ive seen a program called "nazis: a warning from history" and it argues that Hitler wasn't all that powerful within the Nazi party and the people around him just "worked towards his will" or the supposed will of the furher, rather then what he actually told them to do. For example, a Nazi doctor ordered the deaths of hundreds of newborn disabled children in one hospital and he passed this in official documents by saying it was supposedly"hitler's will". but he never actually received orders for these specific deaths from Hitler or anyone
but that in itself only proves that Hitler was a weak dictator, rather then whether or not he was "good".
Rebels, of course...a federal constitutional republic resulted, which is a far cry better than what the people were under at the time, which was a cruel monarchy.:)
lol why do americans think england lives under an all powerful king or something? ever heard of the English civil war? it happened like 140 years before the American revolution. the Monarch had little power in Britain or the colonies. The picture of King George as a mad tyrant is a myth. the Colonists were angry at the parliament, the king was just a figurehead.
to quote Thomas Day: "If there be an object truly ridiculous in nature, it is an American patriot, signing resolutions of independency with the one hand, and with the other brandishing a whip over his affrighted slaves"
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