[QUOTE="carneyfolk"]I believe the systems are fairly equal, but the ps3 i think has a higher cieling. As of right now, whats gimping us the most is lazy devs making the game on the 360 and lazily porting to the ps3. But i will say one thing, ps3 exclusives look better, alot better, then 360 exclusives (Except gears of war)boostud
The hardware in the PS3 is more limiting than that in the 360. I just don't see how people still argue that. Less memory to deal with, and a weaker GPU makes the PS3 hurt a little. Yea yea yea, cell this cell that....its not as efficient as everybody would like to claim. Either way they are both great powerful systems.
Like carneyfolk said, look at ps3 exclusives compared to what else is coming out there (MGS4). And I am making an assumption that 360 and ps3 development began around the same time and the release date is not compromised b/c of ps3 dev.
Why isn't more time needed for dev of a game on the ps3?
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