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#1 gameguy6700
Member since 2004 • 12197 Posts
About $40,000. I attended a top 20 school and all of those have yearly attendance costs in the range of $40,000 to $50,000. When I applied I did so under the assumption my dad would pay my whole way through. Then circumstances changed in my third year and I had to pick up the tab, although I did manage pay one semester ($20,000) entirely out of pocket. Luckily my dad has promised me that he'll pay off the balance, probably by the end of this year so hopefully my debt will be $0 come December. I want to add that I got reamed on the interest rate on my private loan too. I got 11.725% APR, and this was back when the banks were getting money from the Fed at an interest rate of 0%. It really makes me wonder how the **** anyone is supposed to get a decent rate on these loans considering that no college student is going to have a respectable credit history. This is the whole reason the government made student loans non-dischargable during bankruptcy, and of course the banks in typical bank fashion refused to hold up their end of the deal and still hit everyone with sky high loan rates even though they have zero risk since the Fed will pay them back everything if someone defaults.
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#2 gameguy6700
Member since 2004 • 12197 Posts
They are, hence why youknowwho doesn't use them anymore except for trollface, and even then that one isn't used nearly as much as it used to. Reddit pretty much ran them into the ground, then 9gag raped the corpses, and then facebook ate what was left of said corpses.
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#3 gameguy6700
Member since 2004 • 12197 Posts
For those wondering what Walt is going to do next episode, it's already been spoiled since last year that [spoiler] Walt chokes Skylar to death in episode 8. People didn't want to believe it was true, but the guy who claimed this would happen also leaked the picture of Gus's face blown off and spoiled all the main points of season 4's ending. In addition, the series has not-so-subtly been building up to Skyler's death this season by having her get very confrontational with a Walt who is getting ever more drunk with power. There was also the floss scene in one of the early episodes as foreshadowing. [/spoiler] . Also, Walt is obviously going to order the deaths of the 9 legacy guys by using Todd's prison connections (the promo for episode 8 even shows this happening). Todd is likely going to turn on Walt at some point in the series once he learns Walt's cooking method (hence what he really meant by "we can discuss price once I can get this right"). No one is going to find out about Mike; he said he was going to disappear and everyone was expecting him to. Walt killed him in the middle of nowhere, so no one is going to be the least bit suspicious.
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#4 gameguy6700
Member since 2004 • 12197 Posts
If the rumors are true about the PS4 and X720 being roughly the same power as the current consoles but just with 1080p and a lot more social features, I probably won't buy either. I'll just probably end up going with PC as my only current gen platform, especially seeing as how this gen I've pretty much been playing on my PC almost exclusively despite having both a PS3 and X360.
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#5 gameguy6700
Member since 2004 • 12197 Posts

I think I'd rather set $10 on fire than buy this.

What's up with all these shoddy, absolutely no effort, PC ports lately?


Well, crappy ports are nothing new, but you'll notice that the really bad recent ports (Dark Souls and FFVII) both came from Japanese developers. The PC gaming market in Japan is almost non-existant, unless you count visual novels/eroges as games. As a result, Japanese devs tend to not take PC versions of their games seriously, if they even bother to make a PC version at all.

Hell, American developers do this too, albeit it to a much lesser extent. It's no coincidence that a lot of the highest quality PC games these days come from developers in countries where PC is the main gaming platform (see: Witcher 2, STALKER, Metro 2033, Crysis).

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#6 gameguy6700
Member since 2004 • 12197 Posts

Of course the people playing CS1.6 are still playing CS1.6. They're just like the people still playing UT2K4 and Quake III Arena. They got good at that one game and refuse to move on to a game that is the least bit unfamiliar because they can't tolerate not having an intimate knowledge of a game's trivial nuances and glitches/exploits (which, ironically, these so-called "hardcore pros" believe are legitimate gameplay tactics). More importantly, they can't stand having to go back to being an average player instead of someone who can play a game on autopilot and still land at the top of the leaderboard. Their excuse for not migrating to the newest game in the franchise (or any other game for that matter) is that it's "not hardcore enough".

The people playing CS1.6 will play CS1.6 for as long as there are still servers up for it. They will never migrate to a new game until then, and when they finally do they'll **** and moan the entire time, assuming they even go back to gaming after their favorite (only) game becomes unplayable.

tl;dr - CS1.6 players are autistic.

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#8 gameguy6700
Member since 2004 • 12197 Posts
Sadly this is a very common result of living in Australia. Once you get acclimated to living on a giant island inhabited entirely by monsters you tend to lose all sense of fear or caution.
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#9 gameguy6700
Member since 2004 • 12197 Posts



Somebody mind giving me the tl;dr version?


Individual mandate upheld as a tax, meaning that while you aren't forced to buy healthcare insurance, you will face a tax if you don't have healthcare insurance. Pretty much everything else in the bill was upheld (I think there was something about medicare that wasn't but don't remember).

There's more to it than that, it is now a tax, however the Government doesn't have the right to take all of the medicare money from the states. Also, iirc, states now have the right to choose whether or not they want to participate in Obamacare. In other words, conservative states won't go for it, liberals will.

On top of that, even though Obamacare is a tax now, the IRS has no authority to garnish your wages or impose any other type of punishment if you fail to pay the fine. So, if I for example don't pay the fine, nothing will happen to me. I will get free healthcare without needing to pay into it. Basically it will bankrupt the system because there is no incentive for people to pay into it.

Are you a child? I only ask because yo seem to have never paid taxes before. If you don't pay your taxes, the IRS will audit you (not fun), garnish your wages, take you to court, and either seize your property or throw you in prison (or all of the above). I can't think of a reason why you would have believed they can't do any of these things seeing as how they do them all the time. Also, the states only have the choice in not complying when it comes to medicaid expansions. However, since the government is paying 100% of the tab for those expansions (which will eventually go down to 90%) there's no reason why a state wouldn't choose to comply.
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#10 gameguy6700
Member since 2004 • 12197 Posts
Gotta love the Texas legal system "There's a family where the parents divorced and abandoned two minor children and now a 17 year old is having to support her and her siblings? So...what's the problem? Wait, what? The lazy little brat isn't attending school as much as she should because she has to work two jobs?! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE, IMPRISON THE LITTLE BRAT TO TEACH HER LESSON!"