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My 360 Loves Me

in previous blog i was very sad :( coz my 360 was scratching discs and last night i risked my 360 by playing a demo disc on it for an hour and nothing happened ,but only it became a bit noisy like it was scratching my disc whenever there was some load times , i checked my disc and it wasnt scratched a bit, then i crossed my fingers and put my nfs carbon disc onto my 360 and it worked alright :D, i played if for an hour and nothing happened , then i played Saints Row for 6 hours nonstop and nothing happened at all , and it became clear that My 360 is fine ,and its fine coz My 360 loves me a lot :P, i care for it , just like you care for a little baby :P.

It is my tomb raider disc which was dirty and was the reason maybe that made my 360 scratch my dvds :(. and now my 360 is just a bit noisy after this, i talked with my game dealer about this today and explained him deeply about this, and he said, my 360 is fine and there is nothing to worry about ,but told me that my 360 dvd drive s rubber pad may have been shrinked and will need to be replaced by new pads . so he has adviced me to send my 360 for replacing the pads which costs nothing at all :).but right now i cant send it :( coz i am just too busy with my work and sending it via courier is a risk, so i ll just wait for a month and wont play my 360 that much to avoid any damage to it . but since my 360 loves me :wink: , i ll be playing it only for a couple of hours daily :D

The bottom line is this , if you love and care for your consoles , then they do return the favour like this , and i am glad that my 360 is been with me all the time and now i love my 360 more than ever, its the best next gen console out there in my opinion , and always remember, care for your console :),coz it aint a bad thing to do :P

My Xbox360 Scratching Discs

my 360 is acting a bit wierd from last nite as it is scratching my game discs and other discs too :cry:, right now my 360 is kept horizontal and i have never even moved my 360 while its on , so what could be the problem , right now none of my game discs have been scratched but my matrix revolutions dvd is done , and whenever i put my tomb raider legends disc into my 360, it gives an errror saying the disc is dirty and i cant play the game, well my legends disc doesnt have any scratches then why is it saying that :( . i am able to play my 360 without any problems , everything is fine except this disc scarthing , now i cant play any games on my 360 untill it gets fixed, i have read forums on the net regarding this problem and it says that my dvd drive needs more pading on it ,which will prevent the disc from being scratched. here is a pic of my matrix dvd that got scratched last night :(

I tried my 360 on vertical too ,but the problem is still there and i even contacted my local game dealer here for this problem and he said that this is a very common problem and repairing it is very minimal, like 10 $. but thing is that it will take around 4 to 5 weeks to send and get it back .coz my game dealer is around 1100 kms away from my town and sending it there is also a big risk via courier ,so i have to go there by myself :( coz i cant risk my 360.which means i cannot play my 360 till next month or till april , coz i have got too much work in my office.

The problem with my 360 is that first any game or disc that i insert in plays well for around 10,15 mins and after sometime i hear sounds like its scrathing my disc slowly and after sometime like an hour or two ,its even louder and then i have no option but to take off my disc before it gets scratched. it ll be best that i first get my 360 repaired then only i should play on it :(. and now all i can do on my 360 is just play some arcade games and demos from my 360hdd. its happened with a lot of people and all i have to do is be patient . so i am just fine with that :D, and i guess now is the right time for me to play some games on my xbox ,ps2 and pc that i ve been waiting from a long time to play like Metal Gear 2 , 3 , jak2,jak3 , Riddick, Doom3 ,cod2 and others .

and here is a link to more details on x360 disc scratching problems

Oh Yeah !

Hey yo , whats up guys, how is everyone :D, i just got back from my business trip and it was the worst trip ever in my life as i got bored a lot and didnt even got the time to play my psp,but anyways my trip was good for my bussiness , so i didnt mind that even it was boring a lot :P. after all u ve got to work real hard if you wanna get a ps3, wii and all the gr8 games out there :P. the best thing that happened to me today was that i reached home and i was very tired from my boring journey . i entered my room and found my 2 new games on the desk that i had ordered almost a month ago :D, and now it feels that dam good to finally get New Super Mario Bros for my DS and NBA Live 07 for my 360 :D.and speaking about nba live 07


Yeah,thats right dont miss out nba live 07 on xbl this Sunday coz this sunday more than 1000 people will be on xbl for the online 1000 achievement which has 100 points, so if you have a nba live 07 disc,just be at xbl in the nba live 07 lobby :D and get your 100 points, i feel so dam lucky about this as today only i recieved my  nba live 07 disc :) and tommorow i ll be there for online 1000 :D

