@Masked_Man Dude I own those games. They are IDENTICAL, but im not going to argue with you. Besides Halo 2 was on the original xbox idiot. Im talking about the original Halo 3 and Halo ODST. Gamepro says "ODST graphics have not improved sinse halo 3" THAT IS A FACT........GAMEPRO ALSO SAYS " Gears 2 has better features than gears 1, but graghically it has not changed". I GOT PROOF I just wish I could show you these magazines.......but you can see it for yourself when you compare the them. They are good looking games, I did not say otherwise........but they look the same graphically................Dont call me a liar........IF I HAVE TO, I WILL GET EACH MAGAZINE WITH ALL THE INFO.........AND YOU CAN LOOK IT UP FOR YOURSELF.........THEN YOU CAN KISS MY @$$ IDIOT
Anotherthing I also like how the developers push the ps3 hardware Uncharted 1 amazing looking game, but uncharted 2 blew that one outta the water............ 360" mass effect 2 looks just like the original. same with the Halo games, and same with gears of war, ITS BECAUSE THEY CANT ..........MY point is they push the PS3 with the best looking games........That is another reason why PS3 HAS BETTER GRAPHICS.....BECAUSE ITS CAPABLE
As a 32 year old gamer who has gamed since the Atari. I have got to say that the PS3 is the best cosole that I have ever owned, or seen. I think SONY really came through for its fans these last couple of years.I have 47 superb games for PS3.There is alot of amazing exclusives for PS3. Ive got to say those who say that ps3 exclusives suck are a fanboy, a moron, or both.The Ps3 exclusives look way better than the 360s, and thats a fact. The games coming out for ps3 later this year look great, and im really looking forward to the PS3 exclusives. Heavy Rain and God of War 3 really looks amazing. I spent $600 on my ps3, and it was the best 600 bucks I have ever spent. EVER .........For those of you who think im a fanboy....well....I got news for you. I waited in line for 3 days out front of best buy(FIRST ONE IN LINE) and I am really, really dissapointed......... I am pissed off. I never should of bought it. I have not been impressed with hardly any of their games. I cant believe you spoiled brats out there who's parents have bought 5 different 360s because thy break......I mean really, how stupid can you be?????, and microsoft will never fix the problem because you idiot 360 fans keep buying them.......I just think 360 is way overated. BOTTOM LINE.....the only reason more 360s are sold is because it's cheap.........Im sorry to be so blunt, but you guys sticking up for the 360 makes me sick........but your entitled to your opinions no matter how wrong you are
The only reason why MOST people own a 360 is because its the cheapest next gen console period!!!!!!! Lets just be honest people who mostly play video games are kids whos parents cant afford a PS3. Most parents buy their kids the xbox 360 arcade,not because its a better console, but because its CHEAPER.That is also why so many people have a Wii is because its cheap. With the economy the way it is, its tough for the parents. But what alot of people dont realize is microsoft screwed up big time with all their defective 360s, and most people dont know it is until its to late. And I think that is a real shame. Its not fair for people like me who camped out in front of best buy for 3 days to get one,(first one in line) and had no idea that the cosole was a peice of junk. I am very dissapointed with the Xbox 360 and i will NEVER buy a gaming console from them again ever. When I got my PS3 it was the best gaming console that I have ever had. I think Sony has the best games ever ,and I could not be more happy.
Maybe I should not say this, but gamepot should know better than to put this garbage on this site. most people just can not handle other peoples opinions without getting offended. As a 32 year old gamer, i could care less about these pictures looking better on PS3.It does not matter what gamespot,or even what you guys think. To me the PS3 is the best console because of the superb exclusives. Not to mention the really cool games that are comming out in the future. I've been gaming for 25 years, and the PS3 is one of the best consoles i've ever had.(and im fortunate to have all 3) IT SURE AS HELL HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THESE PICTURES.........My point im trying to make is Gamers are going to like what cosoles they like, and there is nothing no one can say or do about it......
This is stupid, I see absolutely no difference in any of these games!!!! THE BOTTOM LINE... it is the exclusives that make each counsel great. All this site does is cause conflict between the fans......honestly, give me a break because they all look good
game-on-man's comments