@Pierst179: Yeah, I think its a really nice touch. I know that the battery life is affected by this feature, but that doesn't bother me. Is there anything else about the 3D feature that may cause strain of any kind? Like, is it bad to have the 3D up all the way, because so far thats how i've been playing, and I just wanna know if thats bad for my 3DS in any way, other than battery life.
GamerGuy1415's forum posts
Do you have the 3D feature on and if so, how high? I just bought my 3DS and i'm still curious. One of my friends doesn't even use the 3D at all, and so far i've had mine up all the way. What about you?
@Jaysonguy: what about super mario 3D land? sky walkers? Wind waker? Rayman legends? pikmin 3? I mean, those games are "musts" for many nintendorks, amirite?
I was very close to purchasing a Wii U for myself, i've always been a nintendo fan. I also like to have every console, and wii u would complete my next gen trifecta. My question is; is the Wii U worth it? I would really appreciate it if some people weighed in here; i've always been a very independent gamer, regardless of outside opinions, i go with my gut. However, i've never really heard so much crap about a console before, and so far, it seems like a lot of hype surrounding this next gen console is negative....
Hey everyone! So I'm thinking about buying a nintendo 3DS XL and legend of zelda to go with it. I'm a big fan of nintendo, but i never got around to buying my own 3DS. So my question is; does it make sense for me to do this now, or should i wait until nintendo releases its next handheld system and buy that instead? I am a little hesitant because when i was a kid, the gameboy advanced was released a week after i bought my gameboy colour. I know that won't be the case here, but i'm still curious. Thanks!
@megaspiderweb09: Swweeet. How is BF4? I'm not sure what to do there because in the last gen i was all about xbox 360, and now i have ps4 and Xbox One.... so im like "hmm, which console do i get BF4 on?
Hi all! Im gonna get right down to it; im an avid gamer. I love sony, ninendo, and microsoft, and I own various consoles. I often have trouble deciding on what to play. Right now im torn between ps4, xbox 360, wii U, and 3DS. With such a wide range of games to choose from, i would need to play games 24/7 to satisfy my gaming desires. So just for some general discussion, what game consoles do you own, and what type of games are you playing mostly?
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