lol... Crap of Us is one of the most overrated,forgetable piece of garbage in history of gaming. The fact this game took everything from it and absolutely NOTHING from the past GOW games except for the main character shows how little interest I should be showing for this mess. Sure, Ill rent it, play through the campaign once and dont bother ever again, unlike GOW3 where I went through the game on the hardest difficulty and had one hell of a blast and challenge,or even Ascension with its highly underrated multiplayer which was truly a breath of fresh air back then. Sure, the campaign was shorter than the ones before, but the game was great nonetheless. Im sorry, but this is nothing more than a cash grab on the popularity from one of the most casual,shallow experience Ive ever played in gaming.
Story-driven games where they shove an annoying ass, immortal side-kick that sticks to you through the entire game to spoil every little secrets and shove your playthrough with hints and infinite ressources just for the sake of more plots and dialogues need to die for good.
I just cant stand the building aspect of the game as well as the lack of vehicles. Guns all feel the same and the game just overall didnt feel good imo.
Beta was garbage, my friend still bought this shit and went through everything to finally pursuade me to play thiis crap through shareplay, played for an hour,completed the first quest, was the same,dull, messy load of crap that I played in beta and got bored after an hour and uninstalled. No way this POS game deserves a 9-9.5 lmao not even an 8. Dragons Dogma and souls games shit all over this overhyped crap.
Honestly this games as shallow as it gets. Combat already becomes repetitive after half an hour of playing youve pretty much seen all it has to offer, its just another fucking loot-fest of crafting materials scattered all over the map where you spend your time spamming circle to loot everything and the other half spamming triangle to see the same moves over and over unless you constantly switch weapon. Monsters AI is as dumb as it gets, story is non-existant, characters are cringe-worthy, game is just plain boring overall. It tries so hard at doing too much and fails at pretty much everything.
Will we also see the moment he turns into Harrison Ford? Cause otherwise the movie aint about Han Solo, just some overpaid random whos acting in a cashgrab of a movie.
As much as I love the souls serie everything has been exploited and done already in DS1. There wont be any feeling of the unknown or fear of the enemies like youre used to in a brand new souls title going through Lordran AGAIN for a 457387652837528th time. The game has a shitload of flaws outside of the graphics and was an unbalanced mess compared to the sequels. From Soft are truly lazy for giving up on such a successful franchise and just remastering its past games.
If they were going to remaster one of the souls games it shouldve been Demons Souls and make the stone that leads to the Giants world accessible to warrant its price.
I just want to hear more about Eitr that game looked like the true successor to diablo 1/2 and looked like it had so much potential yet devs have remained silent for the whole year. Most of the crap shown above you can already tell they will feel all so same-ey and like deja-vu with shallow redundant gameplay.
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