Most vids of Crysis have been running in DX9 mode so if you have a decent rig with good graphic card mabe like 7900 you will be able to run crysis in high in DX9.
My EB games has fanboys of each system the one that hates 360 according to him HD-DVD DVDS only has 9gb so im like 360s DVDs are 9gbs why would they come out with a new format that is the same sizes.
actually they started to make halo 3 around halo 2 and obviously they don't want halo fans to see what the game really looks like so they only show Alpha stage of it.
For example TOO HUMAN been in the making for like 10yrs people hated how it look when they showed an early build of the game at E3 now that some people that got to see it like 1yr later say its a totally different better working game. Remind you too human been in developement and still has early builds same is possible with halo 3
For one thing people it is ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA most of the effects are turned off. The Video was made last Year 2006 as you can see at the end of the Vid. When 360 owners download the beta May 16, it will look close to the final game. People trying to claim ownage are morons.
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