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Looking For That Special Someone


WoW!:shock:, the Grand Theft Auto IV impressed me a lot :P,i am speechless :oops:,Grand Theft Auto IV is the Next Big Thing 4 sure :wink:. the trailer was just Mind Blowing ,

The first GTA IV trailer was titled "Things Will Be Different," and showed an in-game-engine video montage of the new Liberty City, which is directly modeled on New York City. Its contemplative tone, aided by a Phillip Glass anthem from the art house documentary Koyaanisqatsi, raised the possibility that the forthcoming sequel might not feature quite the same level of ultraviolent criminal activity as its predecessors.

However, the (faint) possibility of a nonviolent GTA IV was shattered today, when Rockstar released the second trailer for the game. Titled "Looking for that Special Someone," the preview shatters any notion that Nikko Bellic, the game's Eastern European protagonist, will be a pacifist. Although Rockstar has given the impression that Bellic will be a reluctant criminal--much like San Andreas protagonist C.J.--the trailer shows that he will indulge in the automatic weapons-aided shootouts that have become the franchise's hallmark.

I Noticed somethings in the trailer , i saw someone being randomly being beaten :P :lol:when they show Niko just walking down the street , i also noticedwhen niko `s walking with the gun by the wall with the graffiti. you can see the corner. there is a painting of El Burro from GTA 3 , i see aguy ordering a hotdog from a Hotdog stand while Niko was walking down the street

I also noticed Niko uses the same car in most of the trailer , and niko ` s wearing a helmet on the bike , which looks phenomenal :),in the begining of the trailer , ther was a place called the 69th street diner . may be its some sort of place where you get missions from , i also noticed that S.W.A.T have N.O.O.S.E written on their backs, dont know what it stands for :P, and the swat team looks dam realistic this time , i expect a really good A.I this time . Cock a Doodle DOO is written on the truck Niko is hanging off which looked really impressive , i can only imagine what stuff we can do in the game :P. i also noticed that when nicko `s shooting, the trunk of the car is open. i think that maybe he gets the gun from his trunk. i could see all the shells ejecting from the gun . that looks freakin awesome man...... :oops:

The damage on the windshield looked dam cool . now i am super excited for this game , and Rockstar said that there will be 3 trailers for GTA IV, we ve already seen 2 awesome trailers , i can only imagine what the third one will look like . Everything in this trailer was freakin awesome ,The Music - Mind Blowing , The Graphics - Superb , The Presenation - Pure Awesomeness :)

This is the Best Trailer i ve ever seen in my life for a video game , the last time i saw an impressive trailer was The First GTA IV , and Halo 3 Trailer . i ve already watched this trailer a thousand times , and i still need to watch it more :P, Coz i am a GTA freak ,Grand Theft Auto IV is my Most Wanted game of 2007 (along with Halo 3 :P )and one things 4 sure , this GTA will be the Best GTA till date :wink:.coz GTA IV`is without a shadow of a doubt The Next Big Thing :wink:

Finally Played Zelda Twilight Princess

hey guys , whats up , how is it going :). well i may not be able to post anything untill monday coz i am not at home and today i catched my train early morning as i have some work and i ll be out for almost a week, well its like an E 3 of Hotle Industry , its a very big expo for which i had no choice to visit, its a mustvisit for me ,and now i wont be back untill sunday night :(,right now i at my cosuins place , he s got everything , a 360 , a Ps3 , a Wii , and speaking about the Wii , i tried the Wii for the very first time ,and i am impressed , the Wiimote is awesomeness :oops:

I Finally got a chance to play one of mosy aniticpated game Zelda Twilight Princess :D ( i ll pots pics in my next blog :wink: ), i also tried Super Paper Mario ,Wario Ware , Metal Slug, and Wii Sports. all were awesome especially Zelda and Paper Mario ,i dont have words to describe about the awesomeness of Zelda , i just loved playing it :oops:, the Wii is just awesome , i also liked Wii sports, Paper Mario and Metal Slug a lot , the Wii is cool .now i want a Wii too :P. i ll try to find aWii here& if its avaialble then i ll definately buy it this weekend:D.Now my vacations has been postponed again for a month , and now i wont be getting free time for playing some games :(, but still i ll try to be on XBL at any cost , i love Gears of War (cant live without it) :oops:. i ll post more about my experience with the Wii and its games :wink:, so far its just awesome, i am enjoying every single second of it :)

Also guys dont forget tommorow to watch the 2 Trailer "Looking For That Special Someone"of The Next Big Thing Grand Theft Auto IV :) , i ll catch ya guys ,soon :wink:.

