@s1l3n70n3, What you are observing is a result of superior shader power, not larger textures. The higher quality look is a result of normal, specular, and detail mapping. Those along with HDR are shader based. Gamespot either doesn't have knowledge of this, or doesn't bother to explain because it is too in depth.
@nextgenis, Gabe Newell is addressing the lack of a guaranteed HDD on the 360. This has very little to do with graphics, as much as loading times. That is nothing compared to, "I think [PS3 is] a waste of everybody's time. Investing in the Cell, investing in the SPE gives you no long-term benefits. There's nothing there that you're going to apply to anything else. You're not going to gain anything except a hatred of the architecture they've created. I don't think they're going to make money off their box. I don't think it's a good solution." Nice try.
@Lpedraja2002, And I thought I was alone swimming in the sea of sharks. lol. It's funny that the "graphic aspect is beyond my comprehension" when I'm the one that's backing my points with facts. What you say about the inability of the RSX to do simultaneous AA+fp16/32 HDR is true. The RSX does have an advantage over the Xenos concerning texture fill rate, but that's about it. Shader power is far more important than texture size. You must keep in mind that the Xenos uses unified shader architecture and has access to more memory due to the 360s unified memory. But the MAIN Reason why the Xenos is more powerful than the RSX and is not comparable to the 1900XT is the 10MB DRAM embedded in the Xenos. Makes a massive difference.
@nextgenis, This is a graphics comparison forum. That is why people are comparing graphics. You are trying to prove an illogical point with your compromising and off-point post. You went from one extreme to the other. It's nice that you came to such a peaceful and zen-like conclusion, but you are in the wrong forum for that stuff. This is about comparing multi-platform titles on the PS3 and 360. Try to keep that in mind as walking into a calculus class and preaching social reform is illogical.
@Urworstnhtmare, The floating-point calculations capability of the Cell do not directly apply to graphics capability in any manner. Graphics are GPU bound and having an expensive, high quality CPU is not nearly as important as having a quality GPU. Xenos>RSX. You do make a good point though concerning the Cell's strength and physics potential. The PS3 should have much better physics capabilities than the 360, but no developers have exploited this yet. Why they haven't is beyond me.
@daman, You say I am a retard because I cite technical data and quote the best game programmers in the industry. Nice, I can see that you are anti-truth. How is factual data and proof biased? I back up what I say with proof and Gamespot's results verify the data I am providing. You sound very angry and extreme, thank you for insulting me for being a realist. This is a graphics comparison forum. If you are not here to compare graphics on multi-platform titles then you are in the wrong place.
@Someone, "Exactly, the main one being Valve. That's why Valve made The Orange Box 360/PC exclusive, until it was ported onto PS3 by EA. -http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7422&Itemid=61 Of course though, it is EA's fault not Sony's that it looks and plays worse." You are right to an extent. You must consider that Sony's poor choice in hardware is what caused Valve's distaste for the PS3, whereby transferring the duty of porting the game to EA, who did not make the engine, so in reality they did a great job for doing it so fast and still achieving comparable results. EA has stated before that the complex nature of developing for the PS3 caused the Madden and Orangebox fiascos. http://kotaku.com/351346/playstation-3-development-still-problematic-for-ea. They did a decent job if you ask me, given the time constraints.
@squarefan, Do you mean Gamespot? These screens were most likely directly captured from the system using a high-end pc capture device. They followed a strict method and posted their results along with their analysis. You say people saying things about technical specs are just being fanboys...yeah, using scientific data is way less effective than just using your own opinion drawn from your experience on an $80 TV. Do you see the flaws in your argument? Facts are facts, opinion is just that. The fact is that the GPU setup in the 360 is superior to the one in the PS3. The fact is Gamespot is unbiased and has shown 3 times that, in general, multi-platform titles look better on the 360. They even posted pictures to demonstrate this. Dang that scientific method.
@next-genis, The Cell cannot help the RSX in the manner you describe without sacrificing a serious amount of bandwidth and experiencing an extreme drop in frame-rate or graphics quality. The main problem being that the PS3 does not use unified memory architecture, but uses static 256MB system, 256MB video. The memory write speed from the Cell to system, then over to video memory would cause a massive bottleneck. Using the CPU to assist in GPU work is illogical and inefficient. If you took an extra 2-3yrs in development you might be able to get some acceptable results from the Cell assisting the RSX, but that would be a waste of time and money. Rendering graphics on the Cell is impractical and the very fact that this could be required shows why most major devs do not like the hardware setup of the PS3.
@j-bldes, The Wii will surpass the 360 in US sales in the next year. This applies to your statement, ""what do American's love more than America? American made consoles thats what." Which is false, because American's prefer Japanese consoles according to sales data. You were spinning earlier like you have the technical knowledge and background to show why the PS3 has more graphical power, and this is not true. Your new statement shows that you weren't being truly honest about understanding game development. Please address the facts of my statements and don't spin off on some wild tangent. Please back and clarify your original statements.
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