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Next Gen already

ohhh My My, i almost forgot good old gamespotting, howz it going my gs buds , its been a real long time i last blogged , dont know from where to start, dont know when i am gonna blog next , but i ll do it soon thats 4 sure since now i am back to PC gaming & for a very good reason, not saying that i ll be abandoning My beloved PS360, but will do some quality PC gaming.

No 1 reason being Microsoft s kinectifying stuff into every friggin thing i love about my 360 ,simply abandoning the hardcore & preferring the casual over the hardcore, plus the lack of dedicated servers in GEARS 3 MP for asia just felt like being betrayed in a royal fashion :(. i have had enough & now its just Gears 3 sp, Forza 4 & Halo 4 to look fwd to. the rest i ll mostly do on My PCor PS3. its been 2 straight years in a row that MS just kept dissapointing their own fanbase, the fanbase that made what the 360 & Xbox brand is today. i am just done with the 360 when it comes to exclusivity since ms has hardly left any :P.

chiefReach Legendary

I really liked theHalo 4 announcement at E3 this year, i ve been a Hardcore Halo fan all these years & the return of the chief felt really good, its no longer Bungie, but with 343 s latest DLC on reach, i am sure that 343 wont let Halo fans down with 4 especially when Frankie s incharge. Reach was a very good farewell to Halo fans & to rejoice that i picked up legendary edition back then, simply the best collecters edition ever imo

onto Sony they were not any good imo & with the latest outage its clear that XBL reigns supreme when it comes to online gaming, their first party line up is stronger & better than ever & its their first party games i care all about. which makes me come to the point to shift mostly on PC. its not just MS lack of 360 hardcore stuff that i built a new pc . the top most reason being this.


Thats right, Battlefield 3, for those of you who dont know, i am a big time Battlefield fan ever since BF2 & now BFBC2. been playing BFBC2 MP since launch till now.


recently made it to Rank 50 on XBL, perhaps my biggest achievement yet on 360, too bad there aint no achievement for making it to this prestigious rank, Battlefield Bad Company 2 is perhaps the best MP game for me so far this gen, played it like crazy, Vietnam released alongside last year in November, making an already amazing mp experience even much more satisfying. i dont remember if i ever had so much fun with a mp game since WarhawK. truly 1 hell of an experience.

with the announcement of BF3, it felt so dam good to have my most awaited game in the last 10 years or so being announced for 2011, i decided then only to build a new PC & thats what i did, top of the line Intel I core 7 with Dell LED 24, 8 gigs of ram , using my old HD4850 on it for time being, since DX 11 cards will be in full force & much cheaper at BF3 launch.

new PC

feels so good to have a new pc after almost 4 & a half years. another reason i built a new PC was The Witcher 2, though i didnt played the original one much, but something just made me felt playing the second game & is the reason i buit a pc now. i am able to play it on High settings with a few hithces when things are too crazy but for the most part its just fine. after playing The Witcher 2 it feels like next gen already. i was always a pc gamer thats until i picked up a ps2 & xbox 360 later on. Crysis 1 made me buy a new pc back then & after Warhead things didnt looked that gr8 for pc gaming imo, Crysis 2 was fun but failed on so manny levels, i wont get into it much right now or else this blog will keep on going :P.

my 3DS

also picked up a 3DS last week :D, the announcement of Mario Kart 3D at E3 & Zelda OOT being released this month just sealed the deal for me . picked up Ridge Racer 3D for starters, waiting for my copy of Zelda now. will post more on my impression abt 3DS in my next blog. see you soon my gamespot buds :wink:.

This is a Reality


almost Half a decade in the making, Gran Turismo 5 is finally out. :D .so dam glad to have finally acquired it. Thanks a ton Polyphony Digital :wink:

Noble Six ready to deploy

noble six

hello everyone , i haven t been here since ages , how z everyone , man i ve totaly forgotten to blog like i used to, i thought now wold be a good time to start blogging , though i wont blog that much ,will try to post atleast 1 blog a month or may be once a week, so whats up with everyone ,what are you guys playin & what games are you lookin fwd to in 2010. for me 2010 s been an amazing gaming year & perhaps the best year of my life as i got married back in April, a lot has changed but 1 thing that ll never change is my passion for video games, its what i love to do each & everyday & when there s things like a New Halo round the corner , i m a total different beast altogether .

i will do a new post here sometime next week abt my usual gaming stuff , hope to hear from my you all here at gamespot, havent commented or been commented :P anywhere since a very long time ,so feel free to leave a comment ;) .