Thanks for the Memories Chris

its a real sad day for all wrestling fans :( , as the best technical wrestler of all times Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and his son Daniel were found dead today in their Atlanta home. reported the story moments ago on their website. Benoit, 40, missed a Saturday night house show and last night's pay-per-view in order to return home to Atlanta.

No further details are available at this time.

Chris Benoit was 1 of my favourirte wrestlers of all times , he was the best technical wrestler in wrestling industry , and now he is gone 4 ever , i ll miss him :( , thanks for the memories chris :cry:, you ll be missed by me :cry:.

R.I.P chris benoit ,hope you see your old friend "eddie guererro" in Heaven, ( ,R.I.P his son & wife :(. .

here is a Video Tribute to the best technical wrestler i have ever seen in my life , the rabbid wolverine Chris Benoit :cry:

Forza 2 wont let me go anywhere

as you all know that i am not very active in blogging these days :(, coz of the addiction known as Forza 2 :P, i am too busy playing this game , i am awake all night , i ve been playing forza 2 a lot from last week and i still want to play it more , right now i am level 23 in the game , i have around 35 cars in my garage , i have got Toyota s, Honda s , Skyline s , Porsche s , Beetle s, Merc s , Mustang s , you name it , i am on a roll :),the last time i was addicted to a racing game was Need For Speed Most Wanted , i beat that game around 3 times on three different systems , and hell , i still want to play that game for a fourth time :oops:which i ll definately do when i get more time free for my gaming , right now i have a very busy schedule as usual :P, Most of the time i am in my office , just work , work and work ,but thanks to my laptop that i can be online , i still check blogs and comment on it , i try to post some info s as soon as i get . i hope that i get to set my routine up once again :(, right now its all messed up, i wake late around 11 in the morning :P, then to office for the entire day , i get back around 12.30 midnight , then back on XBL for a couple of ranked matches in Gears of War and after some gears back to the paint shop in Forza 2 :lol:

I dont have words for Forza 2 , as much i used to hate racing simulations , now i am addicted to it ,oh well guys ,i bought a Ferrari 360 Moderna :) in Forza 2 and its My Current favourite and fastest car:oops:, it is super fast ,have a look, its currently a work in progress , i still feel that i need some more work to do on it , so feel free to comment on my 4xtreme Ferrari :wink:

Click the links for a Full Size Picture :wink:

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I also GIFTED a Car to my Cousin :D, and my cousin was very happy when he got gifted his dream car , A Volkswagen Beetle :)

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Max Payne Movie Teaser Hits the Internet


After loads of speculation, a movie teaser for the Max Payne flick (called Payne & Redemption) is finally out! The minute long teaser barely reveals anything (other than the fact that Payne still pops Painkillers like M&Ms). Even Max Payne's face isn't shown clearly, but from the bits and pieces we've seen the lead actor seems to fit his role well. In the end of it all a caption appears stating that it's gonna be 'Chapter III', suggesting that the movie might be a continuation of the storyline from the first and second part of the game. The movie also retains the game's visual styyle which totally rocks. Let's hope that the movie rocks too :wink:.

i was so wrong about racing simulators

i was so wrong about racing simulator games in the past ,i always used to ask my friend that what do u like in these kind of games , racing on those limited tracks with cars that dont run so fast ,cars that slips at every turn ,cars that get out of control when u drive it real fast . i was so wrong about that , coz i have always played arcade racing games in the past including burnout 3 , burnout revenge , all the games in the nfs series ., midnight club 3 , ridge racers ,test drive, played nfs most wanted three times on my xbox, pc , and then xbox 360 , and i truly loved all those games .

