Still enjoying the hell out of Battlefront and Fallout 4, Bloodborne was worth spending the time to platinum, deff one of those 3. Rest are just ''play once and move along'' garbage. HOTS was fun but got old fast enough.
Aaaaannd the redundant, shallow,easy game that its only merits are the characters and dialogues wins. While good, every witcher games have lacked combat/gameplay-wise and are just as redundant as the AC/Arkham/other generic free-flow garbage combat games released in the past decade.
@MrBunson: This. And its been that way with every damn Witcher games. Casual piece of shit with redudant, shallow combat. Only the characters and dialogues can save this game. FO4 is great,beautiful and fun. Spending your game time between exploring,questing and building your settlement makes the game far more appealing to me than the generic story-driven turds that get all these high scores lately.
@EducatingU_PCMR: Which is the shitty Xb1. The Wii U is one of the best gaming consoles for those who want video games over generic story-driven dull experiences like the overrated shitty TR reboot.
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