Halo REACH s gone gold & i m super xcited for it, already pre ordered the legendary edition , cant wait to get my hands on this big bad boy. September 14 just cant come any faster:)


God of War III in the house

My Copy of GOW 3

I never get games on release dates, it soooo dam true, i never coz now i get games earlier than release dates :P. i am soooooooo overjoyed with the fact that i got God of War III earlier than expected, my ultimate edition pre order is still expected to arrive on the 19, i found out a couple of days back that there s some places where GOW III got leaked early, so decided to pick up the standard edition for time being ,God of War III is 1 of my top most wanted games of 2010, been waiting for it for years,i hope all of you get your copy on time as well, still cant frickin believe that i got it earlier. off to play the epic awesomeness, Zeus better watch out, coz the God of War s comin to gets some revenge , CHAOS WILL RISE .


another epic year in gaming comes to an end

Hello everyone, howz it goin , i havent been here too active in the last couple of months, infact in 2009, i had very less blogging activity, time changes , but people dont :P, so whats up everyone , hope u all are busy with your gaming life & doing good in real life as well, so where should i start from , first thing that i really want you to know is that i finally unlocked 1 of the biggest achievements in my real life, i got engaged this month on december 6 to the love of my life , i saw it comin, things were all doin fine, so finally decided to get engaged in 2009 , i cant get much into details on how all of this hapenned , all i would say is that it was real quick & totally unexpected & in the end all is well & now i am probably the most happiest person on the planet, there is no such other gr8 feeling in this world than finding true love in life & getting married to that person , i feel so blessed, cant believe that in the end i finally found that special someone i was lookin 4 all these years & getting married to her in April 2010, thats right folks i am getting married in April 2010 & will personally invite you all.

now some of you may be wondering that i may just quit gaming totaly afer april, well thats not the case, i aint leaving gaming at all, sure i wont be spending all night on XBL , PSN pwning noobs in Gears , Halo , WarhawK, but i will be doing a ton of Single Player gaming & MP on weekends , my fiancee is a nintendo fangirl already, so now The Wii is gonna be my preferred choice of gaming, absolutely no way bro :P , no frickin way i can stop playing on my Xbox 360 & PS3 , i love XBL & PSN, with that said i will be doing quiet selective gaming , in 2009 i did had a gr8 share of single player & online gaming , played a single game for almost every genre . i aint gonna do a long blog this time like i regularly do & now that 2009 is coming to an end , i would like to highlight a few games that i enjoyed a lot this year.

here s a list of games that i finished & enjoyed a lot this year.

1) Halo Wars.
2) Halo 3 ODST.
3) GTA IV : The Lost & Damned.
4) GTA IV : The Ballad of Gay Tony.
5) Prince of Persia.
6) Mass Effect
7) Resident Evil 5.
8.) Modern Warfare 2.
9) Borderlands.
10)Assassins Creed 2.
11) WWE Legends of Wrestlemania
12) WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2010.
13) Tekken 6.
14) FORZA Motorsport 2
15) FORZA Motorsport 3
16) Need For Speed Shift
17) Left 4 Dead.
18.) Left 4 Dead 2.
19) Ghostbusters.
20) Red Faction Guerrilla (Online Multiplayer Only)

Xbox Live Arcade

21) Battlefield 1943
22) Trials HD.
23) TMNT : RS.
24) Castle Crashers.
25) Age of Booty.
26) 1942: Joint Strike.
27) Dash Destruction.

PS One

28.) Metal Gear Solid 1

PS 2

29) Metal Gear Solid 2
30) Metal Gear Solid 3


31) Metal Gear Solid 4
32) Resistance 2.
33) Killzone 2 .
34) Uncharted 2 .
35) Batman Arkham Asylum.
36) Motorstorm Pacific Rift.
37) Socom Confrontation.(Online Multiplayer Only)
38.) The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

Playstation Network

39) Fat Princess.
40) Flower.
41) Savage Moon.
42) GTI Club Plus.
43) Linger in Shadows.
44) Crash Commando.


44) Mario Kart Wii.

Playstation Portable.

45) Motorstorm Arctic Edge.


46) GTA Chinatown Wars


47) Batman Arkham Asylum


last but not the least

48.) Avatar: The Last Airbender,The Burning Earth ( The game that i beat in less than 5 mins , got the full 1000 points & sold it off at E bay:lol: ).

