[QUOTE="gameslayer01"]The Wii, as most of u know is made fun of alot. People call it kiddy, saying it has no "mature games", or hardcore games. What makes a mature game? Blood, gore, and more blood? Games on the Wii are for everybody, and there are "mature games" as you people call it on it. Such as No More Heroes, it got a great score on gamespot. So please stop with the ridiculous comments on the Wii, it just shows how little you know about the console. And one more point, is that the Wii is new and fresh, very innovative with motion sensing, and more.
PS: Kinda new here, wondering if this is the right place? (mods please move if its not)
I think what's meant by those comments more than anything is that it tends tword casual games. There aren't too many of the epic games like MGS4 and Gears of War that PS3/Xbox360 owners crave.
Epic games? By Epic do you mean an immensive game with great atmosphare and gameplay? Then yes, Galaxy is the game for you.
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