 4$ you'll likely pay out o... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful![GT2 is the finest racing game released on PSX. Anyone tells you different, they're lying, or they ride the "short" bus.](
Gran Turismo 2 (Greatest Hits)
GT2 is the finest racing game released on PSX. Anyone tells you different, they're lying, or they ride the "short" bus.
The customization. The attention to physics, and drift. The well-balanced challenge. Oh the value! All of these things were delivered by polyphony digital on a level no other racing title has even aspired to do. muc... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![Describe Shinobi in a single phrase....."Oh crap! There's no ground here! Again?!" -or- "The evil sword killed me again"](
Describe Shinobi in a single phrase....."Oh crap! There's no ground here! Again?!" -or- "The evil sword killed me again"
Shinobi is...different. I want to love it, but unfortunately the fact that i'm not a sadist makes that difficult. Without exception Shinobi is the hardest game I have ever played (keep in mind i never played contra:shatt... Read Full Review
4 of 6 users found the following review helpful![Pardon my surprise here, but wtf happened here?! could they destroy the best action franchise ever so quickly?](
Devil May Cry 2
Pardon my surprise here, but wtf happened here?! could they destroy the best action franchise ever so quickly?
What a waste of time and money?! I hope the guy who took the reigns on this has lost his job. DMC2 is awful. What's so awful you ask? -graphics: how is it a sequel looks worse than the original?! -story: one word....... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![I know lots of folks love this game, some even say it's best in series, but this was my first and last skater game.](
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (Platinum)
I know lots of folks love this game, some even say it's best in series, but this was my first and last skater game.
When it comes to sports trickery i believe there's two schools: tony hawk and SSX, when it comes to PS2 anyway. Sorry, but for me the lack of -extreme- air was a killer here. Big surprise, cause i expected i would fall i... Read Full Review
0 of 3 users found the following review helpful![What happened to the dev. staff from goldeneye? Oh! Here they are! Huzzah!](
TimeSplitters (Platinum)
What happened to the dev. staff from goldeneye? Oh! Here they are! Huzzah!
Timesplitters was the best FPS for PS2 for almost the first 2 years of it's life. Free Radical did an excellent job with all those skills they took away from goldeneye (a shooter that has arguable become more well known ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![Why did i ever get rid of this game?! Now i can't find it to get it back, and it's absolutely amazing!! -io- help me!](
Freedom Fighters
Why did i ever get rid of this game?! Now i can't find it to get it back, and it's absolutely amazing!! -io- help me!
Freedom Fighters. Oh the joy. Freddom Fighters is the ultimate (politically) guilty pleasure game. It's an alternate reality in which the russians got the atomic bomb first. This incident led to them being the penultimat... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![Naysayers be warned. SC3 -is- better than the last two games. I am overwhelmed, by the depth here!!](
SoulCalibur III
Naysayers be warned. SC3 -is- better than the last two games. I am overwhelmed, by the depth here!!
Otay, i was worried that SC3 would be more of the same with some new character options. could i have been more wrong? i don't think so. This game is oceans-deep! Good lord, I'm impressed, actually i'm overwhelmed! Yo... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful![San andreas improves on previous gta titles in most ways while adding a moral scheme though ambiguous to cj.](
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
San andreas improves on previous gta titles in most ways while adding a moral scheme though ambiguous to cj.
i held off buying san andreas for a loooong time. i wasn't keen on the whole gangbanger theme, nor was i overtly impressed by the controversial problems the hot coffee incident caused. it's possible this game may still s... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![AC6 is well executed and very fun. Mebbe a little style over substance but only just. Put in the top gun sndtrk and fly!](
Ace Combat 6: Kaihou e no Senka
AC6 is well executed and very fun. Mebbe a little style over substance but only just. Put in the top gun sndtrk and fly!
Alright, let's get this out of the way. 15 planes was a really dumb idea. Particularly the 15 planes they chose...eek! But it could be worse. I could be reviewing Blazing Angels again. So here's the skinny: ace combat... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful![It's good, perfectly competant, but the only thing that makes it special is the uber nifty visuals on the 360.](
Burnout Revenge
It's good, perfectly competant, but the only thing that makes it special is the uber nifty visuals on the 360.
burnout revenge is an obvious improvement over takedown. particularly the collision effects with rear ending cars as opposed to head on collisions...yeah! you can actually survive them now, and not only that the game enc... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![Weirdest game title ever. Almost too much content. Stuffed with a variety of candies that may likely suit ur tastes.](
The Orange Box
Weirdest game title ever. Almost too much content. Stuffed with a variety of candies that may likely suit ur tastes.
