[QUOTE="abonsabo"]I'm not joking.
If you have the Ps3 version of Skyrim it completely craps out around 60 hours and everyone who says otherwise is lying.
There's litterally thousands of people on the internet complaining about this and they're trying to organize a class action lawsuit against Bethesda
Do you believe everything people say on the internet? If so I happen to know this really GREAT guy, he lives in Nigeria and he's a KING! I know he's not lying either because he told me so, on the INTERNET! And he has millions of people who say he is, on the INTERNET! And the best part is that he says he can make me a millionare if I forward him all my life savings to him, I'm sure he isn't lying right? After all no one lies on the INTERENET right?
I have yet to come across any major issues so far, and I know several people personally who have well over 60 hours on PS3 and don't have any issues either. Mabey some people are, but I still think these issues are being over exaggerated by peoplesuch asyourself because you can't sleep at night knowing that some people are enjoying the game on the other platform. What a sad and lonely life you must live lol, and you can trust me because I'm a DR, it's true because I said so on the INTERNET!
lol, why do you always get all upset whenever someone brings up all the unfortunate shortcomings of skyrim on the ps3?
Ok,im new here and love system wars,and as a owner of a 3ds,wii,ps3 and 360 I have to say I have honestly been loving Skyrim on ps3.Been playing it for about 50 hours and the only problems ive had is a floating mammoth,in which i thought was awsome,so I created an account to the so called 360 fans saying the ps3 version sucks are wrong.I do find it odd that some people limit their gaming to one console and to justify their purchase they put down everything else.It must really suck to only own a 360,no uncharted 3 or infamous 2 or little big planet 2.As it would suck to only own a ps3,no gears 3 or halo series,foroza,alan wake.A true gamer,if theres such a thing,games on anything they can get their hands on.sorry so long.
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