galaxus' forum posts
PS- Final Fantasy Tactics, Vagrant Story*, Parasite Eve 2, Tomb Raider 2. MGS, FF7, Castlevania SotN, Resident Evil 3
PS2- MGS2*, FFXII, Prince of Persia SoT, GoW2, Resident Evil 4, Shadow of the Colossus, Devil May Cry 1,
PC- Warcraft 3*, Starcraft, Rainbow 6, Baldur's Gate 2, Ice Wind Dale
Call of Duty 3... hands down
i kinda dont like ff12...
1:they dont get thier own weapons... kinda frustrating becuz they are all using the same weapons...
2:the stroy is crappy...
3:battle system has changed and made ffXII the worst game ever made
1: Liscence thingy was a good thing...
2: monster and weapon designing are good
3: and graphics are good also
With regards to the battle system, switch to manual.
Worst Ending
1) Resident Evil 4. Gameplay is amazing and the cut sequences with in the game are pretty good. However as for endings, this was a wimperwhich Capcom could have made so much better. Good thing the play backreels are available upon completion.
2) God Father. Ending wasnot worth all the time and effortto finish the game. Although fun to play, the ending was rushed.No deleted scenes as a bonus? What a shame!
3) God Hand. I found the game tough. The developers could have at least made the ending worth the ordeal.
4) Jak & Dexter. With the amount of time needed to accomplish the game, it sure had a short ending.
Best ending sequence
1) MGS 1,2 and 3. Really makes one want to finish these games since the endings are never a let down.The endings last long and are a treat to watch.
2) FFX-2 "Good Ending". That's the ending I wished FFX had. On aside note,SquareEnix (Squaresoft)has generallylearned to reward theirgamers with decent to fantastic game endings.
3) God of War 2. One word about the ending... Intense.Just wish it could have been longer.
4) Legacy of Kain Defiance. A fitting end to a great series.
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