the orange box doesn't make me scream, "oh wow, i just can't stop, this is so much fun!" At least not like aiming for the elderly on the sidewalk does. truth be told, i'm not much of a half-life guy. yes, i'... Read Full Review
1 of 4 users found the following review helpful![Clearly i didn't spend enough time with suikoden 3, but still i don't think i'm a suikoden gamer. too bad, it's gorgeous](
Suikoden III (Konami the Best)
Clearly i didn't spend enough time with suikoden 3, but still i don't think i'm a suikoden gamer. too bad, it's gorgeous
So i just don't like the way this suikoden handles combat. dualing up your combatants, seems like a wasted effort, and almost seemed to trivialize a single combatants importance. I've played systems i disliked more, but.... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful![Silent Assassin took all the ingenuity of the PC original, and handed it over to us lowly console owners. We're grateful](
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Silent Assassin took all the ingenuity of the PC original, and handed it over to us lowly console owners. We're grateful
Hitman 2 expanded on the genius that was "agent 47" for PS2. Thank the fates that they did, as this was an amazing game. The level designs and mission objectives were innovative to say the least. When I got this game, i ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![Excellent. DMC is quite possibly the most perfect action title ever. DMC came onto the scene, and just smacked Onimusha!](
Devil May Cry (Platinum)
Excellent. DMC is quite possibly the most perfect action title ever. DMC came onto the scene, and just smacked Onimusha!
When DMC released I thought Onimusha was the best Capcom could do for good demon action. I was a great big idiot. DMC was the first videogame to leave me sitting in my seat in pure awe. It's one of those ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![FFX is the most beautiful RPG i've ever played. It's not the best Final Fantasy, but who cares? It's still amazing!!](
Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!)
FFX is the most beautiful RPG i've ever played. It's not the best Final Fantasy, but who cares? It's still amazing!!
FFX is gorgeous, we all know this. It is an amazing story (I admit i cried at the end -got a problem wit dat?) Tidus was -as usual- a bit femmy, but a solid lead character none-the-less. The rest of the cast from support... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful![Only tekken tag deserves a higher score and only because the rosters bigger and graphics better but its still tekken 3!!](
Tekken 3 (PlayStation the Best)
Only tekken tag deserves a higher score and only because the rosters bigger and graphics better but its still tekken 3!!
The penultimate Tekken title. Only tag comes close. Anyone who owns a playstation has at one time or another played or owned tekken 3. It is to this day one of the highest selling fighting titles of all time. It is virtu... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![Well if it'd been full price I'd have been furious. But for 8 bucks i cant complain...But let's give it a shot anway. :)](
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude
Well if it'd been full price I'd have been furious. But for 8 bucks i cant complain...But let's give it a shot anway. :)
Leisure suit larry is for people who got too old for mario party but still want a collection of idiotic minigames rather than a real game. but since they're older, a little t&a is a welcome addition. if this is you- d... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpful![Tekken 2. Eclipsed only by Tekken 3 this was the quintessential fighter on ps1. It was one of a few that innovated....!](
Tekken 2
Tekken 2. Eclipsed only by Tekken 3 this was the quintessential fighter on ps1. It was one of a few that innovated....!
The first time i got a hold of devil or angel i knew tekken 2 was something special. the storyline was even good for a fighter. for the time it was the best fighter on the market and improved everything that players love... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![Tekken 4. It's not that it was bad, it's just that the improvements were based on glam and bling....nothing substantial.](
Tekken 4
Tekken 4. It's not that it was bad, it's just that the improvements were based on glam and bling....nothing substantial.
And what the hell were they thinking turning the uber cool fight stylings of jin into a jumpsuit wearing mr. miyagi?!! i'm sorry but jin was fine the way he was thank you. also a number of the new charcters are wholly... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![Ehhhh....It could have been worse. Though for a superhero game this's actually pretty good. As a shooter its serviceable](
The Punisher
Ehhhh....It could have been worse. Though for a superhero game this's actually pretty good. As a shooter its serviceable
No, the punisher will not replace agent 47 for carnage or dante for gun-slinging action. But it has a pretty cool and character-accurate atmosphere. And Frank's voice acting is stellar. As to gameplay the insta kills ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![Well, okay. Is this actually slower than tekken 4? How the hell did that happen? That's it. Soul Calibur from hereon out](
Tekken 5
Well, okay. Is this actually slower than tekken 4? How the hell did that happen? That's it. Soul Calibur from hereon out
I had the first copy of the first Tekken game sold in my city. I have owned every single tekken release in history, so flamers don't tell me i'm not a fan of this series. It's not that tekken 5 does anything particula... Read Full Review
1 of 10 users found the following review helpful![This was syphon filter's peak. nothing that has come after has ever measured up to this release in the franchise.](
Syphon Filter 2 (Platinum)
This was syphon filter's peak. nothing that has come after has ever measured up to this release in the franchise.