but i never realized that racing simulation games could be so dam addictive :shock:,believe me guys , forza motorsport 2 is just unbelievable ,you get to learn so much about cars in this game , it also teaches you to drive cars safely in real life too .i am impressed with this game :oops:, i have played games like grand toursimo 4 and project gotham racing 3 , but none of them impressed me a bit :(, i got bored of those games real fast in the past, slow cars , limited boring tracks , unforgiving A.I kept me always away from racing simulation games , but now its completely opposite :P, i played nfs carbon today and now i am finding carbon real boring in terms of gameplay :P, and enjoying forza 2 than arcade racing games :shock:.

it all started when i tried forza 2 s demo on xbl last month , the main reason i wanted to play was coz of its deep customization feature , which i used to enjoyed a lot in nfs most wanted and nfs undergound 2 :wink:, plus the graphics in forza 2 and amazing car line up made me interested in trying this game, and finally i decided that time that now i will play this racing simulator no matter how tough it is :wink:, and a month later , i got forza 2 and now i am a very big fan of racing simulators :oops:,and what a fantastic start it is for me with Forza Motorsport 2, if you guys have never played a racing simulator, then i would say definately give thisone a try , if you are one of those people who have only loved nfs and burnout games in the past, i would say , try this game, its not that hard what you think.

The starting races in the game may turn you off if you have never played a racing simulator :(, you ll slip a lot , crash a lot , loose some races ,coz of not so fast cars and the fact that u have only played arcade games . but dont worry guys , be patient, you will be developing skills as you progress through the career mode , coz a bit of patience first is the key to mastering this game , i stayed patiently first for a couple of hours , played the career mode, and there is a driving assist lane in the game, follow that lane , break on sharp turnings, sometimes u dont need to break at all , just slow down a bit and then accelerate after the turns. after spending a less than a couple of hours , you will unlock new parts and cars in the game , just like in nfs games ,you upgrade your cars with new engine parts , tires , and the handling will become like nfs and burnout games ,i started with a lexus ls 300 in the game , it used to be very slow , but now after spending too much money on it by upgrading all its engine parts ,the handling has majorly improved ,now my car is running like those burnout speeds with a nfs type handling ),i dont crash at all ,slip at all , and my car is super fast ,its now like a mix of nfs , burnout and pgr 3:) now i have realized that after upgrading your cars in these games , it s no longer a simulator , feels more like an arcade game , my driving used to be very fast and rough in real life, hey i am still a safe driver :P ,but now its only after playing forza 2 that i realize , that my driving was so bad :P, forza 2 is real , its been made with help of actual real life tracks ,real life cars and real life expert drivers . in short forza 2 is the real deal and its the current king of racing games on the 360 :wink:

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Click those links for a larger image size :wink:

Guys these pics are from my forza 2 career mode :wink:, i have around 20 cars at the moment in it :), i ve uploaded those pics directly to the forza 2 site from my 360 via xbl, its a very nice feature . I even gifted a Car to my gr8 Friend Daniel at gamespot via XBL , he requested a skull on the bonnet , but look what i made , sorry daniel :(, but i promise i ll make a better car for you next time :wink:, i hope youlike the car :D

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dare you to touch that eject button lionhart

well guys , i amback finally :),its been a while since i blogged , the reason . i am back at XBL with gears of war :), got the internet fixed the very next day i bought my new 360 . & ever since gettin back at XBL , i am playing Gears of War 24/7 . so sorry guys if i missed your blogs ,but now i am back and will be watchin all your blogs 4 sure :wink:. after retrieving my profile at XBL , the very first thing i did was try some Forza Motorsport 2 on XBL , and it was awesome , the races are fun , forza 2 is a giant game , the carrer mode is very lengthy , you can play this game for months & months & still not get bored , you ll keep getting back to forza 2 for more even after playing it for months & months , some of my friends are doing nothin but playing forza 2 all day long,they are missing thierwork , missing thier dates with thier girlfriends :P, hell some of them are even missing thier food , just coz they are too busy unlocking new cars and then painting them :lol:.oh & speaking of paint i spent some time today in forza 2 today customizing my very first car in the career mode , here are some pics :wink:.