My Nephews First Birthday

Today is also a very sweet day for me :) coz today my Nephew turns 1 year and he is going to be soon my gaming partner i guess :P. i ll gift him a dslite or a next gen ds when he is 4 or  5 :P,here is a pic of my Nephew

 i just love playing with him when i am not gaming

New Super Mario Bros DS

Mario was one of my first video games when i was a kid and i am a very big fan of mario from that time . I have waited for almost 6 months to get this game as it was very hard to find and today i am feeling soooooo happy that i cant express :),and this is my third DS game, and from now on i ll be getting more ds games coz i have already got more than 13 psp games and only 3 ds games, and here is a pic of my new super mario bros

I had a very frustating and boring time during my trip and now this game had just made me feel happy :) and today its saturday, which means my Gaming Weekend is here ,so i have to go now guys ,and play super mario bros ,its still packed :) will tell u guys later on how the game was. got a go play some mario , oh yeah :P :P :D :wink:

now thats nice

as all of you know that my 360 headset was broken last week :cry: accidently by me  and i was unable to chat with my friends at xbl , making me to stay away from any multiplayer games like gears of war and cod3 on xbl that i play with my friends daily, so i was about to buy a new one today ,but last nite i experimented something on my 360 :wink: as i put my old cell phones headset and mic onto my 360 and it worked :), yeah thats right , a cellphone headset,mic of either a sony erricson or lg works on an xbox 360 , and thats so cool , now i wont be buying a new headset,mic for my 360 untill my current headset breaks :lol:,and thats nice :D

New Movies

i bought Dawn of The Dead and the Marine on dvd today coz i loved dead rising and i think this movie is similiar to that, and since i love wwe a lot , i decided to get the Marine too :D,and in an hour i ll be leaving for the movie theatre to watch Ghostriders lets hope that i get the tickets for it as it will be housefull coz it got released here today :D and after watching the movie i ll be on my 360 for some Viva Pinata and Dead Rising :D

Going out for a day

I wont be here on GS tommorow as i am leaving town for a day :P,as i have to travel some 200 miles for an office work, so i ll be taking my psp with me and a tekken dark ressurection umd in it :wink: that will keep me happy when i am on the move :P

So happy gamespotting guys and i ll catch ya on saturday or may be tommorow nite :P

Viva Pinata - My 500th Video Game

Since it was going to be my 500 th video game, i decided to get something which was Unique and what better game it would be to get Viva Pinata as my 500th game :D and last night i bought it.


I was waiting for this game for a long time and didnt bought it coz first i wanted to get games like lost planet and rainbow six vegas and now since i have both :P,i decided to get it and i am impressed by this game, its very unique and addictive too :P, i played it all night :P ,missed my sleep and it was just awesome , Viva Pianta is a very innovative game by Microsoft ,it is like what Nintendogs is on the DS ,both games are awesome and different and cannot be compared at all .and now i will be getting Nintendogs soon.

Viva Pinata is very impressive and i feel like my childhood is back with this game :P, i still remember those awesome  days when i used to be a kid :P (hey , i am still a kid sometimes:P) and used to water the plants in my garden :wink:.and after playing Viva Pinata, its like refreshing those old sweet memories. The pinatas in the game looks very sweet and cute :), i love pinatas .this game is for all ages and for both ,guys and girls, people of any age will love this game for sure . in the game right now i have got around 6 different species of pinata s in my garden and total 15 pinatas in my garden :D,in the first hour of the game you ll go through some tutorials which tells you on how to play it and it is very helpfull . the only thing i didnt get in the game is that sometimes an evil guy comes in my garden and destroys one of my pinatas :cry: after every 2,3 nights and i cant do anything to protect my pinata :(,though i am able to kill wild pinatas with my showell that comes into my garden for thier lunch and dinner looks like that i have to play this game more and may be after leveling up in  it,i ll be able to protect my pinatas from others that try to sabotage my garden :(. right now my level is 11 and about to be at level 12. and here is a picture of what my current garden in viva pinata looks like :D.

