ok this is just a test to try to put videos in a blog, cuz Charlie_Strife wants to, so i'm just testing it out. if it works enjoy the video. :D
gamer4life02 Blog
omgosh school you guys!!
by gamer4life02 on Comments
Wow today was my first day back to school. It was......interesting and boring. I like seeing who's in my classes, but then during the class period, we have to introduce ourselves to the class, which sucks!! I hate that and it's retarded, cuz who cares?? I was happy with some people who were in my class, sad for some i didn't have any classes with. It was just kind of a fast day for me, i had friends making me go with them EVERYWHERE, one had me, then another friend grabbed my arm and dragged me away, it was like CHAOTIC!! my friends love me. lol. I'm taking some advanced classes, so that's going to be a lot of work i guess,,,, and...i already had to write an essay today in english, and tomorrow we're having a test. wow. I woke up at 5, to get ready, and my dog was howling, so i couldn't go back to sleep... And then my friends, which i said are retarded today, wanted to go like an hour b4 school started, for like no reason, and they all like outvoted me. So i was like a zombie at school. ok enough talk about school, it's already boring enough. lol....
oh ya yesterday i had my driving test to get a permit. !! and YAY i passsed!! i now have a permit. yaya, i thought i was going to fail again... Now i can drive, i drove yesterday adn almost ran over a dog, it was little and like ran right in front of the car, i got scared.. lol... It's all good though, it's fun.
My New Baby!!
by gamer4life02 on Comments
Yep the reason i haven't been so active here on gs, is because i got a baby. JK, i got a puppy, that's a baby. LOL, i hope i fooled you guys. Now dont' get mad, let's all take a deep breath together, and blow out the steam. haha. Ok well ya i've realized i haven't been on here for like ever to me. I've just been busy, doing stuff like painting my kitchen(i hate painting), going last minute shopping for all my school needs, and lastly taking care of my doggy. He's a meanie, he bites me. I'll put up some pic's of him so you can see the little dog. His name is Midnight, he's like 9 weeks old now. He's sooo cute i know, but he bites like crazy. It's funny, cuz my sister, who is only like 17 months old, but he chases her, and like bites her butt or clothes, and makes her fall it's really funny actually, but now he's starting to bite her skin, so he's making her cry. And he sleeps in my room, so i have to take him out to go the bathroom like every couple of hours, he's starting to sleep under my bed finally instead of like next to my head on my bed. It was funny becuase he like steals my pillow from me, and he sleeps on his back sometimes. LOl. Ok well here he is: (he's a black lab if your're wondering.)
Oh and he has like one little spot of white on his toe it's so cute:
Ok well i have to get ready for school, so again i probably wont be on as much, cuz i have a hard schedule this year, a lot of those advanced clas's. I start school August 13. eww i know. But i'm kinda excited cuz a couple of my clas's i have like 10 friends in each, so it's gonna be fun. But i'm also scared, cuz i'm known to talk alot, adn i get in big trouble. My teacher's always tell my parents i talk alot ever since like 4th grade, that's what they always put on the comment part on the report card. And last year, my typing teacher, she called me Chatterbox. I couldn't help it, she let me sit in between my friends, so of course i'll talk. but the bad thing was, that clas was a typing clas so it was supposed to be NO TALKING like 24/7 in that clas Whatever. Ok bye-bye people friends.
Haven't wrote in a while; my good deed
by gamer4life02 on Comments
Well i was kinda bored right now, so i decided to post a blog! YES. Umm well whats been up with me, is... i've been using Gimp alot and trying to get the hang of it. I think i've got it down pretty good now. I just learned how to make animated Sigs, thanks to Colmillios. It's acutally easy, it just takes a while, cuz you have to put a lot of layers. But other then that, it's pretty easy and kinda fun.
