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gameshark5 Blog

Scratch That

So itc would seem that bottlegreen doesnt actually exist in your guys' knack of the woods.

Oh well.

I've decided to throw a challange at you guys that I think has massive LOL potential, and way more people can participate.

So you think you can Scream like a little girl

Challange summary: The funniest, highest pitched scream wins.

Required Items: Camera with sound, one hell of a voicebox, a paypal account.

Unrequired items: Your manhood.

Official Procedure: You need to have your camera rolling and say: Hi I'm (Name or Gamespot ID or both) and here's my high pitched scream. (Exaggerated gasp optional) Then scream the highest pitch you can. You only get one shot buckaroo.

Upload it to Gamespot videos or on photobucket and let me know so I can view it for judging and so people can view it for lolz. Everybody wins something, only one person wins....

Grand Prize: 64 canadian cents. ($.64) >___>

Prizes wont usually be this cheap, but i had to get the odd number out of my paypal balance, and I need to see how many people participate.

One More Thing: Posting a video with a zombie girl screaming doesnt make you win. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Usual stuff applies. If I have no reason to believe you actually did it you dont get .64 pesos amigo. Dont cut corners. PlzNthx.

Hopefully we get some participants.

I think that'll do. Any questions, leave em below.

gameshark5's fun fact of the day: This one is particularily for the outdoorsy folk. On average, a person inhales about 1 litre of anal gasses (farts) every day.

Gameshark5's 200th blog extravaganza!

So I walked into a shop today during my break at Work and I thought I'd try a new beverage.

I grabbed 2 things, both green bottled water, different brands and "flavours".

I popped open the larger one after buying them, they lied.

It was this gross sparkler thing (I dont like sparklers that much, but this one was particularily gross).

So I poured it down the drain and filled it with regular water, much better.

Popped open the little guy, drank a sip, wanted to puke honestly.

Poured him down the sink, filled him with regular water, much better.

So fellow gamespotters, this wouldnt be much of an extravaganza if I didnt have something big,

say a new feature?


Gameshark5's Gamespot Challanges

Patend Pending on all of you.

From the devilish mind behind Blue Box Productions comes G5GC (subject to change).

By doing a specified challange remotely flawlessly, you can win prizes (including real money D:)

So theres obviously going to be certain rules and regulations with each contest.

First off I guess, if you want to win any money, you're going to need a paypal account so I can send you some. Dont be expecting hundreds of dollars either.

Next, whatever the challange may be, it needs to be filmed so people can lol at you and so that I can see whether or not you've done it.

Third, just because its filmed doesnt mean you win. Be VERY thorough in your filming of the challange. If I find any reason to doubt the authenticity of it, you dont win prize. There'll be more on this in the first challange.

Fourth, you naturally need to introduce yourself. Hi I'm (Name, or gamespot ID) for G5GC's Challange entitled __________.

I'll add more rules as they go along, prizes are offered on a first come first serve basis.

So without further ado, here is the first ever G5GC challange in the history of lief! a

Challange The First

Limeflower (makes me (DE)presse(d).

and So we're off!

Challange Summary: You must drink a bottle of bottlegreen's Limeflower Presse.

Rules: Challange must be filmed. Be VERY thorough in your filming. I need to see a clear label saying "bottlegreen limeflower presse". You must clearly demonstrate that the seal hasnt been broken, shaking it a bit before opening might help too so I can see that it is indeed Limeflower presse and that its being opened for the first time. You of course must introduce yourself, and try to have fun.
A Paypal account is required to earn a prize.

Prize: 1 Grand Prize of 275 Canadian cents sent to your Paypal account. ($2.75)

It should suffice to reimburse what you paid:P..and then some :o

For information regarding Limeflower Presse, consult these two web pages.

ALSO, you are only required to drink a 250mL bottle.

Just remember if I dont believe you, you dont get paid.


So that is challenge one people, hopefully we get some people to participate.

You can post your videos on Gamespot, or photobucket, whatever. Just make it easily accessible. If you dont know what to name it, just call it something like RE: G5GC Challange 1 or something.

So that'll do for now I think, itd be great if people participated, and if you're participating for free, well bonus.

And as per usual, heres a fact:

Gameshark5's fun fact of the day: Just how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

Depending on how much saliva is produced in each link, and how "aggresive" the lick is, the number can vary.

