Only 3 games I truly want (2 on this list and 1 that we havent heard news of for a while now) Crash Remastered, Deaths Gambit and Eitr which I hope we get news of at E3.
@fedor: Pretty sure you went through the game on easy, otherwise yes, the game was intense,creepy and scary. And lol, if RE7 isnt scary then no RE games are scary. I also play RE for the gameplay and atmosphere, couldnmt give a shit if there are shlongs hanging and other nonsense to make your crap game scary.
@frosty988: The stream itself is enough to tell they havent improved upon anything from the first game but a different story and more ''scary'' stuff (lol) The first one was nothing spectacular, youre still holding the same camera and running away from the same enemies with 0 variety in gameplay no pzuzle solving no nothing. Also yeah, I played overwatch alot until BOTW came out and havent touched a single other game since. But no, OW is far from being the only game I was playing.
This game reeks of shallow gameplay and uninspired stuff to try and make a scary ''game''. When youre desperate to the point of having shlongs getting cut off for the sake of creating horror its pretty bad sorry. I just cant see the gameplay being any more engaging than what Capcom managed to do with RE7.
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