Hopefully Nintendo agrees because there first party titles are way too easy. Besides Sin and Punishment which isnt even made by them cant think of a difficult Nintendo game in recent memory. Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Punch Out, were all very easy that my 8 year old nephew beat them all.
I dont own any Bethesda games and never want to. I hope Bethesda is just publishing this and not involved with development. I dont want a buggy incomplete mess that freezes all the time.
What he's saying is kinda true but think how much more realistic his games would be with more power. Heavy Rain only had good graphics on the character faces. Environments weren't very good. Also maybe he could fix the load times next gen.
@BloodMist So the Mario, Zelda and the Mario RPGS series are bringing new stuff to the table? Mario and Zelda are still stuck in the template built on the N64 in 1996 and 1998. Paper Mario series is ok but Super Paper Mario was awful. Oh but they are bringing a new Paper Mario to 3DS that looks just like the previous 2. Speaking of 3DS, alot of originality from Nintendo. You have rehashed Ocarina of Time, Star Fox, nothing new Mario 3D Land, Pilotwings, Tennis and soon Luigis Mansion 2. Probably a crappy Animal Crossing sooner or later. All the usual rehashes are spoken for.
Crappy soccer, baseball, tennis, Mario and Sonic, mario party=milked garbage. No value and they are made for kids with no taste. The only original game Nintendo has come up with in the last years is Wii Music. We know how that POS turned out. There is a reason Nintendo keeps milking the same crap. They only go with what mindless kids buy when they should be taking a risk by making a brand new franchise. Whats up with the immature responses to my post? Im sure ive played and own more Nintendo games then both of you. Saying Nintendo needs to come up with something original is a valid complaint.
I'm 31 and still have my original nes from 1988. I own all Nintendo consoles except Wii. You act like Nintendo shouldn't be criticized even if you are a fan of them.
Hopefully Nintendo can come up with something original because they make the same exact games again and again. Even less changes compared to Call of Duty.
Those sales are exactly whats wrong with the Wii and its target audience. Most real games on Wii sell like crap but generic mini game collections sell well. 3/4 of the top selling Wii games are casual garbage.
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