@gilldominic @garysingh34 Exactly! For all those fanboys hating on one system or the other, we would never see results like this if one dominated the market! I pre-ordered both so see this as a bonus!
@Ehsanistan I agree. Caro's emphasised her subjective view point too much here - e.g. I loved Dark Souls and I would grade it a 10 because I loved it soo much but owing to its minor glitches (blighttown) the correct score for that game is a 9 or 9.5.
@Rynir IO loved LA Noir apart from its gameplay which I thought sucked. I certainly have an appetite of the explore and investigate type of game and this sounds right up my street!
@Krauklis so glad I am passed this part in the books otherwise, you would have REALLY FUCKING SPOILED THIS FOR ME! Seriously delete your comment before you **** up someone's Game of Thrones reading/viewing!
garysingh34's comments