@edjos No, Postal 2, a mediocre game that had limited popularity back in the day for it's extreme violence (often on annoying but mostly innocent civilians) and crude humor. And tragically TheThoughtless1 is quite accurate in his assumption. The Right loves it's moral crusades and the left loves policing the ignorant masses.
@blackace You mentioned his mother's car but failed to mention that he would've been spotted and stopped by authorities had he no choice but to walk to the school, so why not enforce Cuban-style government control over all vehicles? Can't get very far with a PS3 or 360 controller.
Problem: Mentally unbalanced individuals not getting the help they need due to the lack of mental health resources and the inability/difficulty of involuntarily committment before a major incident.
Sounds like a complicated problem to tackle... Let's just put a hypothetical band-aid on it by restricting rights across the board: guns, movies, games, hell give a gander at freedom of the press and speech restrictions too! Clearly millions of law-abiding citizens are just as potentially guilty as one lone crazy, so why not? Zoo animals don't need rights and they do just fine...
Wait wait wait... Judging from comments, people were actually SURPRISED to see this now rather than next year, despite rumors of a revision circulating since the circle pad pro's announcement...
I'm assuming this will include a second nub and the size increase is actually a necessity. If not then... Why? I'm also doubting there will be any change in battery life due to the larger screens, the DSi XL even had slightly shorter playtime then the DSi
galduke's comments