Overall Viva Pinata is a must have on the 360 in my opinion and is a solid and addictive game . i feel like this game was made by Nintendo ,not by Microsoft coz i think that MS had never made a game like this before and its a right step in the right direction by MS ,thanks MS for this awesome game :)

5000 Achievement Points :D

Today i also broke the 5000 mark for my Xbox 360 Achievement points :D,and now my next target is 10k which will happen soon :wink:and by the year end i plan on getting around 25k :D.

i have never played a game like this before

After beating WWE SVR07 Season and a slow and boring week I Finally got back into Dead Rising this past saturday and today i just completed it and got the true ending of the game :D,i had played some of it 2 months back but left it coz i was busy with other games and all i can say is that this game tested my patience to new limits and now i am feeling very happy after finally beating this awesome masterpiece game .

(Feel Free To Read , there are No Spoilers )I wont spoil anything for those who havent played it yet so feel free to ready my blog .There are around 3 or 4 endings in this game and i got the best ending :D. Dead Rising is all about zombies and it requires a lot of patience ,so if u are very impatient and get frustated soon then dont get this game at all coz it will frustate you a lot, the save system $ucks big time in this game coz you only get 1 slot for save ,which means if you saved your game in a bad situation from  which u cannot complete the next task then you are screwed , u have to start the game from the beginnig, the only thing good is that your stats in the game remain the same when you start a new game . i enjoyed dead rising a lot as it had my favourite weapon these days in video games , A Chainsaw  :D, and i ll recommend this weapon to everybody those who are playing or havent played it yet.its one of the most powerfull and best weapon in the game, i enjoyed it a lot and it was extremely usefull for almost all the bossfights in the game. u get the chainsaw in the game very early in the game by defeating a psycopath called adam the clown

He is very easy to kill :P,and once u have killed him pick his chainsaw and there are 3 books in the game that make this chanisaw last 27 times making it almost unbreakable and unstopable :D ,these books are located in wonderland plaza and paradise plaza of the game.overall the game was an awesome experience and in my opinion Dead Rising has one of the best stories in gaming history :D,sure there are some flaws in the game , but still i enjoyed it , it is frustating a lot ,but i think this game is  unique, i have never played a game like this before in my life. you have to be very quick in dead rising when you are doing the main story missions ,and always have some healing items and a chainsaw with you for some bad situations in the game :D. last night i started playing a fresh new game of it ,and played it till 6 in the morning then waked up again at 11 and unfortunately i had to resart the game from start coz i saved my game at a bad spot and i was unable to complete the objective in time ,it frustated me a lot, but i never lost hope and then restarted it again and played it till i beat it and now after playing this game for almost more than 3 or 4 times ,all i can say is wow :D,i have never played a game like this before in my life , it was challenging and it was even harder to get the true ending , and i always wanted to knew what the true end will be, so i just played it a lot and after playing it a lot, i understood what i had to do next in the game, and then it became a lot easier and the fact that i was at level 40 made the game even easier towards the end :D 

Now i know almot everything about this game , so if any of you guys ever need any help in Dead Rising then feel free to ask me or just pm me , i will help you out :wink:.Dead Rising is a   Masterpiece :D, it is very cinematic and i would love to see  a movie of it in future. Frank West , the main charachter of the game is awesome , and overall a solid voice acting done by everyone in the game :D. i know that a sequel to dead rising will come soon and i will be waiting for that :D,i cant wait to see whats next in the sequel and i hope they fix the flaws and save system in Dead Rising 2:D. i got around 640 points from dead rising,and i ll get the rest of them next time when i have enough free time to play it :P.  and here is a video of dead rising , its a chainsaw video , but its not that chainsaw that i was talking about as this one breaks very soon after 20,25kills :P and dont watch this video if you dont like any voilence.


Broken Mic , Boring Day, Boring life, but there is something that makes me Happy

The last couple of days have been quiet boring for me :( in real life and at gs too ,as no interesting blogs from people, nothing to blog about and it felt even more boring coz i didnt got any time to play on my 360 and now my xbox 360 s mic seems to be broken :cry:, its a loose contact in mike as i have to hold it very tight then only it works :( and if i hold it tight then i cant play any games on xbl , i dont know how my mic will be fixed and now i think that i should get a Wireless Mic for my 360 :),and does any of you know  how much will a wireless mic cost for a 360 ?.