Downloadable Content

Gears of War 2 - Dark Corners.
Halo 3 - Mythic.
Killzone 2 - ALL 3 dlc.
Borderlands - ALL 2 dlc.
Resistance 2 - Map pack 1.
Mass Effect - Bring Down The Sky & Pinnacle Station.
Prince of Persia - Epilogue. Burnout Paradise - Big Surf Island.

Xbox 360 - Gamerscore


Games Bought in 2009 .

2009 collection

2009 has been another epic year in my gaming life, played so manny awesome games this year, will do a game of the year blog next week 4 sure :wink:. i ve been very active on Twitter & i am always a tweet away , so if any of you wanna be in touch with me , you know where to find me . i havent commented in any of your blogs lately , will be checking out all of your blogs now, hope that 2009 was a gr8 year for you as well, Wishing you all a Super Awesome Year in 2010, Happy New Year Everyone , Enjoy the festive season , i ll c ya all next year, take care, wish you all a epic gaming year in 2010 :D.

mgs 4

Special thanks to Hideo Kojima for creating a gaming experience next to nothing like Metal Gear Solid 4, probably the game of the decade , i am so overjoyed with the fact that i completed all MGS1,2,3 & 4 this year . the memories will remain 4ever . here s a tribute to Metal Gear Solid . dare you miss it .

& in 2010 there s some unfinished business .


new galaxies to explore .


some more unfinished business


& legacies to be experienced


Rockstar does it again & in style

now you all know that i am a big Grand Theft Auto Fan , almost to a fanboy level, a decent 1 though :P. it was no surprise that GTA IV amazed me to death , but still felt a bit short of awesomeness compared to previous favourite like San Andreas,it did somethings right & took it to a whole new level of awesomeness ,but at the same time took some stuff out of it that made the previous gta s more fun.

Rockstar were very clear right from the get go to what they wanna do with GTA this time after the success that was GTA III, Vice City & San Andreas, goin with a super dupper awesome story ,amazing gameplay & a living breathing city that never sleeps, with GTA IV ,in my book they achieved perfection with it, forget the story , forget the soundtrack, forget the protagonist , it was the city itself which was the highlight of the show .along with GTA IV ,Rockstar also made 2 episodic contents exclusive to Microsofts console for later down the road to which manny believe wont be worth it.
come 2009 all the haters are owned as rockstar delivers 2 kickass episodic content for GTA IV that are in some ways even better than the original GTA IV.


a lot of poeople felt betrayed with GTA IV s realism , well play The Lost & Damned & The Ballad of Gay Tony now & then ask yourself . you ll be amazed to what R* have done withe episodic content , now this whole episodic content era started with valve s half life 2 saga & now its been 6 friggin years of wait & all we got were 2 episodes , first one was a three hour dance , second one had a decent length to its campaign & real badass campaign if u ask me & third one s not even been announced to say the least . now only if gabe eatswell has the time 4 it to deliver in 2010 .my problem with episodic content is that it should be delivered in max to max a period of 18-24 months or else dont plan episodic content at all & make a full fledged sequel, at this rate half life 3 will only be out come 2015. i hate valve to what they ve done.kept us waiting & as a consolation , all we get is L4D & L4D2 ,now i love L4D & will definately play L4D2 a lot , but where the f is Episode 3 gabe . now i went a bit off topic here , valve should learn something from R* & Bethesda when it comes to episodic content .

R* didnt just added something to the mix to make the episodic content , but all these 2 episodes are part of GTA IV s main story & anyone who finished GTA IV is missing some part of its story which s been told from two different perspectives from two different protagonists & in the end all of this feels just friggin awesome coz all these episodes makes just perfect sense & what a way it was from R* to carry both episodes , both episodes take a good 10 hour to beat the story alone , making it 20 hours if u combine TLAD & TBOGT , add sidemissions, online mp & other new activities to the pack & gameplay length can easily last for 60 plus hours which is more than your average game if u ask me .


i beat The Lost & Damned back in Feb ,so wont take your time writting about it , so onto The Ballad of Gay Tony . since i want to make everything spoiler free , i wont get into much details coz its meant to be experienced by yourself, so there you go , you play the role of Luis Lopez, luis is tony prince s AKA gay tony s :P businness partner , together they run two night clubs in liberty city ,first one s a nightlcub for straight & the other one s a gay nightclub :lol:, the story itself progresses in a very neat way & since you own the club ,its been visited by vips & other people , to whom you get in touch with & just like any other GTA , u expect that you will end up working for them , since luis & tony arent making much money from these nightclubs thanks to a recession , both men try to earn some money the other way , later down the line some serious **** happens & then its all your GTA thing but in a really solid way, you may have done this kind of stuff before in previous or any grand theft auto , but what makes this different is its presentation along with a new weapons & a really interesting protagonist , after playing both episodes , its clear that luis has more personality than johnny from the TLAD , Johnny being a bike gang member does his role well as he should be. but in the end luis is more of a decent guy thats been stuck into a situation where he has to help his business partner and look after his family & freinds in the crime world of liberty city.

