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gamergeller Blog

XM and now HD?!?

My gaming time has but cut down BIG TIME. Besides my primary job of the radio show in raleigh I have also been doing a show on XM 21 Mon-Fri. Now it looks like the XM dealio has brought forth yet another job. Some thing to do with Clear Channel's HD channels. Not really sure what , if anything, will come of this potential gig. Hopefully more money. And probally even less time to play games. Why do I suddenly feel like an adult with actual responsibilites?!?

Soon I may be forced to sneak my Xbox 360 in the studio and play during commercial stop sets.

Iron man

How do I say this? Well. Ummm, ugh and eck.

This game could actually rival Superman returns when it comes to the frustration factor. I only have my self to blame though. I should have known better. Thank God I get my games for free. I feel bad for kid who spends his allowance money on this game, or for the parent who spends their hard earned money on it. But once again i SHOULD have known better, and for the following reasons...

A: Superhero games tend to suck.

B: Movie games tend to suck.

Lets do the math.

Suck + Suck = Really SUCKS!!!

The controls could be the main problem. Or it could be the freakish change in difficulty that occurs midway though the game. At one point I wondered if someone had changed the difficulty setting on me as a joke. People can be cruel and so can this game.

Hey Sega! A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, Someone invented this wonderful thing called checkpoints. THE LEGEND OF ZELDA HAD A BETTER SAVE SYSTEM THEN THIS GAME!!!

I have enough problems in my life. Games are suppose to take you out of the real world and into another. Games are suppose to be fun. This ends up being this games biggest failure. For a game that had so much obvious potential, its simply a shame that that potential was never reached, or even worse was pushed aside and ignored, all in the name of profit.

Nba Ballers: Chosen one

This game is simply god awful. It needs to die. And die NOW. The controls are a nightmare. The fun factor is almost near ZERO. I refuse to put more time into this sorry excuse for a game , even for the easy increase in gamerscore.

Oh, the deep secrets of the universe. Is God real? What happens after we die? Did aliens help build the pyramids? And finally...Why do developers release games like this one? What a waste of time and energy. What an insult to gaming. Have some pride in your work. If your going to make a game, make sure its a damn good one.

If the game you've created is the equivalent to a video enema do one of the following.

A: Fix it. Push back the release date. In the end I would think it would be worth it.


B: FIRE your game testers. They have no clue what they are doing.

And finally.

C: Ship your games out to the desert. It worked for Atari all those years ago.

GTA4. First thoughts.

Its fun. But damn. The handling of the cars seem horrible bordering on somewhat broken. Also. It seems to be the speed and movement of the your character is much slower then before. Seems like Niko moves less GTA and more like Splinter Cell.

Hopefully this will change. And we play on....


This is the best game ever. If you could combine this and Bioshock I would dry hump it until I passed out. And then repeat that act for the rest of my life.

Best news ever.

I now have a video game endorsement through the radio station I work at in Raleigh, NC. i WILL be getting paid to play video games, be getting my games for free and also hosting local tournaments. I love my job.

Cheat codes...

Why do most games not have them any more? I miss my good ole' cheat codes.

Yes I love a challenge, however, on some days I just want to feel like an unstoppable bad ass.

Can you honestly tell me you didn't love using "God mode" on Spear of Destiny?!?

"Achtung!?!, achtung this B-OTCH!!!".

Game Spot and CNET drama.

What is all the fuss about?

I'm out of the loop, could someone explain this drama so I don't feel so stupid?!?


That is horrible. Firing a man because he gave a game a bad review.

What happened to honesty and integrity.

Jeff was amazing and had a wonderful sense of TASTE.

Gamespot Confusion...

Ummm, OK.

For some reason I have gone up 3 gamespot "levels" in 2 days.

The odd thing is I have done NOTHING on this site in the past few days. I logged in and did NOTHING.

I'm not complaining, but really, WTF??? How does the leveling system actually work???

I was told today...

By an "adult" that I am TOO old to be playing video games. They continued to talk down about "people like me" and how I need to get my priorities straight.

Excuse me while I go online and figure out how to make an actual voo-doo doll so I can end you like a Cajun ninja.

Cajun Ninja. I bet that would be a bad ass video game. I can just imagine the final boss confrontation. "Cajun Ninja VS. The female Samurai Katrina" What?!? Too soon?!?

Moving on...I am 28 and I've been married for just over a year. I grew up gaming. My life as a tortured angst filled teenager consisted of playing video games and I confess I once thought the cheer leaders on Tecmo SuperBowl were hot. If only they had accepted my invitations to the prom.

I admit I am not the most mature of people. I only work 4 hours a day. I do a radio show Mon-Fri From 7p - 12p. I get PAID to talk and play music. I attempt to be funny and entertaining. I am not always successful, but at least I try. I do however pay all my bills on time with out a problem and manage to give my wife a good, happy life. I am not an alcoholic (during the week, JK) or a future episode of A&E's "Intervention".

ALL that being said, I'm sorry if my life is not a carbon copy of a typical adults. I am sorry I don't get up at 6am. I am sorry I don't sit in morning traffic screaming at the person in front of me to "go GO GOOOOO!!!". I am sorry I don't sit in a cubicle for 8 hours and count the time down until 5pm. I am sorry I don't sit in rush hour traffic and scream at the person in front of me to "go GO GOOOOO!!!". I am sorry I don't watch Fox News. I am sorry I don't go to bed at 10pm, Wake up and repeat. SLEEP, EAT, WORK, REPEAT. SLEEP, EAT, WORK, REPEAT...NO THANK YOU!!!

This person who said I was "Too old for video games" has this crazy idea that just because you get older you must distance yourself from all those things that once made you happy. They have given in. They have, I am sorry to say, become BORING.

"Boredom is a disease worse then Cancer". - Doug Stanhope

I would much rather play my Xbox 360,shoot GIANT ALIEN INSECTS and imagine they are Bill O'Reilly, then wear a suit to work and get depressed watching "Fair and balanced" News.

And one more note to this "Adult" who is "more mature" then me.

I've busted my ass and worked hard to get where I am. I have been working in radio for 12 years. I have worked at 11 stations in 7 states. Once upon a time I found myself working 14 hour days and 12 hour shifts for almost no money at all. Its not my fault you never found your true passion, your true joy and did not have the balls to embrace it and call it your own. I am sorry you never took chances with your life. I am sorry you gave in and became the person you have become. That is quite sad.

I worked hard and made sacrifices and took chances so one day I COULD only work 4 hours a day (if you call it work) and have the ability to do WHATEVER I wanted with the rest of my time.

I choose to play video games. I can make that choice. Because I am an "Adult".

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