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(click the links for a full size picture)

Its a Lexus Ls300 , i didnt put too much time in customising it , but for a start i think it looks good , i found the gameplay & customization very satisfying . the car damage looks very realistic , the A.I is good , this game is just amazing , i uploaded these pics from my xbox 360 to the forza 2 site , its a verynice feature , u can take a picture anytime in the game & after saving it , you can upload it directly to the forza 2 online community .the game has got tons of customization feature , i spent almost an hour in forza 2 doing nothing but painting my cars , trying new colours , body kits , tire , spoiler , etc .i have unlocked a couple of cars in career mode including a 1969 Cammaro . i am too impressed with Forza 2 ,i recommend this game to all car lovers , it s a must have 360 game :wink:.

I also tried Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars on my P.C Online , it was fun , the action is fast ,there was no sort of lag , or something like that , it was just awesome .i have played its single player campaign for about 4 hours & it was mindblowing , the storyline is just awesome , i have never played an rts game like this before . i ve never really liked RTS and Racing simluation games at all ,but now games like Forza 2 and Command & Conqer 3 have made me played this genre finally . i mostly play Action/Adventure , FPS , Third Person & Racing games , i even didnt liked RPG games some years ago, and Pokemon Ruby changed all that ,i spent amost 500 plus hours on my gba with Pokemon ruby & was my very first RPG game back in 2005 , after that i played Golden Sun on the gba ,and it was just awesome . RPG games are gr8 when you are really bored & you ve got nothing to do ,i am looking forward to play Oblivion some day , i may get oblivion for my Ps3 Which i may get next month :) . right now i dont feel like gettin a ps3 at this time ,yeah i want motorstorm , resistance real badly .but you know guys, there is a problem now:(

I AM BACK with My Favourite game , Gears of War , yeah its soooooooooo good to back on XBL with gears :) . after getting back with gears on xbl , i started with a ranked match , i was sure that i wont get a single frag in the very first round :P, the map was Gridlock, i was in the cog team , i went straight up to get the boomshot ,& right in front of me there was a dude waitin to chainsaw me :(.then guess what , i wascarrying a shotgun , i escaped his chainsaw ,jumped back , shot him with my shotgun , swaped to thechainsaw & chainsawed him :lol:, that dude went mad after that :lol:, & even i didnt believed that in the very first round i got the first kill for my team , that to be a chainsaw kill :shock:.,& after a couple of more rounds , i kickedsome serious @$$ , i was the leading guy in my team ,but my teammates completely s&cked big time in the match , we lost the match unfortunately, but still i was happy that i am still good at gears no matter what :)

During the weekend , i only played gears of war nonstop for 20 plus hours :P, i missed my sleep , missed my breakfast , missed my lunch , i only took a couple of 30 seconds break that to be for drinking some water or for you know what guys :lol: :lol: :P :P. it was my best gaming weekend of all times . one match after another & one match after another , it was awesome :) . when i bought gears on launch last year, i played it for a couple of months online ,and after sometime i stopped playing it , coz my gamescore was quiet low at that time , it was only a 1100 points . so i left gears 4 a while & played other games coz i needed to increase my gamescore. i still used to play gears on weekends for hours and hours :P. but i always wanted to play it even more & more . & now that my gamerscore is 9000 plus points , i should relax & play Gears & only Gears for a long long time . i also wanna play some other games like Forza 2,saints row , graw & R6 vegas which i left uncompleted , i ll be playing them when i get too much free time :wink:. i may play them on weekends ,and for the entire week i ll be only playing gears of war . here are some pics i took from the new gears maps that i recently downloaded from XBL ,if you dont have them , get it, they are worth it & my favourites are Process & Garden :wink:

Its so dam confusing 4 me now :(

I have 3 awesome games , i wanna play them all real bad,but i only have time for 1 :(,& My new gears of war disc inside my 360 says me"dare you touch that eject button lionhart ":P

Finally got My New Xbox 360

Oh yeah :) ,today I finally got myself a new premium Xbox 360 :) , i tried everywhere for a Elite , & it was hard to get , there is hardly any elite available here , and in some stores, its  for 950 $ (that to be with no warranty) . so i decided to get a preimum 360 along with Gears of War :). it has a 1 year warranty too. so now i dont need to worry :). my previous 360 was NTSC , and i got it when it was not even launched in my country , and some months later the 360 was officialy released here .My region is PAL . and it was always hard to get NTSC games here ,and i had no warranty at all . so i sold my previous 360 along with some games last month and today i got a new 1 today :P. i also picked up Forza Motorsport 2 last week ,& ever since i bought forza 2 , i knew i cant hold on too long to get a new 360 :P