The amount of licks can range anywhere from 450 licks to a few thousand licks.

Some have claimed it takes over 10,000 licks to reach the center! :shock:

How many licks does it take for you to get to the center of a tootsie pop?



Playing through Solo Drums Tour on Hard wasnt as rough as I thought.

People always complained about Run to The Hills, and you know hwhat, they had a good reason to piss and moan.

Playing it the proper way, well I can see that being quite an ordeal.

Thank god for half assing it.

I played a weird pattern, not super far from the real thing, but my own pattern I think.

Quite simply, it sufficed. After 3 tries I got the completion screen.

By golly, I was pleased.

From then, I just finished up Flirtin With Disaster and Tom Sawyer, Way easier compared.

Gawd my heart was racing during Run To The Hills>____>

It's now finished though, days before Rock Band 2. Ill try expert and see how far I get for drums :P

Man Im gettin worked up, but its the first time I've felt happy in a week.

I also watched a movie called Se7en, the gist of it is about a serial killer who bases his murders on the 7 Deadly Sins. It's a good movie, great ending too.

I reccomend it to everyone, just not the squeamish. It's not that gross, but some people might not be able to handle it.

Think that'll do for now, as you've been accustomed too, heres part 2 of my previous fun fact.

gameshark5's fun fact part 2:

Why yawning is contagious? Nobody knows for sure really, only that some people will yawn when somebody else yawns. Sometimes people will yawn at a picture of someone yawning, and in some cases just reading the word yawn can cause you do yawn.


How many times did you yawn while reading this blog?

Oh and Skate wins the most frusturating game of the year. I dont think I've ever punched my controller before...

Not bad

Not a bad weekend this time. Woot

Cept my teeth really hurt and i can barely eat,

oh well.

I worked a longer shift yesterday, more pesos, more win!

Patriots played today, sad to say that a Kansas City guy went to tackle Brady, grabbed his leg at the shin, and torqued it out (picture a clock, the big hand is at 6, this is the lower leg-foot to knee. The hand of the clock gets pushed midway to seven and back to six. This is simliar to what happened to Brady's knee.)

Bad explination, I know. The proper term is an inflex, look it uo if you must know.

Despite Brady being gone the entire game, we still won:D

Think we play Farve and the Jets next week.

Speaking of next week, a week today is Rock Band 2:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Im thinking ill get just the game for now. Come Q1 2009 when the stripped down, 200 peso stratocaster geetar controller comes out (they took a real guitar, took out what they needed and made it a heavy ass game controller), Ill get that.

As for the 300 drum set...maybe. I would, but I already have a real set, so i have no need for it. I might just get the improved set with cymbals for 100 pesos or so.

There we have it. I apologize for the sudden burst of blogs..and as I type this, Holy Schneikes! Tomorrows my 5th gamespot anniversary!


For those dedicated few, heres a small reward for you (if you choose it to be)

gameshark5's fun fact of the day:

Yes, yawning is contagious.

To Be Continued....

Before I Forget

I never gave you a fun fact D:

gameshark5's fact of the day:

The average roll of toilet paper lasts 5 days in a household bathroom.

See if you fit in the norm!

And I guess I owe you one more

gameshark5's fact of the day:

Never buy Chef Boyardee Pizza Twists. Theyre awful.

Till next time!

Schools out for summer

By out I mean in, and by summer I mean 8 months.

It started on Tuesday, but todays the first actual full day.

Sad face all around.

New classes, new teachers, new amigos,new senoirita with my eye on her in a non stalkerish fashion :o...


Roger that.

This new semester of mine consists of Socials, Planning, Physical Education, and English.

Socials started off with....wait for it...a Test!

In fact it was a portion of the Canadian Citizenship Test. 30/100 questions or so.

24/30 Woot!:D

Planning is looking to be a pretty slack class. Ive got a few friends + that senoirita in it so its not too bad. Plus the teacher isnt a dick at all. She's aware that its a boring class, and she doesnt take it overly seriously.

P.E. = same teacher as last year which is cool. Our class is really small, maybe 20 people. 13 guys or so and 7 girls. We be playing football:D

English is meh, it looks like we've got a long ass year ahead for this one, lots of work and homework and worst of all..learning. Frick!

My best friend also isnt in any of my classes for the whole year. Not just this semester, all year. Bummer.

