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gamefreakwill Blog

My Birthday

On Monday it was my birthday, turned 26. It was pretty good, got a few things, not too much though because its close to Christmas and I'd rather wait for then to get better things. I got two games, Super Mario Galaxy and Call of Duty 4, and a stratocaster guitar signed by Johnny Lang. Really awsome guitar too...

So a lot of you are probably wondering, how are SMG and COD4? Well COD4 is AWSOME!!!! Singleplayer is a little short but its well paced and has tons of variety in it. The sniper mission is one of the most unique missions in game history in my opinion. Multiplayer is just as awsome as the beta was. (I got a code from Gamespot to get into the COD4 beta) All foes who come up against me in it usually go down, unless they get some cheap kill. Little lag in it too, and maps are great. Now, Super Mario Galaxy is........AMAZING, INCREDIBLE, ROCK SOLID, AAA!!!! Gamespotters, that game is probably the number 3 game of the year this year. Its got amazing gameplay to boot, beautiful visuals that even look better than some 360 games, nostalgic music, and great production values. Its easily the best platformer of all time, next to Super Mario 64 and the older Super Mario Bros games. Expect a review for both games very soon, and a review of Halo 3 sooner or later.

The stratocaster guitar is pretty awsome. Bought an amp on Monday to be able to play it at its full power. I still need to tune the thing so it doesn't sound like crap either. I also need to find a strap, I'll need one eventually. Still, its a great guitar, and I'll definately get that Beatles book out to learn some of their tunes on it as well.

Overall I had a pretty good birthday. And hey I'm not even a year over 30 yet! XD Just kidding to all you spotters out there who may be. Anyway keep on the watch for a SMG, COD4, and H3 review soon. And yes I'll be hard on them, but each one deserves a score above 9 anyway XD Later gamespot, and read my previous blog! Its got hilarious videos I linked to youtube!!!

Pure Hilarity

Hey gamespot, just felt like making you all laugh until you hurt today with these hilarious videos. One may look staged but really it wasn't, and its hilarious.Another one i'll show you guys may be confusing, but its mainly jsut showing what it would be like if online MMO players brought theironline game behavior intothe real world.These aren't stupid music ones either, they're actually comdedic ones, but not stand up or any of that sh*t. Oh and sorry about not posting too many actual blogs lately, I just haven't found much to complain, rant, or just talk about. Hopefully I'll get back on the track sooner or later. Ok enjoy the hilariousness!!! :)

Few New Youtube Videos

Here's a few more videos for you fellow gamespotters to check out. One I'm sure you'll think I'm an idiot for listening to but its one song. Otherwise enjoy these videos, hope you like 'em. SURPRISE!!!! U2 is among the groups!!!!.....I just hope you guys know how U2 is... :)

Youtube Live Video Madness Video 2-5 (LONG OVERDUE)

Hey sorry guys, I've been too busy to post some of these performances in the few weeks since this began. So you'll get a bundle of videos, four to be exact, and I'll make sure they're good. So lets get the links going?

I hope I got the best of the best to help make up for forgetting about this. Hope you like them Gamespotters.

September 11th, A Day We Should All Never Forget....

Today is the six year anniversery of September 11th's terrorist attacks on our country. A day that none will ever forget, especially the victims of the tragety, along with those who lost loved ones in it.

I remember when that fateful day happened. Was 19 yeas old and in college, getting ready forschool. As I saw on the news of what happened, I remember being totally shocked at what happened. I never thought something could have happened like this, and how it was achieved was beyond me. I dind't know at the time it was the Taliban that planned the attacks, and Al Quieda, whoever it was hard to remember with all this stuff on Iraq and who we mainly fought in Afganistan. But I didn't even know it wasn't even over! I only thought the Twin Towers were hit, until later I found out that the Pentagon was hit, along with an area on Pennsylvania. It was horrible, and I had never seen the country in such dissary when it happened.