luis lopez

Luis is easily a stronger charachter than any of the protagonists in GTA IV ,luis carries both, some likeliness attitude of Niko as well & a badass attitude like johnny. R* trully knows how to handle their games , what to release first & what to release later , its not that niko or johnny are weak protagonists , its just that they ve done everything in the right way, all 3 protagonists are gr8 , if you ve beaten GTA IV already , dont miss The Lost & Damned & The Ballad of Gay Tony , play TLAD first or else you ll spoil yourself by playing TBOGT first & may not enjoy TLAD the way its mean to be enjoyed . i highly recommend The Ballad of Gay Tony & TLAD to every GTA fan . oh & 1 more thing the next Grand Theft Auto may very well be in LONDON, just remember you heard it here first :wink:

sky diving

aside from the main story, TBOGT has some really fun side activities like dancing in the club ,golf, wrestling , drug trafficking & the best of them all , sky diving . i beat GTA IV twice already & while playing these 2 episodes , it never felt old at all, all missions take place in locations you may have not seen while playing GTA IV ,both episodes do a fine job when it comes to gameplay , with new gameplay elements , more story , side missions , new online modes, new vehicles & weapons , its like almost like a fresh new grand theft auto set in the same liberty city as GTA IV ,worth every single penny you spent on it . highly recommend to all GTA & Xbox 360 owners. if you are a fan of it , you need to check out episodes from liberty city , its a must have .


new games bought over the week

More new games :P

you can see that since other new games decided to crash in my Forza 3 , Uncharted 2 Party , i am having such short time to enjoy all of them ,but i did finished the career mode in SVR 2010, played the new game modes & enjoyed the hell out of it, i ll go short on it, so here are my 2 cents,its way much more better than last years wwe game & anyone thats following these games should definately check it out, the road to WM mode is still amazing, royal rumble this time is super crazy as hell & the new mode where you create your own storyline is absolutely banannas . dont miss this SVR.

wwe svr 2010tekken 6 ownage

also played some Tekken 6 online & beat the crap outta dudes here & there despite being a casual tekken player , loved every bit of it :D, its fast & very addictive , tekken fans need to get it asap . currently i am hooked onto Borderlands with my friends & this game is eating most of our time, its really fun when played with friends , the loot is awesome , though story hardly exists in this game :P, its an rps , kill some dudes , loot some stuff , solve some quests , level up & so on , there are tons of stuff to loot in this game & an insane amount of toys top play with , you ll have a hard time deciding which gun to choose & which gun not to use, its crazzy when it comes to weapon selection, in my case i ve used 176 different types of them already . craziness :D

borderlands aborderlands b

now i promised to blog atleast a week , which i find hard again coz of soooo manny games out there , i still need to play Brutal Legend & GTA chinatown wars & there is something called Modern Warfare 2 out tommorrow , so i cant promise when i ll blog next, but rest assure i will post the blogs i promised, i love to share my thoughts on what i am playing & i also love to read stuff on gaming that you guys write everytime ( I am talking about you @lightwarrior179 & @neonninja , those last posts of u were amazing especially the ODST & Dead Space ones,light - that baldur post was 5 star writing ,@Scorpio gamer -very happy 4 ya, all the best for your gaming career ahead bro) dont u people delete me off your friends list, i aint goin anywhere , so just like arnie , ' I LL BE BACK :wink: but dont know when, till then enjoy this Modern Warfare 2 Trailer .


back for some more gamespotting

for the past 5, 6 months i havent been able to blog here on a regular basis , mostly drive in drive by kinda blogs & now i ve decided to post atleast 1 blog a week , max 2 :P . i ll try to make them as short as possible & less smileys :P . so without wasting your time , lets do some more gamespotting. here is what i ve been playing in the past & playing lately .
New Purchases in the past couple of months .