Umm well for my good deed, me and Charlie_Strife, went shopping for school clothes. I bought some new clothes and shoes. She tied my laces like really cool looking. But we went into hot topic and went button crazy!! We bought alot. I bought like 10 buttons. I bought a MCR one, Boys like Girls, linkin park one, and this funny one that says "Every time you open your mouth, some loser starts talking." I wanted this one that said "Mwahahahaha, but my cousin got it first, and i couldn't find anymore... :( I'll find it again someday.!! It was funny, cuz when we were buying buttons, i started to leave my cuz, and she yelled "Don't leave me, they might eat me!" it was funny, cuz the cashier dude was rite there. He just looked at us. Ya she's scared of hte people there. lol. They were nice that day though! But after shopping and yummm, Baskin Robins, we went to the arcade, it's like our weakness, even though all the other people stare at us, but there was dudes older hten us in there playing DDR.!! but we played games with our leftover quarters and won like over 200 tickets, but since we wouldn't enjoy any of hte prizes, we just gave them to some little kids. We made their day. We were happy. lol Not really, i forgot after awhile. Then this little girl kept saying "HI GIRLS!" everytime she walked by us.... It was fun.ny. kind. of ... day.
Answers (finally) for your questions, my friends!
by gamer4life02 on Comments
Ok now for those questions you all had asked me, sorry i haven't answered them, i've been a little busy to do that, but some people have asked me some more questions, so good thing i've waited then. I guess. Ok now lets start.
HawkGamer2008 asked:What was your favorate stage demo at E3 - Day 1? My union might get a new banner thanks to Colmillios.
Answer: Well, I think this is what you're talking about, but i liked the Prince of Persia demo. (i hope thats what it is called..) It looked really cool and fun to play, but i dont have a ps3, so i'll never get to play it. lol I liked watching it though.:lol: OH and i saw the banner, it's awesome, i hope i can do something close to that for my union.
_overdose asked: Why did you join GS?
My answer: Well thats a good question. Umm, i guess because i've been going here to GS w/o an account for a long time, checking games and their release dates, and reading hte forums and getting help, but i never bothered to join. Then one day, i needed help with some game, I think it was Lost in Blue 2, and no one had the question i wanted posted, so i just decided to join. It was weird i know, just all of a sudden i decided to join. Then i got my cousin to join, and got my friend to come back and get back on his account, so i would have some people i actually know in real life.
PrincesTwilight asked:Hope I'm not too late but my question is: What's your favorite franchise and what do you think of Metroid Prime and which of Metroid is your favorite if you have one?
My answer: umm i don't realy understand what you mean by franchise?. sorry.:| if it's a game, its FFX, umm or a series, FF, or company that makes a game, i don't have a favorite. I hope it's one of those, sorry. Umm i have never played Metroid Prime, I only saw it in Super Smash Bro's:Melee, and i believe that the person is a girl, cuz i have a poster that has her on it?. I think thats right. And i've never played Metroid, so i dont' have a favorite.
hazelnutman asked:What's your favorite genre of music?
Answer, Well probably my favorite is between Alternative and Rock. I have like a little bit of all genres, but i have most of those two so i guess those are my favorite. It usually just has to be what mood i'm in, sometimes i listen to the piano music, but only the FF ones cuz i like those a lot, but mostly alternative and rock. Like MCR, Evanescence, Boys Like Girls, those people.
planetvash112 asked: What do you think of dragon quest VIII?
Answer: I've never played Dragon Quest b4 so i wouldn't know. But i've seen it and looked at it, it looked pretty cool. If i see it, and have money i'll probably get it and try it out.
Charlie_Strife asked:Who is your hero? aka who do you look up to? Why is the sky purple?
Answer: UMM, i hate that kind of question!! jk they have the same thing on Myspace, and i don't really know what to say. I don't really look up to people, I just try to do stuff my own way and I think how i want things to be like. I guess if i have to choose, well like someone famous, would be.....ummm.....Sarah Michelle Gellar!!!!!! I like how she handles everything in Hollywood, like doesn't get out and let everyone take her pic's and be in the Magazines having crap talked about her or anything. I love her and Freddie Prince Jr. For people i know, i would say....Some of my friends, because i like how they handle situations and they do it way better then me, cuz I go crazy alot with things. And why is the sky purple?...hmmm.... I think i need to search your house for some naughty things you shouldn't have.! But if hte sky is Purple, that would be cool, because that is my favorite color!:)
Dizzyman572 & Pinefoll asked: how old are you?
