@TenraiSenshi: He lived on an artificial breathing machine, has robotic legs and walks slow using a cane. The younger, healthy rebels barely made it out alive theres no wAy he wouldve made it to the ship in time.
@Suaron_x: plenty of time? The younger, healthy rebels barely made it while hes stuck with 2 robotic legs, walks with a cane and uses an artifical breathing machine to keep him alive. The guy was doomed.
@skot_free: or just speaking the truth. Only sad scrub losers will feel the need to bash on a franchise thats been around for 40years and still going as strong as ever.
@Keitha313: Im so glad I wAsnt born a pretentious loser with ridiculous standards. you should honestly rethink your life, get a grip on reality and realise youre a no talent scrub who wouldnt manage to create anything close to what these 2 movies succeeded to achieve.
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