The sequel takes all the best of the original titles and infuses a healthy turbo dose of cool. new context sensitive segments as well as a tighter control scheme and uber cool multiplayer deathmatch really highlights thi... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful![stop and pop indeed. gears of war is stellar. if you pick up one action title for xmas360 it oughta be this bad mamma.](
Gears of War
stop and pop indeed. gears of war is stellar. if you pick up one action title for xmas360 it oughta be this bad mamma.
there are a lot of snazzy control effects and pretty colors that most everyone will talk about with GoW. i'm going a different route here. what makes the game amazing? Immersion, pure and simple. the y button acts as an ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![Y-yeah, okaay. Let's just stick to making racing games then huh guys? Nice try though......'least it's pretty.](
Y-yeah, okaay. Let's just stick to making racing games then huh guys? Nice try though......'least it's pretty.
But good looks, do not a great fps, make. Least not all by themselves. And that's about all black has going for it. I guess the gimmick here was that the game is all about the guns! yeehaw! Cool, let's go cow tippin! The... Read Full Review
2 of 7 users found the following review helpful![wow. what do you say here? Good effort korea? nice try? who on earth wrote the god-awful opening song? i just dont know.](
Magna Carta
wow. what do you say here? Good effort korea? nice try? who on earth wrote the god-awful opening song? i just dont know.
I wanted to like magna carta. i don't. now...granted it's pretty. but so is paris hilton and you wouldn't want to have a long term relationship with her. why? it's all superficial. and they both have scabies...-allegedly... Read Full Review
2 of 4 users found the following review helpful![FF9. The anomale. It -is- a great game. However it is a great game amongst masterpieces. I feel guilty not loving it?!](
Final Fantasy IX
FF9. The anomale. It -is- a great game. However it is a great game amongst masterpieces. I feel guilty not loving it?!
The anomale: a final fantasy that I didn't fall for. For those familiar with the series (which really should be any gamer alive), this is a profound idea. "9" is a great, solid title, with a myriad of classic mini games ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![The best video game of all time? It's quite possible. It's certainly the best game ever released for the PS1.](
Final Fantasy VII
The best video game of all time? It's quite possible. It's certainly the best game ever released for the PS1.
I'm almost nervous writing this review. The cult following of this franchise and this title in specific dwarfs virtually any other videogame in history, besides (mebbe) super mario. This game is legend in the gaming wor... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful![For their first foray into 3-D this was actually a pretty good street fighter. I wish i'd never lost it. curses!](
Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha (Value Series)
For their first foray into 3-D this was actually a pretty good street fighter. I wish i'd never lost it. curses!
SF EX was underappreciated by purist street fighter fans, but i was one of the dorks who believed at the time the only future was in 3-D. Clearly that wasn't the truth but this was not a wasted effort in spite of that. E... Read Full Review
3 of 4 users found the following review helpful![I think the first Onimusha was in development for almost 3 yrs? Whatever the time, was it worth the wait? Yes, yes, yes!](
Onimusha: Warlords
I think the first Onimusha was in development for almost 3 yrs? Whatever the time, was it worth the wait? Yes, yes, yes!
So long as you don't get confused thinking Onimusha is Resident Evil in fuedal Japan, you shouldn't be dissapointed.Roughly translating the title to "Demon Warrior" that pretty well fleshes out the plot. Early on you get... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![Ah Epidemic. Did anybody play this "game" besides me? Jeez I hope not. it was nothing to write home about.](
Ah Epidemic. Did anybody play this "game" besides me? Jeez I hope not. it was nothing to write home about.
Epidemic had that "Aliens" sort of plot, or i guess in this case "The Thing" sort of plot. Go to an arctic base, where communication has been lost and investigate. For your protection the military will send you in with a... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful![Currently the finest flight / action sim on the market, at least until Ace Combat Zero comes out.](
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
Currently the finest flight / action sim on the market, at least until Ace Combat Zero comes out.
AC5 at first defies description. It's almost like the physical incarnation of a dream you had about being in top gun when you were a kid. It's blazingly fast, accurate to a fault with improved physics, flight controls... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful![Phenomenal! Once I thought this series would be the one to put solid snake down. Too bad it never came to be!](
Syphon Filter
Phenomenal! Once I thought this series would be the one to put solid snake down. Too bad it never came to be!
Syphon Filter was a great idea! This first installment was amazing, and came about the same time that 3-D games were uniformly adopting the go anywhere-any direction control scheme. Finally the days of Resident Evil/Tomb... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful![If you can get past the totally unbelievable levels, then you might have some fun with this.](
Hydro Thunder
If you can get past the totally unbelievable levels, then you might have some fun with this.
Hydro thunder, like so many DC games was very cartoony, in nature, coloring, and level design. I guess at the time developers didn't know what to do with 128bits. heheh. The jumps in this game were insane, and the var... Read Full Review
0 of 2 users found the following review helpful![I must be the only person who ever played this. Well fine! The rest of you missed out big time!](
Space Griffon VF-9
I must be the only person who ever played this. Well fine! The rest of you missed out big time!
This game was like Robotech, meets Resident Evil, meets Aliens. It was revolutionary for it's time, and featured great story elements. The actual gameplay aspects were a little weird since all gameplay takes place w/i... Read Full Review
4 of 5 users found the following review helpful
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