Socials - Small Class - Win

Planning - Big Class - Win

Physical Education Small **** Yet to be announced

English Full House Blegh>

Till next time gang

good day>

Gosh darnit!

Sad news everybody

I returned Guitar Hero 2. I got stuck on Hangar 18. After 12-15 consecutive tries, I just gave up. It wasnt worth being frusturated over, so I thought it best to stop. My record was 90%, damn.

Not all bad came from Guitar Hero 2. I learned how to do hammer-ons. With this now in my arsenal, I tried my luck at Rock Band. Not all bad came from it. I finally passed Highway Star. That goddamn ending solo part screwed me over for too long, but it was actually quite simple with hammer ons. I also cleared Flirtin' With Disaster, which I couldnt quite remember what I had trouble with. I think there was another part that simply needed hammer ons. Go figure.

All of this aside, I tackled Green Grass and High Tides. MASSIVE hammer on parts, much to great for my 1 day of training. Red yellow blue yellow red yellow blue yellow red etc. for 30 seconds.

Now i cleared the first one, much to the aid of star power. But theres another part that I think goes yellow blue orange blue yellow blue orange blue yellow etc. for 30 seconds or so. Cant handle it...yet. Maybe after some intense practicing, maybe.

So with two major disappointments, both of which couldve turned out worse (I was so pumped my heart was racing incredibly passed and I was running short of breath, now you see why I returned GH2) Im going to look for Guitar Hero Aerosmith perhaps. I like Aerosmith more now, and I figure I HAVE to be able to beat that. The hardest song is Train Kept A Rollin, which is one of my favourite songs on Rock Band. Shouldnt be any problems there.

Worked so hard today, this morning I had hoped I would beat Rock Band. I had to wake up early and move mass amounts of furniture for carpet cleaning. I worked a 6 hour shift, then came home, ate dinner, and worked putting things back and setting things up for 2 and a half hours or so. Bummer.

Ranked one in my friends leaderboard for Castle Crashers:D Level 42 with a nifty little skull in the top right.

And now for a new feature that may or may not like.

gameshark5's fun fact of the day:

Is your beverage so fizzed that you just cant possibly drink it? Fear not! Rub your fingers on your forehead, and dab your fingers in the fiz. The very same grease that causes you to break out is the very same grease that will disolve the foamy cloud sitting atop your drink.

Try for yourself and see!

Some stuff/Inquire

An update from my giantbomb blog, I was playing some more Castle Crashers today, it is fan fricken tastic. Worth every penny of the 15 dollars I spent on it.

Last couple levels are quite hard and the last boss is a complete tool in a really pain in the ass way.

Then I unlocked Insane mode which gave me a nifty little skull on my character icon. Its pretty fricken rediculous. The first mini boss thing takes ages to kill and the little arrow spamming dudes can seriously kill you.

And frick the first real boss, my god. Levels you in a few hits.

Guitar Hero 2 is possibly coming to a halt. I tried psycho something billy and failed towards the end, so ill try that tomorrow. I really wanna beat Free Bird.

What else..Bionic Commando isnt going very smoothly. I get stuck on a level, try a few times and usually fail. In this case I got to the boss and lost unfortunately.

Guitar hero 3 wise, I FINALLY beat the devil on hard. I survived 55-70% of the song and killed him.

School starts on Tuesday insert sad face. I got a backpack for the first time in 2 years:o No more carrying around a 30 pound binder full of crap for a kilometer and a half walk every day. Woot!

Well thats all for now I think, I won Okami a while ago, superb game. Best 3rd party Wii game ever, second best Wii game ever.

Oh yeah the inquiring bit. Feel free to ask what you want and I shall repondez asap.

Good day gents and maams

Work, werk, wherk, wirk, hwork, orkway, labour, etc.

Today: Work

Saturday and Sunday : Werk


Tuesday: Wirk

Wednesday: Hwork

Thursday: Orkway

Friday: Labouring (work) twice in the same day (2 shifts)

Saturday/Sunday: Etc. (Work)

And then I r free again!

Ahh **** looks like im gonna miss camping this year.


Also I scheduled a fight with a dude. he's been doing Tae Kwon Doe for about 3 years and hes on the virge of blackbelt hood.

I've gone out into the garage and done some boxing twice,


Till next time