new purchases odst shift23

& The Best Purchases of 2009 so far

forza 3 L Euc 2

I ve been quiet selective lately in picking up new games unlike the past where i used to pick up almost everything & most of the time those games ended up never being played at all :P , now all of that has changed & now i am enjoying it even more , pick a game , play it a lot & then move onto another except for games like Uncharted 2 & ODST that have some gr8 replay value . All my gaming platforms seems to be happy now :D , most of my Wii & ds games are still brand new & untouched , so didnt bought anything new . its hard for me to decide these days when it comes to buying multiplatform games, my preference is on the 360 mostly coz of the 360 controller & multis on 360 have never had a problem at all & the fact that i own most of my games on 360, getting a multiplat game on 360is the preferred choice, ps3 ports have been fine on the ps3 lately, but i dont know for some reason i dont like buying multiplats on the ps3 untill & unless their is some exclusivity .i prefer my PS3 mostly for exclusives & in the end the PS3 is indeed all about exclusives . My psp has finally got something to be played on it in the form of GT & Arctid edge , highly recommended to racing fans on the psp .

PC used to be my main platform to buy all my games , but as developers arent supporting it the way they are for consoles, i am more interested in getting exclusives for the PC which these days seems to get thinner & thinner day after day , i am not into mmo s or rts & those are the only genres these days the PC has some exclusivity over consoles . i dont understand that if microsoft can make so manny exclusives for the 360 these days, why cant they come up with a couple of exclusives for the pc as well , something like gears or halo that has a gr8 sp campaign & multiplayer community that grows day by day . with GFWL they havent done any justice to the PC platform & with recent dirty tricks that activision is pulling of like no dedicated servers for MW 2 on PC only breaks my heart a bit more , sad but true that PC gaming isnt what it should ve been :( .

BF 3

on the bright side , i am glad that crytek & dice are looking forward to the PC with their new games in the future , Crysis 2 & Battlefield 3 being the top dogs, though crysis 2 is multiplat , i know that the PC version s gonna eat all the other versions out there :lol:, here s hoping that crytek doesnt dumb down the potential that is crysis 2 , Battlefield 3 on the other hand will see the light of the day sometime around holidays 2010 or early 2011 (crosses fingers ), it should stay exclusive to the PC imo , people are still playing battlefield 2 & it will be true justice if BF3 stays exclusive to the PC which i hope will be in the end. valve on the other hand has been dissapointing lately ,though i love L4D & i know that L4D2 will be awesome, but where the friggin hell is episode 3 gabe ?, i wont be surprised to see a L4D3 in 2011 the way valve s been recently .


now onto consoles . i played a ton of games in the past couple of months, a mix of sp campaigns , co op & mp as well & its been a blast playing all the new games out there , i ll start with Batman Arkham Asylum , but not in this post , i dont have that much time to post long blogs like i used to be , so i ll go easy with my posts , the next 3 blogs i plan on posting the following .
1) Batman Arkham Asylum.
2) Halo 3 ODST .
3) Uncharted 2 .

They are the best of 2009 imo , i ve played them all to death & cant wait to share my experience with you all.

mag beta

I got in the MAG Beta from Day 1 , cant wait to post a full blog dedicated to The MAG Beta .

odst gsfirefight scoreboard

also beat Halo 3 ODST around 4 times, got every single achievement in it , played Its FireFight mode like crazy , more on that in the comin blogs . also out this week is Borderlands & GTA IV : The Ballad of g tony, already pre ordered Borderlands for both PC & 360 , GTA DLC would be downloadable from day 1, should be an amazing week overall , hope you all are enjoying your new games , if you want to play some borderlands with me , hit me up on steam & XBL , we ll have a blast , 4 player co op ftw .

360 tweet

got selected for the Xbox 360 update preview program as well , been using my twitter ac from 360 , for people that dont use twitter or facebook , its a useless update , though Halo waypoint app would be usefull for halo fans when it releases in november . thats it 4 now ,c ya :wink:

its unreal & its almost here

October 22, 2009 - A teaser image has surfaced on Epic Games' official website.

What could it mean? A new game announcement? Unreal Engine 4?

The image was quickly removed, but not before screenshots were thankfully taken.

Cliff b & epic boss have stated manny times if there will be a Gears of War 2 sequel , it will be on Unreal Engine 4 & right now they aint investing on Unreal Engine 4 for current gen , so basically a Gears 3 wont be happening this gen at all, but on the next generation of consoles . now they made it clear that a sequel wont be happening any time soon , but that doesnt mean there aint any new gear of war incoming .


