"The feeling I had when I won the fight with my bare hands is just absolutely the best feeling," he said. "I've played all the sports, won big games, landed some decent tricks on my snowboard. This was better."
Very strange to feel good after your girlfriend tried to kill you and you beat her in a fight....I'd be pretty traumatised.
What a year for games wow! Makes me a bit sad now, but I don't think I've ever been as excited and or impressed by a set of game since then. Remember playing crackdown for the Halo 3 beta and finding out it was actually a class game?!
@KeviNOlighT ha, tell westsider911 to do one, what a gimp.
who's the bigger idiot, the guy who writes a massive comment, or the guy who reads it all then comments about it being massive??
anyway, yeh played super meat boy loads, easily one of my favorite games. Wasn't to sure about that binding of isaac, might give it another go. But thats the whole reason i played they bleed pixels because its made by the same two people.
Also im like level 60 on Rogue Legacy now, what a class game. Cant get enough of it, its got really clever game design that keeps you playing for hours. Guess this is a big comment., just gonna wait for westsider911 to let me know ha
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