Quake Wars for PS3 and Xbox 360 :)


Now i can wait a lot longer for my pc gpu upgrade or may even not upgrade it at all :P coz now quake wars is also coming for the 360 and PS3 :D and all i can say is WOW  and i think even the pc version will work fine on my pc , and if i am not wrong then i think its using the doom 3 engine which runs flawlessly on my pc at high resolutions :D, i dont know why they didnt go for the unreal 3 engine that gears of war uses . and now i think its only a matter of time that when crysis releases on pc ,it may also be ported to the ps3 and 360 :D

Finally a low priced Direct X 10 GPU :D

Those who are upgrading to a direct x 10 gpu, there is good news on that coz now a 300 us$ gpu is available , its Ge Force 8800 GTS. the sad part is that this gpu is available in my country for more than 600 us $ :shock: :cry: , thats too bad :(, i wont buy it untill its 300 or 250 $ in my country . click on the link for a hands on 8800GTS

Something that makes me Happy :)

The only thing gr8 today was that i saw Final Destination 3 with my friends ,which was an awesome movie , i liked it and after that we had a Farewell Party to my Best Friend :) whos going to australia  for his career and will return by next year .and now i ll be bored a lot as all of my closest friends are not in town :cry: and no girl friends at all coz one of them is gone forever, one is in canada for 4 months and others are too busy studying  :(.and my little brother is also going for higher studies abroad in a couple of months :cry:.i think that now i need a break , but i cant even have a break as i ve got too much work to do in my office :cry:

Man , life $ucks big time for me now ,but there is something to be happy about, and that something is my gaming life which always rocks :D :) and will always rock , thats why i am here at gamespot :wink:. and now i am getting some new games for my DS which will make me a lot happier now plus i am getting Viva Pinata and may be Cars for my 360. and i ve got sweet, nice ,cute and awesome friends like you guys here at gamespot that always rock :).thanx for being my friend everybody and now i need u guys more than ever and now i dont feel alone at all :) :D :wink:

OMG , i forgot three things

Yes guys , i am so much busy playing wwe that i almost forgot :shock: my very first DS Anniversary :P, yes ,today is the day a year ago i sold my GBA SP :cry: :( and bought a brand new Nintendo DS :D :)

My  DS has been awesome for me and i have played a lot on it , though i only own 2 games on it :(, but still i ve got mario kart ds with me  which i have played countless number of hours , i love mario kart and my DS :D.and if u guys have never played a mario kart then u guys are definately missing a lot, u can check my review for more mario kart ds :P. and i have also Mario and Luigi, partners in time ,which is just awesome and u get to play as both mario and luigi together in this game as kids :D and elders too :D, plus i ve got around 20 awesome gba games :D to play on my DS including Zelda ,the minish cap, Zelda, a link to the past , Golden Sun ,Pokemon fire red and Pokemon Ruby :D and i recently ordered New Super Mario Bros:D and Yoshi s Island :D for my DS that i ll get it soon :wink:

Overall my ds has just been awesome, and i plan sometime in future on upgrading my ds by trading it for a ds lite if the price is right :D. The second thing i forgot is my xbl gamerscore :P, as all of u may know that i had to make a new Gamertag 2 months back coz i was unable to renew my gold subscription of my old gamertag which had 4105 points and last week i beat that score on my new gamertag which now has 4445 achievement points :D and now i think that i am quite content with my gamerscore :D, sure i am not the guy whos working day and night for points :P, but who doesnt love points and i have made a target to get 25k achievement points by the end of this year :D.  i hope that i achieve that much points by the end of this year :D.

And the last thing that i forgot was that now i am at level 26, Cyber - Lip :D. cool name i guess, i didnt realised it until today that now i am on level 26 :shock:, i am leveling up too fast i guess :), i gota slow down now for a while on gs :P

God of War 2 and Crackdown Review

Cant wait for a review on God of War 2, check it out

i cant wait to get god of war 2 for my ps2, its one of the best action games ever made, if u dont own a ps2 , get it , rent it , do any d@m thing :P to play this game :D, god of war 2 has lived up to the hype , now i cant wait to play it :)


Crackdown Review

Crackdown also got reviewed ,click this link for a crackdown review :D

i tried to upload a video of crackdown achievements too which i cant upload coz gs is updating and i am unable to upload any videos :( , click this link for a video on achievement points of crackdown :D