I also remember on that day that my dad's office building was closed, to be safe in case of any other planes trying to go down in it or any other buildings. I remember the devastation of the Twin Towers after seeing them on the news, later that day. It wasn't even long after that that we knew that Al Qieda and the Taliban were behind it, and that sooner or later we would invade Afganistan to retaliate. Right there I thought of joining the military to serve the country that I lived in and to avenge those who were perished in the attacks. I wasn't going to let terrorists march on my doorstep! Instead though I never did, and I never plan on it, for plenty of reasons.

Now, six years later, after the devastating tragedy, and still fighting in a long war, I don't even know when this will end. Practically a year later we mounted up and invaded Iraq, throwing out Saddam Hussein not too long after killing his sons. I can't even believe what is going on over there. In Afganistan it has been getting heated again, and in Iraq things have been getting better, but intel isn't. We're not just fighting terrorists. We're fighting Iranians! These men who are Iranians are Shiite militias and possibly disguised soldiers from its army. If Iranwants to fight us then why don't then just send in their military?! It would be better, we'd be showing them we're not going anywhere until they and their terrorists give up or the Iraqi cowards in its so called military man up and take care of themselves! I can't even believe what 9/11 has sparked, but its done enough to cause this.

Although it has not been so costly for us in Afganistan, its not so hot in Iraq. Over 3600 troopshave been killed since the invasion. Afganistan, only about 300-400 (shoudln't be saying only...but youknow what I mean) I just wish these extremists, even though fighting us in guerilla type warfare, should give up against us. We're not dying any time soon, and the only ones who will will be them, at some point. I don't know how its going to turn out, but I hope we don't get the casualty rate to 5,000 ever.

But I still must remember what 9/11 was. Hopefully it will be the last attack on our nation, and there will be no other ones. Although there will probably be no end to a war against terrorists (not saying it won't end in Iraq or Afganistan)I just hope things boil down. Pakistan needs to take care of AlQuieda, even though most Pakistanis support them, and that our troops deal with the terrorists groups in Iraq. One way or another, lets just hope the fighting ends soon.

Youtube Live Video Madness

Starting today, right now, I'll be posting links to videos of all sorts of different bands playing live performances. Each video will be a different song and mostly be of different bands. I found it fun to look up live videos of to watch old recorded videos of bands playing when they were rockin'. This can also get all of YOU fellow gamespotters into some really good music too. But select the links to the site to go ahead and watch the vids, I'm sure you'll find them entertaining. :) This video marks the first ever Youtube Live Video Madness video, so ENJOY!!!!! :)

Nintendo E3 Impressions (LONG OVERDUE)

Hello again Gamespotters,

Today I've finally found some time to make my E3 Nintendo press conference impressiosn. I know its been about a month, but I still rememberit like it was yesterday. CAUTION!: Impressions may differ from your own, so please, no arguments. Thanks:) (unfortunately, no Sony impressions, saw it too much broken up, so I can't remember much)

Here we go now. Nintendo's conference was interesting. When I noticed that E3 was going to be on TV, I hoped that Nintendo would show the games I am super pumped for, like Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros Brawl. Unfortunately both were not shown in the press conferences, which disappointed me, because I needed to see some Brawl and Galaxy, especially Brawl. I'm not saying that ruined the conferences completely, but it was a total letdown for Galaxy and Brawl fans. Also, Mario Kart Wii is announced, and I sort of predicted a new Mario Kart game that would come out soon. Looks interesting, and the new driving wheel looks cool too. Graphics look a little more mature than in Double Dash!!, but still have the Mario charm to them.

What was good though was seeing a confirmed release date for the two. SSBB: December 3rd. SMG: November 12th. These are definately good times to release the games, making competition for the Wii much more....competative. There were a lot of other release dates for games, like Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, due to release at the end of this month. Still considering getting that game.