Answer: Well, i would rather not say, I will say i am in highschool so i am young. And that is all. And i may not say, maybe for the same reason you both don't have it posted either.
OK EVERYONE thank you for asking those questions, they were fun to answer, sorry it took me awhile though, i just got Gimp and have been trying it out, and watching Tutorials on youtube trying to figure how to do some things.
Ask me Anything!
by gamer4life02 on Comments
okkkk, well just a quick update about other stuff, i'm still working on my new banner i'm making. I put a DIFFERENT avatar cuz people said it was confusing and diddn't know what it was. so whtever i like this one too.
ok now to the TOPIC!! i know this is like a Hot Seat, but i really want to do one cuz it sounds like fun. So here's the thing, ask me any question you want, personal or anything that you want to know about me, adn i'll answer truthfully in my next blog. I'll let it last for like a couple days i think so askk away!!
New icon things;talk about E3
by gamer4life02 on Comments
Well if you haven't noticed, i changed my icon thing. If you don't know hwat it is, it's Yuna in the something Planes. I forgot what it's called. I also changed up my blog header picture a little, it was getting a little boring, and now i'm not as obsessed with FF7 anymore. So ya..
Well tomorrows the Nintendo Press Conference thing for E3. I don't really understand what E3 is. I've never watched it before. So i'm a bit curious... I'm gonna try to watch the one tomorrow, so we'll see about that. I don't really understand E3 sadly.. so goodbye. for today..
*sings* i came here to make you dance tonight
i don't care about my guilty pleasure for you
shut up cause we won't stop
and we're getting down till the sun's coming up*stops singing*
it's stuck in my head. If you're wondering what it's called for some weird reason, it's called Guilty Pleasure by Cobra Starship. It's catchy.
HEY take my quiz!
by gamer4life02 on Comments
ya so i did the make a quiz thing, so take it and see how good you know me. It's probably a lot of guessing for most of you, so try.
oh and please post your score on here, cuz for some reason i can't access what anyone got or hte scoreboard.
oh and i went to the waterslides yesterday and got a HUGE sunburn. check it out. this is my lower back, my whole back is bright red. except for the white line of my tie on my bathing suit!
super bored today.
by gamer4life02 on Comments
ya well i am super bored today. i have nothing much to do at all. i am just sitting here watching t.v. and playing these games that i borrowed from my cuz, called Cooking Mama on DS and the imagine Babyz game. The babyz game is kinda fun, i sucked at first, i could not rock the baby to sleep and they hated me!!! i suck at babysitting, i already knew that anywayz. I get so annoyed when i ahve to baby-sit my sister, she is only like i think 15 months. I'm not sure, but she is a super brat.
ya so i got these awesome pics of cloud from hawkgamer2008. thanks again. I love cloud when he has his glasses on. There's just something about it. lol
hmm so ya still working on our union, haven't been there yet, but i've been on myspace like all morning. Trying to add some things to it. Make it better i haven't been on there in like forever. This place is funner :)
oh and this weekend i am sleeping over at my friends house,for her birthday. We are going ot the waterslides! whoo-hoo. it's good cuz it's so hot rite now. It's gonna be fun but i know i am gonna have a really bad sunburn, i always do!
union started today; watch these videos
by gamer4life02 on Comments
well we created the union today, all we're wating for is our officers to accept and it will be all good. we sent out i think about 7 or 8 officer requests. 2 people have already accepted. we tried to send out to a couple other people, but it didn't let me, cuz that person has accepted some position with another union in the last 30 days. but that ok. so it should be up pretty soon. Finally i know!!
well i am absolutly in LOVE with my chemical romance. I don't care if they're emo or whatever, i don't really like all the special groups like that, they really annoy me, i get called the preppy one so whatev. but i hate most of the preppy people, so i like to classify myself as in the middle of alot. Anywayz, i was watching some videos and they are cool. they are really good the cancer one actually made me cry it was soo sad. the title says it all. the other one is called The Ghost of You, it's about the war, and the whole band goes to war, and the brother of the singer dies,mikey he's the bassist, it's sad.... They have really good songs, that are very emotional and tell a lot about life and they don't need to be classified as emo just cuz they wear black. It's your own choice what colors you like.
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