So, most of you can safely disregard this blog posting (unless you want to copy my answers, which I encourage you to do! ;)). It sadly doesn't contain any of the usual vaguely interesting rambling other this little preamble. This is simply my set of answers for the Christmas GameSpot Staff Ornament Scavenger Hunt, which I also encourage you to participate in. If anything, this taught me that there a lot more GS staff than I initially realised. :P My 2010 in Review/Game of the Year Awards will follow quite shortly before the month is out. Until then, I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. :)
Clue #1: Van - Van Nguyen
Clue #2: JodyR - Jody Robinson
Clue #3: guy_cocker - Guy Cocker
Clue #4: mgravish - Matthew Gravish
Clue #5: Chris_Watters - Chris Watters
Clue #6: Kevin-V - Kevin VanOrd
Clue #7: AirDog80 - Aaron Sampson
Clue #8: sebFlyte - Alex Coby
Clue #9: wornstar - Wernher Goff
Clue #10: Jan_Meja_Heir - Jan Heir
Clue #11: RandolphRam - Randolph Ramsay
Clue #12: AndrewP - Andrew Park
Clue #13: markypants - Mark Walton
Clue #14: JusticeCovert - Justin Calvert
Clue #15: Sophia - Sophia Tong
Clue #16: Yarvem - Kurtis Seid
Clue #17: Giancarlo - Giancarlo Varanini
Clue #18: jporter313 - Justin Porter
Clue #19: RyanM - Ryan Mac Donald
Clue #20: TylerW - Tyler Winegarner
Clue #21: Maxwell - Maxwell McGee
Clue #22: kozanecki - James Kozanecki
Clue #23: frank7731 - Frank Adams
Clue #24: SarjuS - Sarju Shah
Clue #25: shaunmc - Shaun McInnis
Clue #26: RicardoT - Ricardo Torres
Clue #27: TomM_GScom - Tom Magrino
Clue #28: Chippa7 - Dan Chiappini
Clue #29: gshomer - Homer Robara
Clue #30: Takeshi-GS - Takeshi Hiraoka
Clue #31: thorsen-ink - Tor Thorsen
Clue #32: jmaybury - Jim Maybury
Clue #33: carolynmichelle - Carolyn Petit
Clue #34: TomMcShea - Tom Mc Shea
Clue #35: neur0sis -Dan Mihoerck
Clue #36: janedouglas -Jane Douglas
Clue #37: Polybren -Brendan Sinclair
Clue #38: Lozzica -Laura Parker
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