Switch version might be the optimal version since you wont have shitstains breaking the game with modded files/modded gear that we got on console or botters/hackers like on PC.
Meh. I wish I kept my money for Deaths Gambit over this over-simplified redundant trash. Seriously the combat is as simplistic and repetitive as it comes. And so far except for 1 enemy the game has been VERY easy.
So we ll finally get to save AJ and see who he is really. But like previous seasons Ill wait for full release and for a sale before grabbing it. Now I wish they would focus on a next tales from the borderlands! This one was a pure gem. I never really was into BL but my friend eventually convinced me to get TFTBL on a sale and It was probably the best telltale game Ive played.
Both this and RE2mastered are my most anticipated games. 2016 Doom was a pure BLAST from beginning to the end and I always felt like I wnated more and this looks like it will bring MUCH more to the table. Hope the campaign is twice as long. Couldnt care about the MP.
Ill keep on repeating myself like I did ever since Rogue One came out (and now that applies with solo>TLJ as well) The '' A Star Wars Story'' movies branch ARE the real authentic star wars experience and what the next trilogy shouldve been. Those 2 movies were great both on their own and as true Star Wars movies while the new order crap mixed with classic characters and a bunch of shallow no-names with a story that doesnt even seem to take place in the same universe/after RotJ are a true disgrace to us SW fans. Force awaken was weak,childish garbage and TLJ is even worse. While Rogue One was a 9 and Solo a good 8-8,5 as well.
GamerOuTLaWzz's comments