The very first thing i tried on my new 360 was forza 2 , not gears this time coz i ve already played it for 1000s and 1000s of hours before :P. i have always wanted to play a racing simulator in my life , i tried grand tourismo 4 when it was released , but i didnt liked it that much , i was waiting for a psp gt4 which never got released at all :P,i hope that gt4 releases sometime soon for the psp so that i can enjoy that too . well i think i am talkin abt forza 2 here , so leave gt . from the moment i started racing with my mustang gt in forza 2 , i was impressed by its awesome graphics and superb gameplay . this game is huge ,  i liked forza 2 a lot , though i ve only played it for an hour , and all i can say is this ,its the best racing sim ever , its just superb & easy to pick . even if you ve been playing games like nfs most wanted or pgr 3 , you wont have a hard time here at all managing this baby , its just satisfying . i also found my favourite car in the game , which is a Ford Mustang GT :) .and i hope that all my favourite cars are in this game .i didnt check the customization feature at all , and now i realise that i missed one of forza 2 s awesome feature :P, i ll be checking it out later & i am sure that i ll be playing this ultimate racing sim for months & months :wink:.

I am both Happy :) and Sad now:(. happy coz i ve got a new 360 . sad coz my router is not working from last saturday , the speeds were quiet low on saturday , it almost felt like it was a dial up connection . so i called up my isp , and they said there is nothing wrong with thier services and i should send my router for replacement . and now i have no internet at home . and this is the reason that i didnt blogged at all this week . sorry guys if i missed your blogs , i missed you guys , i missed gamespot :(.so now i am writing this blog from my friends house , i dont know when will i get my router back , its always like that , whenever there is something gr8 on gamespot or at xbl , my router or isp just gives up . last time it happened when annex mode was released for gears , and i had to wait for almost 10 days to get the internet working . and now that i have finally got my 360 , i dont have internet , how cool is that  , i feel like banging my isp s head into a brick wall , or chainsaw them :P. man.... , i cant wait to get back at Xbox Live to kick some @$$ in gears of war  .

When i sold my first 360 , i questioned myself , when will i get a new 1 :( , so i promised myself that i ll be getting both a elite and a ps3 .and at that time i only had that much money to get a core 360 , which costs here 500 $ , and elite which is hardly available costed more than 900 $. i had 600 $ for my ps3 , but i decided that i wont even touch it , and i ll start saving for a elite , and i started saving for it ,i looked everywhere for a elite , and when i saw 1 , it was for 930 $ and that to be with no warranty ,i tried all the gamestores here and they said it may be released here by august . so i decided that i should get a premium 360 now coz i cant wait that much long , and got a new 360 for 680 $ .

Right now i am feeling very emotional :(, coz this is June , it s a month full of emotions for me :( . its a time when i recall all my good old sweet memories ,the time i spent with my girlfriend , the time i spent with all my homies . i miss them a lot ,they no longer exist in my life , some of them betrayed me , some of them are too far away :( . june is dam emotional 4 me , and at the same time its very inspirational coz June was also the month where i played some awesome games in video gamin industry including Half-life 2 , GTA Trilogy , Halo 1 , Halo 2 , Nfs Most Wanted . and this year june doesnt look any different to me . i ve been workin too hard from the last couple of weeks , not just coz i needed a new 360 and ps3 ,its just that i wanted to make sure to myself that i can live my life the hard way :wink: and now i think that i ve just proved to myself that if you believe in yourself, nothing is impossible . when i reached back home along with my new 360 , i was so happy that i felt like crying , i dont know why , but it was a feeling of happiness that i cant express .