The game presentations though that were shown were very well done. After takin a look of Metroid Prime 3, the game looked like it would be very good. The firefights look much more intense, and more fun in general. The controls sound very intuitive too, which will help other Wii shooters get influence on better controls. The graphics look very nice too, for a wii game. Wii fit on the other hand was interesting, but nothin that got me sucked in. Miyimoto is making a very interesting game though, and I'm sure it will get a lot of attention from folks. The pad thing that could map your movements was very cool, and the thing could aslo weigh you! What I also enjoyed was the Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. That game looks like it will be a great game on the DS, and the controls look intuitive too. Using the touch screen to make Link run, swing his sword, use items, etc is a very cool feature, even if it sounds weird at first.

But wait, there is the Wii Zapper! That thing looked awsome and very fun to use. I hear it was fun with Ghost Squad, and even more fun with Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles. Also, Medal of Honor for Wii with 32 player online mode=AWSOME!!! I sure hope you can use the Wii Zapper for Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition and Metorid Prime 3! (I just did get RE4: Wii Edition) That thing could change the way Wii shooters control in the future too!

The interviews were pretty good, though they don't have anything to do with the press conferences. Demo areas sounded good too, but Mario Kart Wii and Smash Bros Brawl were no where to be found unfortunately. Not even a demonstration on the 4 control methods.

Overall, Nintendo made a solid appearance at E3 2007 this year. My only problems were the press conferences, which seemed kindof weak this year. But hey, Nintendo's all about secrets, so we can find more about its upcoming games from updates on the site.

Later all.

E3 2007 Microsoft Press Conference Impessions and Thoughts

Hey guys. Yes, I did see E3 2007, but not on Gamespot mind you. It was actually on TV on G4, and it was the first time it was on TV live. I'm glad I recorded them too, because I really have wanted to go to E3 for a long time but yesterday and the day before I had the chance!

This blog is about the Microsoft press conference though, and what I thought about it and my impressions on it. First off, it was another great year for Microsoft at E3. All sorts of new games, especially Halo 3, were talked about and covered there too. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare thankfully was covered, and that game is looking mighty sweet. But what was really great for me was hearing about how many exclusive titles that were coming to the 3360 at the end of this year. SO many were shown, like Halo 3, Bioshock, Eternal Sonota, Lost Odysee (I don't know how to spell it), and so much more. This holiday season looks like it will be the best time for Microsoft to really take to the offensive and cut off Sony from ever gaining top rank in the console war, yes I hate sony because they're overpricing their stuff. Now on to the Impressions.

At the beginning of the conference, Harmonixs came in and perfromed a song with Peter Moore in Rock Band. The game looked pretty sweet, and the sets you use to play any of the instruments were awsome too. The vocalist wasn't too bad either. After that Peter began talking about sales the 360 has had over the past couple years of the console war, and it has done extrodinarily well in sales, and had soldas many 360's as Sony and Nintendo sold their consoles combined. Its incredible. But what was gettin competative was the fighting between the 360 and the Wii. The wii was actually gaining on the 360 fast and had a chance of gettin to the top itself.

What was very cool was a little presentation that Infinity Ward did with COD 4: Modern Warfare. I saw a cool sniper mission demo, and by the looks of the game the game looked tight. What was a very cool addtion when a sniper is when you hide in the grass and camoflodge yourself and enemies can't see you. I also found how chatter was handled sort of a walkie talkie way instead of just shouting until you vocal cords rip. The game looked fantastic too.

The best part of the show though, was the new Halo 3 trailer. Although it was cut off towards the end, the game looked phonominal in every way. The game's graphics looked so much better than the boring multiplayer graphics. Also, the enemies looked tougher, there were new weapons, wehicles, and more. Also with Halo was a short bit of stuff from the Halo movie that's in production right now, and its looking pretty good, too.

GTA was also a star of the show there, showing off Rockstar Game's second trailer of the game. The game is looking nice, but a demo walkthrough would have been nice. Sounds like theres alot of story with the new GTA game, and its a pfresh new premise as well.

