If ur like me i like to go to sites with free computer games. my two favorite are www.miniclip.com and www.maxgames.com the games on maxgame are a little on the bloody side but thats ok. although i cant sit there and play the same game for a while fortuantly they have a lot of games for me to choose from.:) oh if you know any other sites feel free to share them with me;)
gamecrazy2100 Blog
GRRRRRR!!!!!! My Computer!!!!!!!!!!!
by gamecrazy2100 on Comments
sorry but our computer is in bad shape and is soooo freakin slow:evil: so i wont be a lot until its fixed.:cry: it is so slow its hard to work on it. any tips to help me fix it? please i need some desperately.:|
by gamecrazy2100 on Comments
okay yeah i might not be on here as much as i like considering school, homework, and, also i made the team for jv (junior varsity) yay!:D but i will try to be on every day.;)
by gamecrazy2100 on Comments
ow ow ow today this kid came up to me and begged me to give him a hi-five so i did, but in between his fingers he had a tack and stabbed me on my finger:evil:so great now im bleeding:cry:
by gamecrazy2100 on Comments
i think we can all agree every body likes food right? So I want to Know your favorite food and/or restaurant, easy enough right?
by gamecrazy2100 on Comments
i got a Nintendo Dsi today yay!!!!!!:D any good games i should get, other than kingdom hearts 358/2 days i already bought it.:)
Nintendo DSI
by gamecrazy2100 on Comments
I want a dsi but I don't know if I should get one. Any suggestions?:?
game cheats and cheat codes
by gamecrazy2100 on Comments
To me if u use a cheat code on a game and beat the game i wouldn't count that as 'truly' beating the game. but if you beat the game with no cheats well congrats! If you replay the game with cheats after you already beat the game, to me its fine cause you already beat the game once why go throughout the trouble again.
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