Here s your answer- Gears of War : Pendulum Wars, a prequel to gears of war or a new IP or maybe a NEW unreal game with single player campaign, none of this has been confirmed , just pure speculation. with all the success that Gears had on the Xbox 360, its a no brainer that a new Gears is in the works , question is when exactly ? .

This years gaming season has just begun

The gaming season is full on with the likes of Batman Arkham Asylum , Dirt 2 , Shadow Complex ,Nfs Shift , soon to be followed by Halo 3 ODST , Uncharted 2 ,Brutal Legend, Forza 3 , Modern Warfare 2 , Assassins Creed ,SVR 2010 , The Saboteur & manny more . i am quiet excited for all the games that are gonna be out this year as usual :P. what just missed this year was God Of War 3 , i didnt expected that god of war will be slated for a 2010 release . i was planning to upgrade to a Bigger HDTV the same time god of war 3 would release , infact i was planning to get it with Gears 2 , but didnt had that kind of money to pick a bigger HDTV, with gow 3 slated for a 2010 release , i was kinda dissapointed that now i would have to wait even longer for the new TV , i was so wrong , coz i dont need a reason to buy a bigger HDTV if i can afford it now, plus with my favourites this year mainly Halo 3 ODST , Uncharted 2 , Forza 3 & MW 2, i had more than enough reasons to upgrade now rather than wait for gow 3 . so a couple of weeks back , i finally upgraded My 26 Samsung HDTV to a whooping new 46 Samsung 1080 P HDTV .

My new HDTV

i still cant believe my eyes that i bought it ,been saving it for 3 years , totally worth the wait .
Also picked Batman Arkham Asylum on PS3 , been playing Batman & most of my old games in my collection that i love, Gears 2 , Halo 3 , Forza 2 , WarhawK , GTA IV , Burnout Revenge , Wipeout HD , Nfs Most Wanted . Racing games are a pleasure on the big wide screen .

Burnout Revenge Wipeout HD in 1080 P

A very few games actually does 1080 P Native & i must admit that Wipeout HD is a beauty in FULL HD , absolutely love playing it , also picked up Wipout HD fury a week back . more wipeout :D .

Pre Ordered Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition

I know what Multiplayer game i am gonna be playing a lot this year , loved the first modern warfare .Halo 3 ODST is just a week away from release& i am even more excited , so far what i ve been reading from credible sources around the web about ODST has been positive , ODST is more of a fan service , it started just as a 3 hour expansion DLC now into a full fledged 4 player co op campaign for both offline & online , 7-8 hours of sp campaign , along with Firefight mode on 10 different maps, similiar to Horde mode in gears 2, along with that a second disc that will contain all the Halo 3 Multiplayer &DLC Maps, along with some new maps as well that are exclusive only via ODST purchase & a Key to Halo ReacH Beta . i ve always loved the Halo games , hell i even enjoyed Halo Wars despite the fact it wasnt even made by bungie. This one s totally been made by Bungie & i dont have any doubts that it ll be a gr8 game , sure it wont match the awesomeness tha was Halo 3 , but on its own level , ODST will surely deliver , Bungie never dissapoints . cant wait for it .

with all the new games comin out this year , i expect most of them will really do well , so far the names i ve mentioned in this blog will no doubt live upto most peoples expectations .

the lost

So far this year , Killzone 2 missed its mark slightly with a dissapointing campaign , online was well but nowhere close to the likes of other first person shooters out there , but none the less a gr8 game, Resident Evil 5 did a fine job with co op & was full of action, but didnt lived up as a true successor to RE 4 , inFAMOUS was overall good , but very slow in progression, but a real good game in the end , Prototype & Red Faction Guerrilla were surprsingly good ,Halo wars did well on its own roots , an rts done well on consoles , Rockstar gaved us 1 hell of a dlc in the form of the lost & damned , Arkham Asylum s already a hit , XBLA gaved us smash hits in the form of Shadow Complex , Splosion Man & Trials HD & multiplats like BF1943 did really well ,PSN had some hits as well in the form of Fat Princess , Flower , Noby Noby boy , Bungie kept Halo 3 fresh with the Mythic Map packs & new playlists almost everyweek , Epic though a bit unsupportive :P did managed to deliver 1 hell of a dlc in the form of Dark Corners . so far the year has been quiet amazing for me & its not just ended . There s ton of awesomeness on the way & i hope you all had a gr8 gaming year as well so far & enjoy the new games comin. here s hoping 4 another gr8 holiday season :wink:.