I still remeber that day when i was a kid ,& all my friends uesd to have a NES with loads of games,& all i had that time was a brick game handheld :(.so 1 day i told my mom that i want a NES , and in future i ll never request her for a gaming console . & my sweet mom gifted me a NES on my birthday :) . after that day i never begged my parents for a game console , and bought almost every great game and game consoles :). & today when i look back at that day when it was a dream of getting a next gen console. it feels that dam good . guys i dont know whether any of you had felt this kind of feeling ever or not , but its true . you feel good when you get gifted a game or game console , but it feels that dam good when you get a game console from your hard earned money:wink:. thats it 4 now guys , i gotta go , oh i almost forgot it :P, last weekend i sold some of my ps2 and 360 games coz i ve pre ordered some ps3 ,new 360 games and this

For a Masterchief fan like me , its worth every single penny :wink:


i got Forza Motorsport 2

I cant believe myself that i got forza 2 this early :P, Forza Motorsport 2 is now the best driving game on the Xbox 360, it has got 300 plus cars , ( i hope my favourite cars are in the game :P ) . i never get new games in time, it always take some time to hit gamestores here , and i am glad that forza 2 released here at the right time . and guess what , i am the very first guy in town to get Forza 2 :). what happened today was just like tommorow , the biggest gamestore in my city called me up that forza 2 has just arrived and they want to start selling it with me as thier very first customer . i have a very good rep at that gamestore and i was also thier very first customer when the gamestore opened 5 years back :).i have been buying games from that store from the last 5 years . its called Planet M . its not only a gamestore , its a multistore that has all the latest games, music , all the latest movies , cds , dvds ,etc .

I saw some other new releases too like spider man 3 (may get in future ),Def Jam Icon and some PS3 s easily available ,the ps3 60 gb version is officialy available here for 1000 us $ :shock:. i wont buy a ps3 for 1000 us $ at all . its too dam much :(. well, i ll be getting my ps3 next month through my brother, who s lives in New York:). and by that way i ll be saving 400 $ and i may even pick up a Wii with Zelda Twilight Princess if its available. i have got Forza 2 now , but too bad , i cant play it coz its Pal Version , and my 360 is NTSC . this is the reason i sold my 360 in the first place, coz getting ntsc games here is too hard , so i ll have to wait for some time ,untill i get myself a new pal Xbox360 .I am dieing to play Forza Motorsport 2 now , right now i am too busy playing some C&C 3  Tiberium Wars on my PC , so i can wait sometime for Forza 2,as for command & conquer 3, it is sooooooo dam addictive , i even missed my sleep last nite coz i was busy playing it . so now i ll continue playing Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars on my PC and some GRAW on my friends 360 . & BTW , this is my third blog in less than 24 hours :P, so if you guys have missed my previous blogs then go ahead , watch it , i ll catch you guys and girls later in my next blog :wink: . oh ,& some videos in the end :P.



EA shifts gears with Need For Speed PRO STREET

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. - May 31, 2007 - Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:ERTS) announced today that the blockbuster Need for SpeedTM franchise is introducing a new version that drives the series in a new direction. Need for SpeedTM ProStreet is a ground-breaking Need for Speed experience where you're thrust to compete head to head against the best street racers in a multitude of racing showdowns. The game is being developed by EA Black Box in Vancouver, B.C., and is slated to ship this fall.

"Need for Speed ProStreet accelerates street racing culture by providing the ultimate stage for the pursuit of street racing supremacy," said Executive Producer, Larry LaPierre. "This is a game about building the ultimate performance-tuned battle machine, taking it to multi-disciplinary showdowns all over the world and pitting your skills and reputation against the very best street racers."

Need for Speed ProStreet boasts impeccable precision and impressively detailed photo-realistic graphics, effectively transporting you to the center of the action. It pushes the "AutosculptTM" technology to a new level, allowing you to directly impact your car's performance for the first time as well as personalize its appearance. Need for Speed ProStreet is a true taste of raw adrenaline and racing with consequences. Every dent, every scratch and every crumpled body panel is a battle scar, proof of your commitment and competitive mettle. With an aggressive and skilled AI system, you become immersed in an unmatched believable race experience. Add in a revolutionary online mode that will redefine the meaning of competitive social play, and Need for Speed ProStreet is the ultimate formula for an emotionally charged street racing showdown.

Need for Speed ProStreet will be available for Xbox 360TM video game and entertainment system, PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system, and Wii? as well as the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, Nintendo DSTM, PSP® (PlayStation® Portable) handheld entertainment system, PC and mobile. More information can be found at