Back to Wrestling

I finally started playing wwe svr07 on my 360 and its awesome, i got this game at launch but didnt had the time to play it and now that i have loads of time ,  i decided to start it and i guess that i ll be playing it all week :D and after that i am onto Dead Rising and Lost Planet , and thanx to everyone who wished me for february 11 as it was an awesome Gamer birthday for me :D, and a special thanx to Reetesh :D, who even called me up on my cell phone , thanks a lot reetesh , you are a true friend and a friend that ll be a forever friend in my life :wink:

New Halo 3 Theme :)

I just made a new Halo3 banner and icon for my profile, i kept it very simple and i think it looks cool :D,what do u say about my new banner, i am quite new to photoshop and this is my second banner using photoshop :D, i hope u guys like my new theme :)

i still remeber that time

I still remeber that time when i was just 5 years old :P and i had an ATARI that i used to play some spave invaders on it :P,and sadly it was stolen :cry:,so i used to go at gaming parlours and at my friends place to play some games, and when i was 10, all my friends used to have a nes and other great consoles ,and after convincing a lot to my mom i got a NES :D which i used to play a lot and sadly it was also locked by my dad  in a coupboard :( coz i used to play mario ,contra and excite bike 24/7 :lol: and i only used to get it back on holidays and sundays :(. and one day i got so much frustated of this and quitted gaming for a while and i said to myself that one day when i ll be a grown up and will be earning money, i ll buy myself all those awesome games and game consoles .and in the year 2000 i got back into the Gaming world by buying myself a PS 1 from my savings of all my pocket money of 2 years :D  and today when i look back at that time , all i can say is Misssion Acomplished, Objective Complete , Achievement Unlocked :D :P

I dont remember the date :P when i got my ps1 ,and i think it was around april of 2000  :D,and from there on i resumed my  gaming life and never looked back and got myeself almost all the greatest games and game consoles. and today i own 499 GAMES :D, a NES, a high specs PC, a PS1 ,a PS2 , a XBOX, a PSP, a DS , and an XBOX 360 , and soon i am getting a PS3 and Wii :D. Its been an awesome gaming ride for me :D and now all i can say is that its been 19 years of hard work collecting Games and enjoying them all :P. and tommorow its the day i wait all year long :D

Februaruy 11 is finally tommorow and its one of the best and biggest day of the year for me as i celebrate this day as my day :D,or u can say Gamers day ,Independence day or a Gaming Birthday 4 me :D, this is the day where i make my own rules in life ,set some new goals in life (not fifa goals :lol: :P) make some promises , and some new resolutions in life :D and this year i ve got tons of new rules , new promises and resolutions too :D. wish me luck guys coz i need it a lot as now i am on my way to fulfill my biggest dreams in my life ,may be its being in the wwe or may be its working with game companies like ubisoft,epic games, thq ,capcom ,ea or bungie , i dont know which one is my real dream and it still sounds me a joke and impossible coz right now i am not that good either on making games or at wrestling, but impossible is nothing and where there is a will, there is a way, so what i will do is i will chase my dream and if i get it then it will be the biggest accomplishment of my life,and if i get there some how than i ll be throwing a party for sure to all my gamespot friends :D

i dont know whether i will live my dreams or not .and if my dreams doesnt come true than its ok with me coz i can live my entire life with this fact that i got myself back into this amazing and mindblowing world of Gaming :D that has brought my smile back and my life a lot happier and better tah never :D ,coz there is no better world in this universe than the Gaming world .

Its been 9 years that i have lived my life on my own without asking any help from anybody, i have always made my dreams come true in life and all these years ,i have been very strong and dominant all these years,never felt alone , all thanks to Gaming ,there were some hard times and some very bad bad times too which i faced as a lionhart :D.and it feels that dam good to have lived ur life on your own and make your own identity :wink: and now i am entering a new era in life,and its like hey i have done this before , aint i :D, so now i am on this highway running at Burnout and Wipeout speeds with a Master Chief attitude to live my dream and i hope that i live this dream :D thanks for reading my blog guys:D, and i will end this blog with my Hero and biggest inspiration in life ,who is Master Chief offcousre :D


My favourite game franchise of all times


My Current Favourite Game


and 1 of my favourite video of all times


Keep on rollin, yes ,that is what i am doing in life :D and will keep on rollin and i will suggest all of u to keep on rollin in your lives too :D and there is no other great world than the Gaming world :D