Well that's really all I have to talk about with Microsoft's press conference. There was much more in it, but too much for me to remember. I had a good time watching the show, and I hope all of you who did liked it too. Soon I'll be posting stuff about Nintendo and Sony's press conferences, so stick around my profile for more news on E3.

Why I, As a Gamer, Hate Jack Tompson Part II

Well, I did write a blog on this a little while ago, but you know I've decided to put up another blog because theres more reasons of why I hate this bastard. OK here I go.

You know another reason I hate this guy is because he sometimes gets to parents' heads! Trust me, he has with my mom. Recently when I happened to visit my parents house, she read an article on Manhunt 2, and its rating of AO instead of M. She said "Will have you heard about this Manhunt 2 game? It looks so bad and it doesn't need to be on our store shelves." Grrreeaaaat, now I got a Jack Tompson supporter in my household, because shes now all against violent games like that.

Lets just hope my mom doesn't start telling me what NOT to buy from stores after reading that damned article. Yes, Manhunt looks extremely violent and stuff, but its what the series is known for. It doesn't exactly need an AO rating though. Maybe the delay tells what Rockstar Games is doing to change it. But hey, last time I checked, when kids happen to be 25 years old they aren't really told what to do by their parents much are they? NO! Maybe when it comes to marriage or anything similar to that, but, anything else? Hmm, let me look this up on Google......Oh wait now I remember, once your 18 you can make your own decisions, yea....TAKE THAT EVIL PARENTS!!!!!

Oh well, I hate how this dip***t has gotten now to my mom's head! Just like I said before, games don't always decensitize people, if thats how you spell it. Sure it may have happened occasionally in the past, but otherwise its not very often. Templetrio, a friend who commented on my last entry, said that its mainly the parents' faults if their kid becomes an idiot, because if they're idiots, their kids will be too. But now that this guy is getting to my mom's head, I have to keep my game purchases a secret...

Anywho, this shows another reason of why I hate this bastard known as Jack Tompson. He's nearly getting me to pick up the phone to call a lawyer of my own now to sue him. Every new person he gets to gives me one more inch to reaching the telephone...

Why Live Free or Die Hard is One of the Better Movies of the Year

Yesterday I went to see Live Free or Die Hard, and let me tell you, its everything you'd expect from a Die Hard movie. THe action in the movie was some of the best I've seen, and it could be laugh out loud hilarious in spots. Bruce Willis also plays one of the coolest roles in movie history!

The story I thought was pretty good, only, sometimes I didn't really get it, and it could be silly. I wondered how a bunch of terrorist hackers could hack into tons of things in the U.S. mainframe and what not. The bad guy in the movie was also making a bit of a silly cause. All because the government wouldn't listen to one thing he said he had to wreak havoc on the nation? Start a firesale? Ok clearly this is not what some angry son of a gun should be doing to his nation.

Still though, the awsome action makes up for the silly and wierd story that the movie has. The action was all edge of your seat, and all the crazy stunts that Bruce Willis's character Mc Clain (if thats how its spelled) did. Seriously, you would thnk the guy would be dead in some spots for what he survived doing, like falling off of an F-18 and just sliding down a bunch of concrete and living through it. THE DROP WAS F**KING HUGE!!!!!!!!!!! But, thats what makes the movie so enterataining, the action.

Also, one of the bad guys, who happened to be a pretty good looking chick, was vicious. Seriously for how bad she beat up some guys, you would want to teach her a lesson or two by maybe shoving.......ok you know what? I'm keeping that to myself because you all might think I'm some freak or somethin'. But still, she and all those hacker terrorists were somehow big-ass fighters who happened to kill anyone who they came by, except Bruce Willis. To tell the truth, he's a lot like Jack Bauer, or Jack Bauer is a lot like him, I don't know really.

Oh well, most of you should run out and see this right away, its that awsome.