@osxgp:Requires mandatory Installation cause Disk read speeds are too slow Requires mandatory Installation cause Disk read speeds are too slow, Requires mandatory Installation cause Disk read speeds are too slow, Requires mandatory Installation cause Disk read speeds are too slow, Requires mandatory Installation cause Disk read speeds are too slow, and Lastly Runs native from the cards, so it dont require any installation which means dont require a big storage unit as long as you dont go digital
@ShimmeringSword: >Better Looking see. that is the problem in your statement, this are meant to be GAMES. not movies. so gameplay > Visual, is long ago that developer decided to prioritize visual over gameplay. you dont hear em talking "we are able to implement this or that due to the power" all you have not is "1080, look at those texture, we sacrificed frame rate who cares" and pixel counters like Digital Foundry
@golden1elite: Nintendo is ahead of the competition, 1 or 2 more gen, and all "consoles" will be "handhelds" due to the barrier of power and bottle neck on display and price/ product. after 4K what will the next gen do?? 8K that requires a 75" TV for you too see the difference? 120 FPS on 60 MHz TVs??? and "ultra realistic graphics like movies or pixar picture animation" is a not due to high cost of development.
So "miniaturization and Portability" are the future of vidya dedicated hardware
I really would love to see the source for the exact Switch Specs, Nintendo never revealed it. the units are not in the wild.
The only thing I can think about are the RUMORS, from Eurogamer, which source is Venture Beat, which source is a guy on youtube that admited was trolling em for how gaming media is willingly to report anything for the sake of click bait, ergo, this article
garf02's comments